Friday, July 2, 2021


 Work was quiet and I got a lot done. It felt nice. Karen had the day off and came down we went to spaghetti factory. It tasted good. Luna is so cute I am glad you got some rest. Rachel I am sorry you don't get to go hiking tomorrow. Keep me posted. Have a nice Saturday are there parades in Logan? We are going to go visit Luna tomorrow. Love mom


 I am not sure when we are leaving for backpacking.  Either tomorrow or Sunday but I will text Mom when we leave.  We had a good day.  I walked and it was cooler this morning.  Isaac had his last day of camp.  Dumbledore came and he visited a candy shop from the books.  We went to exercise class and shopping for food for backpacking.  Roxanna's sister had a birthday party this afternoon.  They have a large swimming pool and the kids had a blast playing.  After dinner we watched a movie.  Love you guys and have a fun 4th.




Not much going on. We thought Jeramy's sister was going to bring up his mom but they never showed up. So we just relaxed all day. I took a shower and gave Luna a sponge bath. She didn't love it but made it out alive. 


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Back to the real world

 I made it back to the real world. Work was crazy busy but I made it out alive. I am behind but I will get it caught back up. Luna is so dang cute. I am so glad you rested. You needed that so bad. Karen I am jealous you get tomorrow off. Rachel I hope you had a nice day. Love mom


 I am glad you got some rest Robin, you will feel better.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning and it is hot.  Isaac had Harry Potter camp and they planted the screaming plants from the first book.  We went to the summer reading for Oliver.  Then we did puzzles all morning.  We have been doing them all week and it is fun.  We went swimming this afternoon.  It was nice to go and the water cooled us off.  After dinner Casey worked on the van and we walked to the park.  Someone yesterday and today said that Tony was a well trained dog.  It was nice and he is a good dog.  Oliver got a splinter in his toe so Casey came and picked him up.  I finished my quilt.  It was the one I worked on during sewing day.  I love it.  




 My day was good. Work is still busy but I am making progress so that is nice. I don't have to work tomorrow so I am excited for that. I am so going to sleep in tomorrow. After work I finished my HR management assignment so that is good to have done. I had to write a job advertisement. It wasn't too bad. The summer semester to over at the end of the month so I am almost there. I am glad that your blood pressure is not high still Robin. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


I was so tired this morning so jeramy watches Luna till 12 . Then my blood pressure was high when they released me from the hospital and I had to get recheck ed. So I drove in and it went down so that was good. I was still tired so we didn't go to Provo and I took a nap. So basically I slept all day.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Today was good. Mom and dad came over and got us lunch. Then we had to mail off some paperwork for luna's birth certificate. I also called about my 401k stuff. Tomorrow I have to get my blood pressure re checked then we might go down to Provo to see Jeramy's mom. 



 Today was good.  Casey worked from home and worked on the van.  He wasn't getting an error code tonight so hopefully it is fixed.  I walked this morning and it was nice.  Isaac went to camp.  The made wands and had a spell book.  I took the little kids and got a squirt gun and then we went to mack part and played in the river.  It was fun to go to a different park.  We picked up Isaac and went out to lunch which was fun.  After dinner we went to the BMX park for the boys activity days.  Me and Ruth walked over with Tony.  It was fun.  Oliver did crash but was ok.  Then we went to Randy's for Collin's birthday.  It is good to visit everyone.  Oliver held Lily and loved it.  He is loving babies.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  Love you.




 It was a nice day today. We went slow this morning and then I went and got my glasses adjusted. They fit a lot better and I can use my bifocals. We drove to lehi and snuggled with Luna. She is so beautiful. Robins still pale but her milk came in and Luna likes that. Dad was still not a hundred percent and so we came home and he just rested. I am back to work tomorrow. Love you all mom


 My day was good. Work is still staying busy so that is nice. After work I went and put gas on my car and then came home and worked on hr management lectures. This one was on diversity. How to achieve it in the work place and how to make it work. I get Friday and Monday off for the holiday so tomorrow is my Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 I slept in and then took a nap. I took dad to get a shot. It went really well. We just rested and watched movies. We got hooked on a series called manifest. It is good. I love pictures on the blog. I have one more day off. Love mom


 Luna is so cute.  I am glad that school is going well Karen, you are awesome.  We had a good day.  Isaac woke up with another bloody nose.  He called me on my walk and Casey was home to help him. He had Harry Potter camp and had another fun day.  While he was gone we rode our bikes to the school and did got new books for Oliver.  We then rode to the park and met up with Oliver's friend at the BMX park.  We headed to the park and they were setting up for a party for veterans with PTSD and their service dogs.  They had free bounce houses.amd the kids were so excited.  They played and played.  Isaac's camp is at the other end of the park so we walked over and picked him up and went back.  They had a corn dog truck so we had that for lunch.  When everyone was worn out and hot we came home and watched a movie.  Then we just played in the backyard the rest evening.  Casey worked late.  He also took the van in to get the emissions tested.  It failed so he is taking tomorrow off to fix the van.  Love you guys.




 Good luck with the swing Robin. I hope that she sleeps great in it. My day was good. It was meeting day so that took most of the morning. After work I cam home and read the chapter in my HR management class about employee recruiting, interviewing, and how to select which candidate to hire. I still need to watch the lecture but I am going to that tomorrow. It rained pretty hard here for an hour this evening so that was nice. I love the rain. I hope that everyone had a great day. Thanks for all the pictures they are so cute. Bye


Thanks for all the love and support the last few days. Luna had jaundice and we kept needing to get blood tests done. The one today looked good and they gave us a free pass. She doesn't like to lay flat so we put her in the boppy pillow but she always sags down into the middle. So I bought a swing so she can sleep in that. It came today and we are going to try it tonight. She seems to like it so far. 

Love you

Monday, June 28, 2021


 Thanks for having us today.  It was so fun to see Luna.  She is so beautiful.  We love her.  We survived the drive and had a really nice day.  I walked 5.6 miles this morning which is a lot for me.  Isaac had Harry Potter camo and had a really fun time.  He loved it.  We met my visiting teaching people at the park.  Oliver made a new friend and I think we are going to meet up again tomorrow.  Love you guys.



My new glasses


 I helped with Luna today and it was a lot of fun. We did have to go to doctors and then blood test. Anderson gang came down and it was fun. They were so cute with the baby. She is such a good baby. Robin I hope you get feeling better.


 My day has been good. It seemed cooler today which was nice. After work I watched my project management lecture. It was a long one, 100 minutes. I made it through though. The lecture was on resource management. It was on how to allocate your resources to meet your project deadlines. I hope that everyone had a fun time at Robin's place. This is a short week for me. I get Friday and Monday off for the holiday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 27, 2021


 Today was pretty good.  I had a meeting this morning.  Casey dropped the kids off at church and worked all day.  Primary went pretty well and it is nice to be meeting again.  We just played and had a low key day.  Isaac made cookies.  After dinner when Casey came home we walked/bikes to the park.  It was a pretty evening and felt good to be out.  Love you guys.  Casey is leaving work around 1 so we will be down around 4 I think.  Thanks for have us.




 I am glad that Robin and crew got to come home. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 Robin and Luna got to come home today. That was nice. She has a little jaundice so they have to take her and get checked again tomorrow. Dad went home to water plants and go to the share holders meeting tomorrow. I am going to stay the night. Drive safe tomorrow Rachel. Karen I hope you got you homework done. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...