Saturday, March 16, 2019

Home again Home again

We made it back home and sure had a fun time in Logan.  Time always goes way to fast but I think Casey, Dad and Rachel made good progress on the shower and I have a really fun time with the kids.  Jenkins is doing good.  Not eating a lot but his tail is up and wagging and that is a good sign.  He has been my buddy for the past days and I am going to miss him.  He was so brave to go downstairs so he could sleep with me.  He did pretty good.  He had to go get a drink of water at 2 in the morning and I left him upstairs but he made his way down. He was good to sleep.  I wonder how they make that river look so green.  That is cool.  Robin, good luck with the show.  I am sorry it is so much work.  Everything looked really nice.  Karen there isn't anything better than clean sheets.  Next Saturday we get our bed.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I hope the kids gets some rest.  I think I gave them too much sugar and not enough sleep.  It was so nice to drive home in the light.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I washed my sheets and pillows today. It is nice having clean sheets. Then I went grocery shopping. It was a nice day. Robin that is cool how green the water is. I bet that was neat to see. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow .Bye


Thank you so much Mom and Dad for coming up and for all the help.  We got a lot done.  Thank you.  Jenkins is doing really well Robin.  We have been taking him on two or three walks a day and he does really well.  He goes pretty fast and is really strong.  I have been taking him on one in the morning and we go a little more than a mile.  We have a good time.  He really likes the backyard and will go outside by himself and run around and sniff everything.  He slept downstairs on the air mattresses with Mom last night.  The kids were really tired today and I hope that they sleep in tomorrow.  Love you guys.  We are going to miss having Mom and Dad here.




Today was a long day. I am so sore from.setting up. They dyed the river green today and had a st. Patties day parade. Everyone was dresses in green and drunk. Its wild how much everyone is into st. Patrick's day. We went to a really good Italian place for dinner.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Day off

Karen I am glad you had a good day. Robin I am glad your show is going food. Chicagonpizza us suppose to be the best. We had a nice day. We didn’t get up until 10. We stayed up really late having a sleep over. We made some progress on the shower so we decided to stay another night and get more done. We went to the Logan zoo and feed the ducks. Iwe had a really good time. I thin we are going to try the dinosaur park tomorrow. Jenkins has been doing really good. I think he will do good. Love mom


Yeah, it's the weekend. I am so excited to sleep in tomorrow. My day was good. I got a lot done at work so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was a long day. We set up our show room for the shows. It went really well just alot of work. Then a group of us went to a pizza place because I wanted a deep dish pizza so we went and got pizza. It was soooooo good. I loved it the pizza was good. I blogged through the app and. Ot online so I will post pictures tomorrow


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mom, Dad and Jenkins are here

I am glad that you made it Robin, good luck.  Jenkins is doing great.  He seems comfortable and is enjoying the walks.  He has been really good with the kids.  Mom and Dad are spoiling the kids and we are having a good time.  Love you guys.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am glad you made it to Chicago, Robin. Good luck at the bridal show. My day was good. Work is going good. It snowed most of the morning here. But at least it melted before i had to shovel it. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

I'm alive

I made it to Chicago. My flight was delayed an hour and the landing was rough.the windy city really likes to push planes around. Thanks again for taking care of jenks. I hope he dogs well. Lol love you guys have a good Friday

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

It's my Friday

Well I am super excited for the next couple of days.  I am going to sleep in and then pick Robin up and take Jenkins to Logan.  I really like your picture Robin.  Paint night is a lot of fun.  Maybe we should try a family activity and do that.  I wonder if they have one for kids and adults.  Karen, I am sorry you got so much snow.  It snowed here all day and night.  It was crazy.  We just vegged tonight.  One of dad's crowns fell off so I need to find a dentist for him.  I hate not having a dentist.  It is hard to find one.  Robin, I am excited for you to be in Chicago during St. Patrick's day.  That will be a lot of fun.  Everyone be safe.  Karen you can always call in sick on Friday and come and play with us  :)  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone for all your help. I think Jenkins is excited he has had alot of energy the last few days. I think he knows something is up. I think I'm ready to go. It feels weird to be gone for so long. Thanks for picking me and Jenkins up mom. I had a paint night tonight with the girls I work with. It was fun. Mountains are hard

Good Luck

Good luck Robin and have a really fun trip.  We are excited to have Jenkins come up.  Thanks for coming up Mom, we are excited to have you too.  The kids have talked about their prizes all day.  It snowed all day here also and was super cold.  It is pretty crazy.  I kept telling the kids spring snow doesn't last long so I hope that I am right.  I skipped working out and signed Oliver up for kindergarten.  It was really fast and they didn't test him today, they do a kindergarten preview at the end of March that we will go to.  While Oliver was at school me and Ruth just played which was nice.  I messed up the color at preschool today, I thought it was green and it was rainbow.  I had quilt group at my house and it was fun to talk with everyone and see their quilts.  A new lady knew Dad and he had helped tutor her kids in math and it made a big difference for them.  We drove to pick up Isaac and then went to the hobby lobby to get a post for the science fair.  The kids brought their wallets and bought things and were happy.  Casey worked late and Isaac had scouts.  Love you guys and safe travels everyone tomorrow.



It was a blizzard here all day. It was tough to tell how much snow we actually go though because of the wind. I had about a foot on the walk to my front door but the snow on my driveway was only about an inch. Work was good. I am staying busy. Good luck in Chicago Robin I hope it is a fun trip. I also hope mom and crew have a fun time in Logan. I will try not to be jealous having to go to work while the rest of you play. Bye

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Today was pretty good.  I went running this morning and it was harder today.  Oliver had school and I messed up.  Oliver was super star and I forgot.  I must have forgotten to put it in my calendar.   I took Ruth to story time while Oliver was at school and that was fun.  Oliver had a doctor appointment and he checked out really good.  He is little 29% for height and weight.  He was really cute with the doctor.  He got a stuffed dog and a sucker for getting shots.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and then played outside.  Imogene came over for a bit and that was good.  After dinner their is a hole under the fence animals are getting through so Casey and Oliver cut sticks and filled the hole.  Oliver started to not feel well so we came inside.  I hope it doesn't snow.  I am ready for spring also.  Congratulations on the mattress Mom, that is exciting.



We did it

After work we went and got drugs and decided to eat at Hot Dynasty but they had changed names.  We ate there and it was still good.  We walked around the Chinese store and then we went and bought a mattress.  I am pretty excited.  It is the one we saw the other day and we thought about it and decided to just get a California king with no power.  It is 4 inches longer and that is nicer for dad. It will be delivered on the 23rd.  They actually make the mattresses in Utah.  I hope it is a good one.  Work was good.  With two new people there it is going to be really nice not to be so busy.  I am taking Thursday and Friday off so tomorrow is my Friday.  I know that is pretty cool.  I was just going to take Thursday off but the kids are out of school and I decided to stay up there and play.  Robin let me know if you need any help.  I hope Oliver doesn't get really sick with his shots.  They can make you feel miserable for a couple of days.   LOVE MOM

Work it

Today was good. I was able to finish the little things today so that was nice. Jeramy came over today so that was fun. Tomorrow I am doing a paint night with the girls I work with then I leave. I think I'm all packed and ready to go I did some laundry and dishes tonight so that was nice to get done.



Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is going good. I am staying busy. Then after work I did my dishes and laundry. It is nice having clean socks again. It is suppose to snow again tomorrow. I am so ready for it to be spring. I am tired of snow. At least I don't have to shovel it usually. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, March 11, 2019


My day started really early.  I went in early to get payroll done.  Going in at 6 seems to be the perfect time to get all the emails done.  I had lunch with my old boss and it was nice to visit.  The other new girl started this afternoon and I just am so excited.  It is going to be so different for me.  I truly think I am going to enjoy my job a lot better when I get everyone trained.  I came home and we just hung out.  I was tired.  Robin, I am excited for you to go to Chicago.  That will be fun.  I am glad Karen that your college got back with you.  You will get things all worked out.  Rachel it is so nice to see sunshine and the kids playing outside.  I bet that felt so nice.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM


It was weird this morning to have it dark but we loved it this afternoon with it light so late.  I worked out also this morning and Oliver was grumpy.  His friend wasn't there and I think he is tired with day light savings.  While he was at school me and Ruth ran some errands.  We picked up Casey for lunch and went to the plumbing place but they didn't have any books but they had a lot of parts.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and Ruthie is getting a bit better at steering.  When we got home we just went right in the backyard and they played until dinner.  I cut back the raspberries and blackberries.   It is so nice to have them smaller.  After dinner we went to the library and watched Ralph Breaks the Internet.  It was a cute movie and had some funny parts.  The kids watched the whole thing.  Casey stayed and worked on the electricity in the bathroom so the power was off when we got home.  The kids thought that was fun.  Love you guys, good luck tomorrow.



Today was good. It was nice to have it lighter later. I had to start prepping for Chicago since time is running out. Lol. Jeramy came by and we went to walmart to get some dog food for Jenkins and some granola bars for my trip. I gave Jenkins a bath so he will smell like a nice dog when he goes up to logan. Thanks again for everyone's help. Love you!

Too Early

It seemed way too early this morning when my alarm went off. It is hard getting up before the sun comes up. My power went off about 5 this morning for about 30 minutes. I don't know why, but everything beeps when the power comes back on so that woke me up. Other than that my day was good. I even got some stuff finish on my list so that is good. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Image result for funny sayings
Image result for funny sayings
Image result for funny sayings

Sunday, March 10, 2019


We had a quiet day.  We did go out for lunch and were going to buy a new mattress but they were closed so we just came home and vegged.  We were pretty boring.  I am going to work early to do payroll so that will be fun.  I am going to look at my schedule and if it looks good I am going to take Friday off also.  Take the dog up on Thursday and spend the night.  The kids are out of school so I thought that would be fun.  I am glad the bubbles worked.  I worried they would be a dud.  If they want to do the crafts before Thursday I am good with that.  Thanks again for the fun day.  I am with Rachel the quilts turned out so pretty.  Thanks Rachel for all the prep work.  That took a lot of time.  LOVE MOM


Thank you again for taking the quilt class, it was a really fun time and everyone's quilt turned out beautiful.   Robin you were talking about quilting loops in yours and I think that would be pretty, you are really good at quilting too, I didn't mean to be bossy.  Today was good but I was tired with this time change.  We skipped sacrament and just went to our classes and it went fast.  We did the big bubbles and the kids were so excited and loved doing them.  Isaac played outside for a long time but it was too cold for the rest of us so we watched a movie.  When Casey came home from work they did bubbles again.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Monday. 



My day was good. I slept in and then I went grocery shopping. Other than that I just was lazy. It did snow off and on all day but not enough to stick so I didn't have to shovel at least. Thanks everyone again for the fun day yesterday. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...