Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nice Day

We had a nice restful day. We slept in and then went and got blood tests for dad. We came back home and then decided to drive to Park City. It was a nice time walking around the stores. I found some neat boots. I think I will go back soon and get them. Not much else to report. Dad seems to be feeling better. Not all the way yet but improving. It was nice to have a slow day. Tomorrow should be quiet also. I think we are going to try and find out real ward again and then go see Margaret. Not much else planned. I better see if I can fit ironing in. I finished two burp clothes and I am going to work on making purple baby hats. Friday at work they were making them for shaken baby month. In November they want to give every baby born a purple hat. I was reading the instructions wrong but I am going to try again tomorrow. LOVE MOM


Well my Saturday was good. Me and Robin now have tickets to go see the Blue man group when she is in Vegas. It should be awesome. It was nice and cool here today. The wind is blowing now of course, but other than that it is still nice outside. I washed my car and went to the bank. I also went to Kohl's and got Isaac his birthday and Christmas present. He should love both of them I think that they are fun. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, October 7, 2011


Ya that sounds good karen. I won't be done till like 2ish but by the time you make it down there it will be time .:) well today went well, I found someone to take my sunday late shift on the 23rd mom so I can fly out :) yeah!!! then it was rainy and cold so most of the monster performances were canceled but it was fun everyone came back to talk with us during there down time so we just laughed the whole work day. it was nice to have a chill day. anyway not to much else bought a space heater for work so I will be warm now :) have a great night



We made it to Friday. WE aren't coming to Logan tomorrow. Dad is afraid he might be contagious and doesn't want to give it to you and Isaac. We will see you next weekend. I don't have a lot of news either. Dad still isn't feeling well. I read a lot about RA flare ups and I think that is what he has. I am going to call Dr. Vonk on Monday and see if there is anything he can give him to help him feel better. It is raining here. We went to Best Buy and bought a new movie. I am going to sleep in the morning and then take a nap. I am also going to iron. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM


Well I don't have much to report. It was a quiet day and everything is going good. Casey made it home safety. He has tomorrow off and he has to work Sunday. Well everyone have a good night.


Made it

Well I made it to the weekend! Yeah. I went grocery shopping after work and Walmart was crazy busy. It usually not the busy. I wonder why it was today. Robin I was thinking about taking a half day off on the day of your interview. That would give us most of the day after your interview to play. What do you think of that plan. Well have a great weekend everyone but

Thursday, October 6, 2011

my name is robin

well today was good. I had to run some errands this morning the big one at farmington to pick up my check :) then I came home and watched my name is earl and also a movie. pretty lazy day. mom ordered me a hotel room, thnks mom. well I work tomorrow, so pray for snow so I might have the night off ;) wink wink any way have a great night



WOW, six teeth. That is a lot of teeth. He has handled that really well. Poor little guy that is so hard on them. Karen, I love the scooter. I couldn't see how fast it goes but the price is amazing. I had a nice evening. I got laundry all done that felt nice. Dad still isn't a 100 percent but he is hanging in there. I am not sure what is going on. We got hotel reservations for Robin that is fun. The luxor was really expensive so she is going to stay at the excalibur. It is right next door. I am glad that tomorrow is friday. YEAH

More rain

Well it rained some more this evening here. Work was good I stayed pretty busy so it didn't drag to bad. I decided I didn't want to cook dinner so I went to Panda Express and got some madarin chicken. It tasted good. i hope that dad is feeling better. I hate it when I am sick. I am sorry that you have a mouse Rachel. I probably would and screamed with you. I hope that everyone had a great day. Yeah for Friday tomorrow.


Isaac got a new tooth on the bottom. I took something away that he wasn't done with and he was upset and I saw a new tooth on the bottom and the other one is almost through. I feel bad for him it has been none stop teething for him. I picked up Isaac's 9 month pictures today and they are so cute. I am going to scan them in the computer. I will give everyone 5 x 7. Also they are building a noodles and company in Logan, it is pretty exciting. I have been thinking about A&W and how we would go there a lot so I went there for dinner and it was so good. It was a good hamburger. I think that is all my news everyone have a good night.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


well today was good, the weather is nice and cool. I did some laundry and also bought a skull. pretty eventful day. well not to much else going on. I didn't have to work so that was nice I slept in. I really enjoy sleeping. well not to much else going on have a great one



Uck has been the word of the day, he is getting good at saying it. It is pretty cute. Steve Jobs died today, he is the apple co founder, he was really smart. It made me sad, he had cancer. Today was good, we went to Sams and got some more formula. In the afternoon we were playing down stairs and I came up to feed Isaac and I saw a small mouse run across the floor. I screamed and that made Isaac cry and I felt bad. So we went to the store and got poison and trap. I think that he will be dead soon. I love this weather, it is nice to have some rain.


Rainy Day

It has been a really stormy day here. It felt really nice. I know that is a shocker, I usually don't like wet days. It just felt so nice and clean. Dad isn't feeling very good today. I think the allergies won. I had a slow day at work but it was nice. Me and Robin went to Kohls to walk around. They didn't have anything really spectacular. I bought a new towel for me. I really needed more than one. I live on the edge. Well have a nice night.


Half way there

Well we are half way thru the week, Yeah! My day has been good. I stayed busy at work so it went pretty fast. It has been raining off and on all afternoon. It is suppose to be really cold tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rain Rain

It has been really raining here also tonight. Rachel, Casey and Isaac left after dinner. We watched Robin's movie and it was funny. I just laid around. I am so not ready for snow. Can I just say that. I guess it will mean the end of mowing lawns for the year. That is always a nice feeling. Not anything else to report. Work was quiet. I had lots of extra time on my hands. I knew it was coming when they hired the new person. I am sure I will get other projects coming in. Have a nice Wednesday. LOVE MOM


Well it poured rain here for about two hours this afternoon. The sun is shining right now though. The wind is still blowing so that could change at any time. Work was good. Just same old same old there. I hope that things are going good for all you people up north. The weatherman said that you could get snow up there on Thursday. Brrr! Is all I have to say. Well I hope that you all had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nice day

I had a good day. I worked half day and Rachel took Isaac to the doctor. He didn't have to have any shots. WE met Casey and DAd for lunch and then they went back to wrok and we went to Garnder Village. They have the cutest witches all over the village. It was fun to walk around. I got Karen a neat surprise, Robin a witch's hat and Isaac a puzzle. Rachel didn't get anything. Babysitting was fun. Naps got a little late but we did good. He is so cute. It is back to work for me tomorrow.



Well I made it thru Monday. I was tired today, but I was good and didn't have a coke. I hope that Isaac's doctor's appointment went well. I also hope that Rachel and Casey had a good date night. I was going to say that I hope that mom and dad had fun watching Isaac, but that just goes without saying. Work was good, I stayed busy so it went pretty quick. It rained off and on today. Which was good cause it washed some of the bugs off my windshield. Well i hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...