Saturday, April 2, 2011

On a roll

I really got a lot done today also. I went and got the oild changed in my car, mailed my bills, went to the bank, and then went to breakfast with dad. Went to Logan and got everything done and then we went grocery shopping. I feel like we got a lot done. I am glad that Robin and Rachel had a good time. I really missed the fun. I am glad you got some onions Karen, You are going to have some good stuff real soon. I am excited for next weekend. With Karen home and the baby blessing should be a lot of fun. I brought down three chairs and with Karen's 2 that should be a lot of chairs for us. I bought a roast for sunday dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I know is a couple of weeks Karen will be eating home grown ones every night. LOVE MOM


We did a lot of walking today. We meet Robin and walked around wheeler farm, it was really fun. It was windy which was a pain but it was so nice to get out. When we got home Isaac and Casey took a nap and I worked on my quilt. I have all the peices sone and I have put together 4 blocks. It isn't perfect but it looks nice. Caseys dad and collin had tickets to the Preisthood session so the stopped by to change. Then me and Casey walked around downtown and we got some gellato at that place next to us. It was really good, I liked it. It was a good day, I will see everyone but karen tomorrow. It will be good to see you next week Karen. :)


Well i missed the first session of conference but i watched the second. I went shopping and got a shower gift for Angela. Then i went and got another plant for the empty spot in my planter. So yeah I got stuff done today. It was so nice outside today. Tomorrow is suppose to be 20 degrees colder than today though. Well i hope that everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, April 1, 2011

There is green stuff on the ground??

well it was so nice to have warm weather today. All the snow is going away and the grass is going green, its so nice. today I worked and then just chilled for the rest of the day. I know its close to summer because I have been emailing, texting, and calling about people who want to shoot films and such. its going to be a crazy summer I can feel it in my bones. well anyway have an amazing saturday


I don'tknow how I did it but I did it

Well my taxes are all ready to be submitted YEAH YEAH YEAH. It feels so good. That site I sent you today was Googles april fools joke. I thought it was funny. You know Rachel I was going to go get a stroller for next weekend. Isaac just can't lay down like that and he is too heavy to carry anymore. He is going to love it. Thanks for going out to Julies I bet you made their whole week. That is so nice of you. I also got all my bills done. I am on fire. The coke for dinner was well worth it. I might never sleep but that is OK. Karen I am sorry you have allergies so bad. That is miserable. I might have to buy you another hepa filter for work. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM We are going to Logan tomorrow. Karen is going to bring her two folding chairs for the blessing party. Thanks Karen. That will be nice.


We were talking about going on walks this summer and getting Isaac a stroller he can sit up in. One thing let to a another and we went and bought one. It is a jogging stroller and it is really nice, we are ready to go to the zoo a lot. We also went to Julies house to prune their trees and show kyle the baby. Casey needed a ladder so he wasn't able to do it tonight. Isaac was also a little fussy but it was fun to visit with them. It was a implusive night.


Well it is a nice day here today. it is 85 and sunny. Tomorrow is suppose to be nice also. Then Sunday it is going to drop 20 degrees. Work was good today. i stayed busy all day so it went by fast. I got Isaac a cool present for his blessing. My allergies are bad today. I have a headache and an itchy nose. i can't wait until the flower trees stop blooming. Well i hope that everyone had a great April Fool's day. Have a great weekend bye

Thursday, March 31, 2011

catch some zzz's

Today was good I am excited tomorrow is friday. AND its april fools day. so excited. well not to much going on I get paid tomorrow so that is worth working for. I would love to meet up on saturday. Its right by the fashion place mall if you want to get a hot dog on a stick and then head to the park. I think I have a photoshoot around 5ish but I think by then we will be beat. :) anyway have a great night


I am jealous

I wish I could be like Isaac and sleep all day. That sounds so good. I get so tired. I have been shredding all night. I am on my 5th got to hot and need to cool down on the shredder. I have filled two bags full. I am done with that part now all I have to do is organize them together. That is my job tomorrow. One more night and I should be done. Then off to the tax man. I am glad all is going well. Grandma wanted to go to Casa Melindas one day. She forgot that is was closed. Have a great friday. LOVE MOM

Sleepy head

This is what Isaac did most of the day.

He was so tired. I think it must be a growth spurt. I did laundry and the dishes and got a lot of sewing done. It was nice. I also played some donkey kong. Casey came home at 5 tonight and it was really nice to spend the night with him. I hope everyone has a good Friday. Robin if you want we can go and walk around Willer farm on Saturday if you have time, it sounds fun.

Lat Day of March

Well I got my visiting teaching done. Yeah, I know it is the last day of the month, but it still counts. Work was good I stayed busy for most of the day so it went by pretty fast. Well Robin I am glad that you are moving up to the phones. It should at least be entertaining. Rachel that is a cute picture of Isaac. He is getting so big. I am excited to see him next weekend. I hope that you got your taxes organized like you wanted to mom. I hate working on tax stuff. I do like getting refunds though. Well i hope that everyone has a great April's Fools day tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well today I started on the phones. It was draining, but I think it will get easier as I get use to it. Then we went out for dinner and went shopping. I am so ready for the weekend, plus I get paid this week. whew. its nice to get a paycheck. well have a great one



Thanks for the nice evening, it was so nice to get out. I am excited for you garden Karen that is so fun. I hope it does better thaqn your Christmas catus. Everone stay safe and thanks for everthing. Here is a picture of Isaac just for fun.


We all went and met Deb at PF Chans tonight for dinner. It was nice. It was so nice outside we walked around the block it felt really nice. We went to Target afterwards to get some junk for grandma and walked around for awhile. It was fun. I am tired and tomorrow I am just staying home after work and doing my taxes. I need to get those done. Well have a nice Thursday. Last day of March. Will it leave like a lion or a lamb.


Well my lemon thyme is getting some purple flowers on it. I hope that means I am doing good. Work was good today. It was busier than yesterday which is really nice. It was so nice outside today it was sunny and around 70. I made spaghetti tonight for dinner. I am also doing laundry. Wow I now I am just a go getter today. Well i hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

you are here

Well today was good. I went to work and then we had sewing night. It was fun. I bought black swan and tangled. Tangled was a better show. Black swan wasn't as great as I thought it would be. but I'm glad that I watched it. Well tomorrow I work later till 4 and also on thursday. well I am going to head for bed



Karen I thought of a good surprise for grandma's money. Tangled. It came out today. Just an idea. We had a nice night. I even did a little hand sewing. It was fun. Isaac is so cute. He is really close to rolling both ways. He is so cute. Not too much else to report. LOVE MOM


Well it was another slow day at work, but it should pick up tomorrow because the engineers are done with training. It is really cloudy here right now. It was so sunny here this morning. But this afternoon the clouds moved over. I hope that you guys had a fun time sewing tonight. Have a great one. BYE

Monday, March 28, 2011

4 blocks

I am excited for your garden aKaren that is fun. Yesterday was good Casey slept and me and Isaac went to church. It was nice. Today was good, Isaac slept good so I was able to make 4 blocks. I only have 6 more, its pretty exciting. I am excited to sew tomorrow also. I will come over early and sit with grandma.

monday day

well today was a monday, nothing to crazy. I woke up really angry for some reason, so the first half of work I was mad a everything the I had a pespi and m&m's and that cured it. Sometimes its the simple things in life. Then I just became a hermit and stayed in all night. I have a lot to do but I didn't do anything. so lazy day. hopefully I get motivation soon. well have a great one


Laundry night

I got all my laundry done and got the ironing all caught back up. I even got grandma's hair washed. It was a good night. I am going to be ready for sewing night tomorrow. Not much else to report. LOVE MOM


Well it was pretty quiet at work today. It was really pretty here today. My strawberries are still alive so that is a good thing. I have had them for 2 days now and they are still alive. I am so proud of my self. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nice Weekend

I had a nice weekend. Thanks for letting us crash at your place Karen. It was fun. Maybe sometime it might be sunny and warm when I come down there. Grandma is doing just fine. She is her old shelf. It is just hard when I leave her. It is out of her comfort zone. I hope your roast turned out Rachel. I am excited to sew on Tuesday. Debbie is is Provo for a class and she wants to go to dinner on Wednesday. I thought that would fun. Taxes are on my mind and I need to get that done. Have a great one MOM


Well I made it thru my talk. I was nervous, but I lived thru it. My primary lesson was good though. they really enjoyed my wise man and foolish man flood. I used tang for the sand so it was a dramic flood. Mom got sang too in primary for being a visitor and she got a cool sticker. They we had a lunch and mom and dad took off. Then I took a nap. It was great. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...