Wednesday, November 14, 2012


sorry I forgot to blog last night. I have been so stressed for some reason. I think it was the makeup gig I was doing tonight. I don't know why I was so frazzled all last night and today. Once I was done though I feel alot more relaxed. And also my boss from pioneer wrote me and I am doing christmas carol :) I was also stressed about that to. but everything was answered and finished at once. thats life. BUT i do have a funny/ not so funny story. SO I was getting into my trunk to get my air compressor and it wouldn't unlock so I went up front to hit the trunk button. No dice. So I was still in stress out mode and now my air compressor is literally locked in my trunk. So thinking on my feet I remember my seats go down. I was only able to get my little one seat down. Not the whole back seat. So the air compressor was way in the back because i put it close to the trunk door. and my art stuff exploded in my trunk when I moved (which I haven't cleaned yet) so I had to wiggle and dig myself through my trunk. I literally was inside the whole trunk. I finally found the compressor and wiggled it out with me. success!!! then I get to the location, the only place to do makeup was in the warehouse with no plugs.... so I didn't even end up using my air brush at all... lame...... well thats a long story of my night. its over :) have a great one. see you all this weekend Robin

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