Saturday, May 25, 2019


Well I am doing really good.  I am not in a lot of pain and Tylenol or ibuprofen is working just fine. I am really glad about that one.  I am not sure who slept more me or dad.  I think a down day was what we both needed.  I am going to try and take my dentures out tonight and clean them off.  I am going to put them back in because I don't have any swelling and I would like to keep it that way.  I am so glad that it isn't a bit deal.  I was so worried.  I am glad you got to pizza cafĂ© for Oliver's soccer reward.  I love that he plays Alexis.  Karen drive safe tomorrow.  She is coming down for lunch.  Robin, I hope you had a wonderful time at lava hot springs.  If you want to go to Costco on Monday to get bubble machines let me know.  LOVE MOM


I was going to mow my lawn this morning, but it was so windy I didn't do it. I did get the batteries replaced in my cameras. I also went to food town and got a few groceries. It was nice getting a few things done around the house. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


I hope that you are holding up alright Mom, we are thinking about you.  Today was good.  Casey cut down a tree all day with Allen.  It was a lot of work and he is tired but they had a good day.  Me and the kids were just lazy this morning.  We went to pizza pie cafe for lunch, thanks Mom.  Then we went to the park and played for a while, it was a hot afternoon.  We came home and rested and then played in the backyard.  Oliver was pretending to be Alexia and we could ask him to sing songs.  If he didn't want to sing or didn't know the song he would say Sorry I don't know that one.  It was really funny.  The lady tipped Casey so he took us out to dinner to the black pearl.  Then we just played outside until bed time.  I hope that everyone had a good day and enjoyed the sunshine because it wont be here for long.


They like to play mermaids on the trampoline

They have been playing with their umbrella's a lot.  They squirt each other while the other holds an umbrella.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Doing good

So far so good.  I have to leave the dentures in for 24 hours.  They said it is like a big bandage and will protect them and help with swelling.  So far I have been doing good.  I am glad about that.  I am more worried as the stiches start to get old and bug me.  I think have the dentures protect them I won't play with them as much.  It rained on and off all day.  We did get a lot of shopping done.  That was fun.  There was a place to get your hair cut right next door so me and dad got our hair cut and then there was also a payless and they had the flip flops that Isaac has wanted.  There were so cheap.  I have looked all over for them.  I am glad you are all doing well.  Have fun in Lava Hot Springs Robin.  I always wonder why it is Oliver that gets hurt.  I think we have a small glimpse into that.  LOVE MOM


It was raining here this morning so I didn't walk again but I dyed my hair.  We were lazy this morning and then went grocery shopping.  We ended up having lunch at Sam's club.  It was nicer weather so we played outside.  After school we went to the library and got some new books then the kids played outside until dinner.  Casey worked on the fence until it started raining and we went inside.  He is cutting down a dead tree tomorrow, he is getting paid.  Allen is going to come down and help him.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.  I am glad that everything went well Mom.  Get some rest this weekend.  We love you.



Although it was cloudy here today it only rained for about 5 minutes. Work was good. It was the end of the shipping month so they brought in doughnuts. I am glad that your teeth stuff wasn't too bad mom. I hope it feels better quickly. Have a great long weekend everyone. Bye

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wild weather

We made it to Logan safe and sound.  It was a weather disaster up there.  So many trees down.  The willow tree broke also but did get Rachel's yard.  They are going to cut it down soon.  It was really a huge wind.  The kids were so cute and we had such a nice time.  Robin have fun at lava hot springs  I am nervous about tomorrow but playing with the kids helped the day go by so fast I never had time to worry about it.  Everyone enjoy the holiday.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad the graduation went well. The kids are so cute. I'm sorry about your fence that is so crazy. Good luck with your teeth mom. We are going to lava on Saturday. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday I'm working a half day because it's a holiday Monday. I won't complain. I'm so tired I think the rain is making me sleepy. Drive safe in this weather. Love you



Thank you for the cards Karen, you are super sweet and the kids loved them.  We love you, thank you.  We had a major wind storm last night.  It blew over a ton of trees and blew our trampoline into the fence which broken both the trampoline and the fence.  Mom and Dad made it safe but it was windy.  The canceled Isaac's ice skating this morning because it was too windy to walk.  Me and Mom tried to go clothes shopping this morning but everything was closed.  We finally made it to Kohl's which was fun.  Oliver's graduation was really good, the kids are all cute.  Oliver has grown so much this year.  We went to Lucky Slice pizza for lunch and opened the cards, it tasted really good.  We made it to the fabric store and got a back for your quilt Karen from the quilt class.  We spent the rest of the afternoon getting a new trampoline and fencing materials.  We put together the trampoline which is always a pain but we are getting good at it.  We ate at the hu hot and then Mom and Dad left.  Thanks again for the fun day Mom and Dad.  Love you guys.




I hope that preschooler graduation went well. I also hope the drive to Logan wasn't too bad. The weather here was pretty nasty. My day was good. Work was busy, but I kept up. It did snow here this afternoon, it even stuck to the ground for a while. Good luck with the teeth tomorrow mom. If you need anything just let me know. Bye

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I feel like I am on vacation.  I don't have to go back to work now until Tuesday.  That is so nice.  Work was good, it is settling down a lot and that is nice.  I was tired this afternoon.  We went to Sprouts after work and got dad some probiotics and then went the an Indian restaurant right by it. It was good not as good as Bombay house but we did try something new.  We are going to leave early to Logan, I am excited to play.  Robin, I am glad you are doing good.  When are you leaving for lava hot springs?  Karen I am glad you are doing good also.  I am really getting tired of the rain.  I know I do love to drink water but I feel we haven't seen the sun in like forever.  LOVEMOM


Today was chill. Nothing to exciting on my end. Hope you have a good time in Logan. I'm going to be short today because not much is happening:) love you


Oliver didn't sleep well again last night.  We moved him back up to his bed tonight and I hope that it helps.  He has been sleeping on a air mattress in Isaac's room forever, he hates to be by himself.  It was bad weather this morning so I didn't walk.  I did work out which was good.  They aren't having class again until next Wednesday so that will be a nice break.  Oliver had his last day of school and had a fun time.  Oliver and Ruth played so cute together all afternoon it was fun to watch.  Isaac went on a field trip to a dairy farm and had a blast.  He was really happy.  He had scouts tonight and had a really fun time there also.  They learned about dinosaurs.  After dinner the kids were running around the backyard with umbrellas trying to fly away.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  Drive safe and we are excited to have you guys.



My Wednesday was good. It was rainy here off an on all day. I am jealous that you are off the rest of the week, mom. Have fun at pre-school graduation. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

No Zoo

We were going to take Jared's family to the zoo but it was just rain all day long.  We will go another time.  We went and ran errands after work so that was actually a good thing.  Work was good.  Nothing to great but that is OK.  Robin that is cool you are doing diamond beads.  I have some for a craft night when we are all together.  Rachel, I am with you I can't believe that it is the end of May.  Karen what is up with snow.  I am so ready for spring.  That is neat your got a short afternoon.  I could have used one of those.  I think we are going to just leave early on Thursday and come up.  Dad keeps passing kidney stones so it might be best if we slept here.  Everyone have a great Hump day.  I hate to brag but it is my Friday  :)   LOVE MOM   PS.  We bought the cutest movie and it is on Vudoo.  It is called date night and it is so funny.  You guys should watch it.


I got my new phone today. It was really easy moving my stuff over. I thought it was going to be really stressful. Jeramy took me to black Bear diner. It was fun. Jenkins has been wild so I took him on a walk Everytime I had to wait for another update. So it was a slow night.i bought a rhinestone thing that mom likes and I did a bit of it in between downloading and walking. Lol I live the life. Have a good one stay warm



It was cold and rainy today.  Ruth and Oliver didn't sleep well last night and Casey couldn't sleep after they went to bed.  So Casey slept in this morning and went to work at lunch time.  I walked this morning before the rain and it was nice.  Oliver had a teddy bear picnic at school and brought Stuffy. He was excited.  I bought some candles for teacher gifts, I couldn't think of anything creative.  We went to story time and that was fun.  It rained all afternoon so we stayed inside.  After dinner it stopped so we played in the backyard.  Ruth brought out her mermaid tail and it was cute.  I can't believe May is almost over and school is out.  It went so fast.



I made it back to work. I forgot that the CEO was coming today. So we got free lunch. The lunch went from 1230 to 230, so the afternoon went by fast. It snowed this afternoon. It is the end of May and we got snow. Crazy times. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 20, 2019


Today was good. It went by fast at work. Me and jeramy met up with the minester. She was nice. I think we are going to go with her of that is ok. I am tired im.ready.for another weekend. Love you guys


Made it out alive

It was payroll Monday and it went well, I hope.  I finished on time so that was good.  I worked the rest of the day and then Karen met up with us and we went to dinner and Target.  It was nice to walk around.  I got some food for the weekend in case I don't feel well.  I think it is not going to be a big deal but I have to admit I am nervous.  There was a rainbow when Karen left.  It was so pretty.  I was jealous that Karen got the day off but I get Thursday and Friday off so I can't complain. Robin, I hope you had a nice day.  We are meeting Jared and his family at the zoo after work.  It is the late night at the zoo and we invited them to go.  I hope it doesn't rain.  You never know where it is going to hit.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you had the day off Karen.  Good job on your diabetes, you do a good job. It was a beautiful day today, it was supposed to rain but it never did.  I went walking this morning and that was nice.  I worked out but me and Stephanie ended up talking a lot and didn't do much.  After Oliver was done with school we went visiting teaching.  She has a boy Oliver's age so they had fun playing together.  We came home and they played play-dough so cute.  We walked to get Isaac and then the played play-dough some more.  Ron called last night and was going to bring chili over today and I was going to have that for dinner but it was later coming so we will have that tomorrow.  Casey mowed the lawn and I weeded the raspberries.  It is so nice having a smaller patch.  Randy is building a new deck so he came over tonight to borrow some tools and it was good to visit with them.  I finished my quilt yesterday and I washed it today so I took some pictures.  I really like how it turned out.  Love you guys.



My day was good. I took the day off because I had a doctor's appointment. It was nice sleeping in on a Monday morning. My appointment went good. She said everything looked good. Then I met mom and dad for dinner and then we went to Target. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Quiet Day

We had a quiet day.  We slept in and then drove out to Ikea.  We found some punch concentrate for the wedding.  Rachel that doesn't look like the same mat as when we left last night.  Did you find new material?  Robin, I am so sorry you phone broke.  That is so sand.  I hope you got a nice new phone.  Karen, I hope you had a quiet day also.  It did rain here for a little while.  I am going to work early tomorrow for payroll.  I hope it goes well.  I am getting a lot better at it.  Have a nice Monday.  LOVE MOM


It's been a good week. Me and jeramy took Jenkins to the dog park on Saturday and as we were walking in my phone dropped. It hit right on the corner and shattered my screen. Luckily it still works. I ordered a phone on amazon since the ones at Verizon were way more money. Then I worked on my jacket the back iws all tacked on so I just have the sleeves to work on. I might need to bring over my dress somewhere to steam and make sure the jacket looks ok with it. Today me and jeramy went down to lehi. We handed out some invites to his friends. On his way back he was called into work so we drove by to try and figure out the issue. It only was like 30 min. The we picked up panda and watched a movie. It was a fun day. Thanks for all the help. I'm glad your  shower is going well.



Thanks Mom and Dad for all your help this weekend.  The shower is coming along.  Casey installed the shower head today which is good.  We were lazy today and everyone stayed in their pajamas.  Casey stayed home and we didn't have church.  It was nice to move slow.  Love you guys.  Good luck tomorrow Karen.  Robin I sent the addresses, good luck with the invitations.  I really like your flowers.  We can help make them if you want.


Rainy day

Today was a rainy day. I was just lazy today. It was nice. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I took the whole day off. It will be nice to only work 4 days this week. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...