Friday, February 16, 2018


I am glad that it is Friday.  We stopped at all a dollar on the way home from work and got a bag for Oliver's present.  We also got a few more items there.  I love that store.  I got some things for the kids for church.  We met up with Robin and Karen for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Karen did a random purchase.  She got an instant pot.  It is suppose to be a quick cooker.  We stopped by FYE and Robin got her a movie.  It was nice to just goof around.  We are picking Robin up at 9:00 so we should be up there early.  I can't believe how Oliver can climb those stairs.  I am glad they had a good day.  LOVE MOM


Isaac didn't have school today so this morning he went and played with his friend Henry, they had a fun time.  I dropped him off and then took the little kids shopping to get Oliver a outfit for his birthday.  When Isaac came home we got a pizza for lunch which was good.  We watched a show and then went to the bounce and slide.  It was a lot of fun.  I went down the slide with Ruth a couple of time and then she did it all on her own.  Oliver can do everything by himself and followed Isaac where he went.  They were all good kids and no one cried, it was a fun time.  Casey worked late so we just stayed until it was dinner time.  Casey and the boys made the cake for Oliver's party so I think we  are set.  Thanks for coming up, drive safe.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Clip Board of Fun

Me and dad went to Best Buy tonight a got a couple of games for Oliver and then went to Best Buy and found a Dinotrux playdough thing I think he will like (I hope).  Karen is going to come down tomorrow after work and spend the night.  That way we can leave early on Saturday and go to the show and play before the birthday party.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am over my hours so I get to leave a little early.  I am super excited about that one.  Not much else to report on my end.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Rachel you will have a nice day moving slow tomorrow maybe.  LOVE MOM


Robin, we would like to see the greatest showman.  Lets see what is going on and we will plan a good time.  Thanks.  Today it snowed a bit but like Karen it melted pretty fast.  Oliver and Ruth bought some umbrellas last night with there money and they used them all day today.  Oliver loves his.  We went visiting teaching and I had to leave a little early to take Oliver to school, people like to talk.  Ruth took a nap so I got to sew a bit which was nice.  Oliver got his Valentines and was really cute when them and was sweet to share with Ruthie.  After school we ran to the store and got a couple things.  The kids were really good to play this evening and we colored which is fun.  Isaac took a reading test called Lexile and he did really well.  From what I gather he is reading at a third grade level.  Isaac doesn't have school tomorrow but he is playing with Henry in the morning.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Today was good. I'm still busy and our factories are closed. I'm not sure how but it is what it is. I was going to be productive tonight but I wasn't and it felt nice. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm ready for the weekend.



I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It did snow here this morning, but it melted before i got home so that was nice. Work is still hopping along. It does make the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Robin that was a lot of random things for your day. At least you get to leave on time. That will be nice. My day was just the usual. It was cold and windy this afternoon. There is no snow yet, but they are only predicting 1 to 2 inches so it shouldn't be too bad.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Hump day

Robin, you did have a weird day.  At least you got a lot of stuff for Valentines even if they might end up in the garbage.  I am glad you are cutting back on your hours.  Rachel, I am glad your day went well.  Parties are a lot of work.  Karen, you could get a lot of snow tonight.  Be careful.  Not much going on with us.  We did cook up our last Costco steak and it was yummy.  They are so huge we can share one of them.  I am game going up early Saturday and playing.  I can watch the little ones if you want to go to the show.  I will take us out to lunch.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  This month is going by so fast.  I love that it is starting to stay light a little longer.  LOVE MOM


That is a really weird day Robin, you did the right thing.  I am glad that you are not working over time.  Today was good and busy.  I got the kids some paper cutters, paper and some candy from Mom for Valentines day.  Oliver didn't like it but he was hole punching all day so he did like it.  I didn't have to volunteer this morning and that was nice, we just played.  I took the kids to Randy's and I went to the school for Isaac's party.  We made some Valentine monsters from yarn and it went well, the kids seems to like it.  I made Salmon for dinner and then we went and got ice cream.  I hope that everyone had a good Valentines, love you guys.



Today was a weird day. Walter sent me flowers and then a Facebook message he wanted to get back together. I said no. I'm over it and I don't think it's right. Then the girl that was fired a few months ago sent me a ballon with a container of chocolate covered strawberries from a chocolate store. It's so weird. People are weird. I did win the Valentine's day box challenge so that was fun. My boss wants me to cut down on over time since it's Chinese new year and our factories are gone. I have no complaints so I left work around 4. It was so nice i did a palates tape and worked on getting my tax stuff done

Rachel do your kids want to see the greatest showman. I was thinking if we went to a 11:30 or 12 we could be done by 3 for the party.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Robin, Thank you.  You are so awesome.  I needed to hear that.  It is hard to hear all the time the negative.  Work was good.  Nothing has changed and it is hard to just let it hang for days and days but I think we are all getting numb.  Dad was really sick last night.  His stomach went out on him.  He stayed home and slept all day.  He did do my laundry which is really sweet.  The dryer nob broke so he ordered a new one.  Rachel, I am glad you got a new battery.  I hope it works better for you.  I am excited to hook up.  LOVE MOM


Robin, you are a sweet person.  Thanks for the nice blog post.  I am sorry you work in a negative environment.  This morning the van wouldn't turn on so I ran next door and had Imogene's grandpa drive the kids to school and I let there teacher know that they were going to be a bit late.  Stephanie was still sick so I didn't babysit and it was a nice break.  It was fun to just have a morning to play.  I was charging the battery but I couldn't get it to start so Casey came home on his lunch and we took Oliver to school and bought a new battery.  Ron was having his famous fat Tuesday lunch so we went and had that, it is really good food.  Casey put the battery in the car and then went back to work.  Me and Ruth went and got some stuff for Oliver's birthday and for the young women's.  It felt good to get all of that done.  Casey worked late to make up time and then I had young women's.  We heart attacked peoples houses, it went well and was fun.  Thanks for switching the party a hundred time.  We will have a fun time.



And the week moves on.  My day has been good.  It was busy so it went by fast. Then I came home.  I was a little productive and washed my bath tub. It really needed it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 12, 2018


Today was good. On Sunday I watched queer eye on Netflix I cried ha ha but the gay guys that help straight men. And the are so positive and try and help people and at work today I had my manger meeting and everyone was grumpy and putting everyone down. Basically no one is good enough and they are going to have to deal. It was just same ole but I realized some people will never be happy and if your in management it just makes your team unhappy. Anyway long story but I think you guys are awesome and work hard and you should be proud of all you do :)
I am down to do Oliver's b-day any day. I was thinking if it's was Saturday maybe I will sneak up early enough and take Isaac to the greatest showman??



My day has been good. Work went by pretty quick so that was nice. It snowed here most of the morning. The sun did come out this afternoon and the snow didn't stick. Are we having Oliver's birthday this weekend? Just wondering. Have a great one everyone. Bye


Well my day started off weird.  I went to get ice for my coke and the ice machine was broke so I went downstairs and got me some then I came back and barely screwed the lid off and the coke exploded.  It was great fun.  Then I went to get on my computer and the power supply was broken.  It didn't take long to fix it but it was like maybe I need one more day off.  After I got settled I did get a lot of work done.  It snowed a little bit today.  Nothing stuck to the ground but it was sunny and snowing all at the same time.  I am glad Terry and Randy had a good time.  LOVE MOM


This morning I didn't babysit since the Stephine was sick.  It was still busy with people planning the valentines party, the activity tomorrow night and visiting teaching.  Last night I did the wrong valentines for Oliver so I switched them to Ruth and we did Oliver's so I think we are good for valentines day. Oliver had school after lunch and we went grocery shopping after we dropped him off.  Ruthie took a really good nap and I was able to sew for a little bit.  Oliver played video games too much today, I will do better tomorrow.  After Isaac came home he wanted to draw Yoshi so we looked up a tutorial and our drawings turned out great, it was a lot of fun.  Randy and Terry got back from there cruise last night so they came by to dropped off some souvenirs for us, it was fun to hear about the trip and it was really nice of them to get us presents.  Tomorrow is fat Tuesday and Isaac thinks that means he gets to play video games all day, I told him we weren't catholic so he doesn't get too.


Sunday, February 11, 2018


Today was nice i went grocery shopping and clean my place some more. I meet up with Erick for a little bit. It was fun he's a nice guy. Then I just chilled the rest of the night. I decided to take off the 22 and 23 before our sewing class. I needed some down time. I might get a massage and just use my new clean sewing room. Have a good Monday



My day has been good also. My chili was pretty good. I liked it better than the first recipe I tried. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


We were lazy this morning and just took it easy.  Ruthie was tired and took a good nap after lunch and slept last night.  After lunch Oliver and Casey went and cut trees and I read with Isaac and then we went out and joined them.  Ruthie was still asleep so I took the boys to church and we had a good time.  While we were gone Casey found a metal swing set for free.  When Ruth woke up they went and looked at it.  When we got home Casey went over and helped take the swing set down and brought it home.  He is going to prune the guys tree in March sometime as a trade.  We did valentines after dinner and got about half way done.  Isaac had to pick out the perfect one for his friends, it was cute.  Everyone have a good Monday.  It is going to be hard to get back to real life.


Quiet day

We had a quiet day today.  It was windy here but no snow.  Karen, I hope your chili turns outs.  We did go see Grandma.  We stopped at Harmons and got food and had lunch at her house while we watch the Olympics.  It was nice to visit.  Rachel, she had your quilt on the second bed and she commented on how beautiful it was.  Not much else to report on my side.  I am planning on working all week.  That will be a major feat.  Robin, did you decide to take time off?  Do you get President's day off?  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...