Thursday, November 15, 2012
First Load
Dad came home all excited to move so we decided to move one load. It was so much fun. We didn't take a lot but it was good to get started. The bathroom has toilet paper and a towel. That is always a good thing. Rachel I think that is good CQ10 helped. It is an enzyme that helps with energy. I hope it helps. I can pick you up some at Sam's if you would like me to. I did find a screw driver and took the doors off the hutch. I like it. I think it will be nice to have all the equipment in there. Clean it up a bit. We decided we needed some shelfs in the outside storage area. We are going to go to Lowes to get some. I am not sure when. I also need some shelf organizers for the bathroom. I am making a list. That is fun. I am looking forward to moving. I will be glad when it is done. It looks like dad is going to Saudi Arabia on November 27. Grandma Bodily started bleeding rectally and Jed to her to the ER. They admitted her. She was really anemic and they are going to do a colonoscopy in the morning. I will keep you posted on that one. Dad doesn't know what hospital she is in but I bet it is the Lakeview in Bountiful. Have a great day. I am glad you got all your paper work in Karen. That has to feel really good. Thanks Robin for cooking on Saturday. I am excited. LOVE MOM
Thank you for the COQ10 Karen. I think that it helped. I didn't have a ton of energy but I felt a lot better today and I did have more energy. I am going to have Casey try it tomorrow also. Thank you. Today the weather was great and we enjoyed it. It was nice. I raked up my leaf piles in the backyard and filled both green trash cans. I still have a ton of leaves to rake up but I will have to wait for next week. I finished all the blocks for the granny square quilt and I sewed together one row. My points aren't super great and that is frustrating but overall it is looking good. Isaac broke one of his trucks today and I told him Daddy could fix it and forgot about it. Then when Casey got home he showed it to him and said broke. So we decided just to get him a new one and throw it away. So we went to shopko but they didn't have it but I think that Isaac is over it and wont remember. I did get some cheap stuff for Isaac's stocking. I am so excited for Christmas. Sorry that is a lot of rambling. I hope that everyone had a stress free day and a good night.
today was good. I worked and then I went grocery shopping. I think I got everything for saturday but the buns. Totally forgot, I will pick some up though for sure. ;) nothing else to exciting with me. I hope every one has a great friday.
ALmost not stressed
Well I got all the paper I needed for my loan in again. Hopefully that is all they need. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited for your big move mom and dad. Well have a great one. BYE
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Stressed also
I have been stressed also about the move and thanksgiving but I had a good day also. I got the apartment and it is nice. Me and Karen went to Logan and got all the food for Thanskgiving. THere will be a feast for Thanksgiving. I am excited. I am so glad your make up went well tonight Robin. You will have to post a picture. I am also glad you are doing Christmas Carol. You will have fun doing that one. I always love it when things work out. It was so much fun to go to Logan. Thanks Rachel and Isaac and Casey for the fun time. It broke my heart when I had to leave and Isaac cried. I need to stay the night next time. I will be spending 3 nights next week. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am going to love that one. Well have a great rest of the week. Moving day is at hand.
Robin i am sorry you are stressed. I am glad that you are feeling more relax now. I hope that the rest of the week goes better. We had a good time today. We are ready for thanksgiving. There is going to be a lot of good food. I am excited. Well everyone have a good night and hopefully a relaxing day.
sorry I forgot to blog last night. I have been so stressed for some reason. I think it was the makeup gig I was doing tonight. I don't know why I was so frazzled all last night and today. Once I was done though I feel alot more relaxed. And also my boss from pioneer wrote me and I am doing christmas carol :) I was also stressed about that to. but everything was answered and finished at once. thats life.
BUT i do have a funny/ not so funny story. SO I was getting into my trunk to get my air compressor and it wouldn't unlock so I went up front to hit the trunk button. No dice. So I was still in stress out mode and now my air compressor is literally locked in my trunk. So thinking on my feet I remember my seats go down. I was only able to get my little one seat down. Not the whole back seat. So the air compressor was way in the back because i put it close to the trunk door. and my art stuff exploded in my trunk when I moved (which I haven't cleaned yet) so I had to wiggle and dig myself through my trunk. I literally was inside the whole trunk. I finally found the compressor and wiggled it out with me. success!!! then I get to the location, the only place to do makeup was in the warehouse with no plugs.... so I didn't even end up using my air brush at all... lame...... well thats a long story of my night. its over :) have a great one. see you all this weekend
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Almost there
The apartment place called me today and said they had to replace all the linoleum and they still needed to do the entry way. They wanted to know if that was OK for tomorrow or if I was moving in. I told them that would be good, we were moving on Saturday but we still can come and get the keys. That was good. I didn't want to have to take more time for that. Dad has to work so he isn't coming to logan with us. I am excited to come up. It will be fun to play. Isaac looks so big on that fence. He is a good climber. He is so cute. Well not much else going on with me. I needed gas in my car so I left early to go get some and I got to work 1/2 hour early. Yesterday I got up 10 minutes early and was late for work. Traffic just makes all the difference. So I worked a 1/2 late also so I worked 9 hours today. I didn't feel like doing much after that. I really should have cleaned but I am sure it will be there for me another day. Robin good luck with you stuff tomorrow night. I am excited to see the results. The picture you showed me was really cool. LOVE MOM
A climber
Mom, good job on all the packing. That is a lot of work. It is almost over. I am excited for tomorrow. Thanks for coming up guys. I forgot that my visiting teacher were coming tomorrow at 1 so I talked to them today and they said that they wanted to come by and drop something off really fast so we will have to hang around for that. It will be fine. Today was good. We had story time which is always fun. We went Casey at the mall for lunch. I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and I have all but 9 blocks done. I have attached a picture of the stack of them, it is a lot of blocks. This afternoon was warm enough to go on a walk. Isaac likes to climb the fence so I put some pictures of that on also. He is cute. It was funny at nursery on Sunday they were singing a song that started with your hands so she wanted everyone to hold there hands up. Isaac held up his hands and screamed HANDS. It was so funny, everyone was laughing. Well drive safe tomorrow. We will have a fun day, I am excited.
Monday, November 12, 2012
5 days
So I was thinking that maybe peppercini steak sandwiches. but I know we have them all the time. But I am totally up for anything. I have a ton of cook books if you want something else. ;) I was also thinking making it for lunch since I figured that is when we would be most hungry???.
Anyway today was good. I have my bonus 5 days vacation. I am going to take off christmas eve. and maybe new years eve to. Then I am trying to decided the rest I am thinking sometime in january. I have to use them by the first part of Feb. any one up for a trip?? lol . well have a great night
My bags are packed I am ready to go
Thanks Robin for cooking. That will be a lot of fun. Rachel we have a ton of movies copied. You will have to get them all. That is nice you got something for Isaac to watch in the car. He really needs that. WEll I took a picture of all my boxes. One more day. I am getting way excited. I hope it wall works out. Work was good just really busy and I am still behind. I worked an extra 1/2 hour tonight and that helped a little bit. I am excited to come up on Wednesday. Start making lists of what you want to eat on Thanksgiving. Have a great Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Robin that is nice of you to cook for us. That will work out really well and it will be good to see our apartment. Thanks. I am excited for Karen and Mom to come up on Wednesday. Today was kind of slow. It was really cold outside so we spent a lot of time inside. We walked the mall but everyone wants to sell us things and it drives me crazy. When Casey got home we went to best buy and bought a kindle fire to replace the broken dvd player. Casey is just going to copy all the movies and put them on it. We can put the movies Dad copied on it also. I think it will be really fun. I am liking it so far and think we will use it a lot. That is my excitement. I am going to play with it while Casey puts Isaac to bed. :)
Well my day has been good. It was super cold though. I nearly froze just walking to my car. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting. I got Wednesday off. So I am ready to play. That is super nice of you to offer to cook for us Robin. You are a sweetie. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. BYE
Sunday, November 11, 2012
well today was nice, I slept in. then I did a bunch of laundry and attempted making cookies. My oven cooks really well. I burned them all. o well good diet plan I guess. But I was thinking on saturday I can throw some food in the crock pot at my place so we have some food for lunch or dinner. I promise I won't burn it ;) plus if anyone needs a place to stay you can stay at my place. anyway it was just an idea since I'm down the street easy peasy. well not to much else have a great monday!
What a snow storm
Karen made it home safe and sound and we cleaned off the cars. There were another 18 inches of snow. I haven't seen that much snow in a long time. Me and dad went to Ben's farewell and they had no snow, just a little bit on the grass. It was so strange. The roads were bad until we got to I-15 but then they were just wet and then coming home we went 215 and they were wet. I love the road cams on UDOT. It was so nice to see what roads were good to take. Not much else to report. It was nice to visit with everyone. I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Thanksgiving much more than moving. I just feel like there is so much to do but I can't figure out what it is to do. I have decided to come up to Logan on Wednesday if that is OK Rachel. I think that Karen is coming also and Dad but that is a maybe. I have to sign for the house at 10:30 so after we are done with that then we will come up. That way we can get Thanksgiving organized. The weather is suppose to be good. That is the only thing that will keep me from coming. It is suppose to warm up so hopefully this snow will melt a little bit. Have a great Monday. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...