Saturday, November 19, 2022


 I am sorry Dad is sick.  I hope he feels better for Thanksgiving.  Sorry it is late.  I stayed up to finish my quilt and I got it done.  They had a fun run a the rec center so I didn't have exercise class and I slept in.  It was really nice.  Casey went to Clifton to cut wood with Allen.  He had a good day and got a lot of wood.  Me and the kids had a fun day.  I sewed and they played until lunch.  We went out for lunch and ran some errands.  We took Tony to the park and that was fun.  Tony was so happy to have us home.  The kids all made thrones again.  Isaac made a cake and it tasted really good.  He is so happy when he bakes.  I am glad you guys got to hook up today.  That sounds fun.

Love Rachel


 Karen picked me up and we went to Costco. I did a little Christmas shopping. We went to Robin's house and she cooked us lunch and then I watched.luna. dad is still sick and stayed home he had a bad fever tonight. Hope he gets feeling better soon. Love mom


 My day was good. I met up with mom and we went to Costco to renew my membership. Robin had already renewed it so, I stopped and got cash to pay her back. Me and mom went to Robin's place and she smoked a turkey for lunch. It tasted good. Then Luna took a nap and we went shopping for a bit. Then i headed home and was just lazy. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye 

Friday, November 18, 2022


 The kids didn't have school and Casey worked from home to stay with them.  I wished I was with them all day so it made the day seem long.  Oliver mowed the lawn and gave a Ruth a joy ride.  Oliver went to his friends house when I got home.  I took Ruth and Isaac to get a charcuterie board and that was fun.  The dog door was letting in cold air so Casey got a replacement door part.  Isaac and Ruth were playing and Isaac was king.  He made a crown and had Ruth do things for him.  I made a new rug for the kitchen.  It is wavy and I hope it straightens out.  Oliver was so sad to get rid of the old one.  He cried and cried.  

Love Rachel


 Work was quiet for me also. I did get some stuff done so that is good. I came home and we just vegged. Dad still has a bad cold but holding tough. I think he will be fine.we are going to go slow. I was driving to work and it was snowing a little bit. It was weird. I wasnt expecting it. I am super excited for Thanksgiving.  Love mom


Today was quiet at work so that was nice. This morning I was getting ready and I heard these weird scratching sounds. Luna had her hands under the door scratching the floor. Lol she wakes up really quiet now. And usually she knocks on the door when she wakes up. Jenkins is going good. He's starting to eat and walk around more. I still carry him up and down the stairs because he still is off balance.we went to Costco after work and bought a big turkey for Jeramys family. We have a small 7 pounder in the fridge We bought last week.  We are going to try the small turkey out tomorrow to make sure the new rub we bought tastes ok. 



 My day was good. I stayed busy, so it made the day go by fast. After work, I made beef stir fry, and it tasted really good. I love it when I cook and it turns out good. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, November 17, 2022


 We went in at 7 this morning and got the colonoscopy done. He had 3 polyps. With his history he has to go back in 3 to 5 years. He had a cough but since he got tested for covid and it was negative we went anyway. He is a little fever tonight. I gave him a codeine that should dry him up. I worked from home and it was so nice. I am going into work tomorrow. I an getting super excited for Thanksgiving. Luna remembers the doctor. She is so smart. Karen one more day and you get 9 off lucky. Rachel good luck with the kids out of school. Love mom


 The kids got out of school early today so Randy picked them up which was really nice.  Isaac has a bad cough so he stayed home from school.  The kids had parent teacher conference.  Oliver is struggling with paying attention.  He is scoring well on his reading test though.  I am going to to him to the doctor and see if we can get him in with a behavioral doctor or something.  I read music helps with focusing so I am going to sign him up for piano lessons.  Ruth is doing wonderful and is really smart and doing well.  Isaac is having a great also.  He teacher said he is very respectful and kind.  He isn't disown this year.  They took a reading test and Isaac scored the highest out of all of the sixth grade.  He is really smart.  All three are really smart and doing good.  Work was good.  A girl at work is pregnant with her first baby.  She has been staying late to make a baby blanket.  She got it done and it was beautiful then she washed it and two blocks just fell apart.  She used water soluble bobbin and those blocks and the stitches just disappeared.  Poor thing.  A lady at work is going to fix it for her and it will be fine.  I hope Dad is feeling ok.  Everyone have a good Friday.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. I made some progress on my to do list so that was nice. Nothing too exciting happening here. It has just been the usual. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Around 10 the day care called me and said Luna had a rash. I didn't see it in the morning. But they are saying hand and mouth desiese is going around. So they told me we had to get a doctor to check it out to make sure it wasn't contagious. Luckily Jeramy didn't work today. So he went and picked her up. Then after lunch I went home and worked from home. We took her to the doctor and Luna had a raging fit. She would not calm down. But the doctor said it was a contact rash and it's not contagious. It's probably laundry detergent or something she rubbed against. He signed a doctor's note so we can go back tomorrow. It's been a month. That's for sure. She was wild all night. She has so much energy. Jeramy was rubbing my feet so Luna layed on me so she could get her feet rubbed too. 😂 It was so funny.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 Tell Dad good luck tomorrow.  I hope he feels ok.  Isaac has a cold also.  He has a cough and runny nice.  It was Randy's birthday today.  We went out to dinner with everyone and that was fun.  Then we went to their house for cake and ice cream.  Kimi has been making amazing cakes.  They look awesome and taste so good.  Work was good today.  I am just working on some new projects and figuring that out.  Isaac forgot he had orchestra and was upset about that.  We ran home and got his violin and he wasn't even late.  Ruth had her friend Millie come over to play.  They had a really fun time.  The kids have a half day of school tomorrow and then parent teacher conference.  They are always stressful.

Love Rachel 


 Work was good. We worked on getting Christmas presents organized. I found a place for parties. That was stressing me out. I am working from home tomorrow. Dads colonoscopy is at 7 in the morning. That will be nice. I am glad Luna is feeling better. That cold.going around is wicked. Karen I am sorry you are busy. It will.slow down when you are on vacation. Rachel I hope you had a party for Randy's birthday. Love mom


Today was busy at work. Jeramy stayed home today and was with Jenkins. He is doing ok . He's kinda is the same as yesterday. But I think we are in a slow healing process. Luna was so tired tonight. She almost fell asleep at 6 but we gave her a bath and that helped keep her up till 8. I think she is growing and is tired.


 Yeah the week is half over. Work is busy. I have been trying to get ahead before Thanksgiving but my list keeps growing. Oh well at least I am making progress. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Jenkins hasn't been eating so today I went and got soft food. He wasn't into it. But tonight when we were getting ready for bed he started eating some. I hope it sits well it might be a long night if it upsets his tummy. He's getting more active so it's nice to have him around the house again. Luna is wild and doing alot better. She is growing again so she is hungry and tired. She ate like 4 cookies today. She just says more with her cute eyes and please so it's hard to say no. I also made a Santa money holder when she went down for bed. 



 I worked a little late tonight doing a big expense report. It is nice to have it done. We came home and just vegged. Dad is on clear liquids until after his colonoscopy on Thursday. I am working tomorrow and then working from home on thursday. I am so glad Isaac had a fun time. That is a long day. That is neat that Ruth gets to go to the advanced class. Olive is so cute. Robin I am glad that Jenkins is doing better. Karen I agree with you. It is bitter cold. I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. Love mom


 Isaac had a field trip today and he was so excited about it.  He left at 7:45 this morning and got back at 6 pm.  He went to the aquarium and the planetarium.  He bought a shark hat.  They took two buses and one of the buses broke down in the way home and they were an hour late getting back.  For a while the loaded both buses into one bus.  His teacher said it was crazy.  Ruth had tumbling after school.  They said she could sign up for the advanced class next time so I registered her for that.  Oliver was so excited to have one on one time.  We went shopping and then he wanted to make cookies.  We made no bake cookies.  They didn't turn out right but it was a fun time.  He was sweet.  Casey worked late so I wasn't able to go to exercise class.  He is really busy this week and it is stressful for him.  My work was good.  I am on a new team.  We edited and went through all the cards this morning.  Then I sewed a bit this afternoon.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 It is still cold here. It feels more like January than November. Work is going good. It was meeting day so that kept me busy. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 

Monday, November 14, 2022


 I hope Jenkins is feeling better, poor guy.  He is such a good dog.  Today the kids didn't have school and they played video games all day.  They didn't even get dressed.  Which was stressful for me because I thought they would do better than that.  Isaac has a field trip tomorrow and he is super excited for it.  He didn't feel well today.  He had violin lessons and got nauseous and pale at the end.  At work a lady switch positions out of testing so we are down a person and they can't hire anyone because of a hiring freeze.  So today they switched teams around so I am a new team and got a different desk and machines.  That took most the morning switching everyone around.  I am finishing up a pillow for my old team and will probably start tomorrow doing new things.  I met Amanda at exercise class and it was really good to see her.  It was good to talk with her.  I finished my Halloween quilt and I don't like the green points.  It didn't work out like I was thinking.  I hope everyone has a good night.

Love Rachel


Today was busy. But I made it out alive. We put Jenkins in the front room while we were at work. He did really good. He still really floppy. But he was walking around more so that was nice. He had a little food but not much. I didn't want to push his tummy to far. Luna is wild. She is feeling better. Shes getting really chatty. We have no clue what she's saying but it's really funny. 



 I made it to work today and that was good. Payroll went really easy and that felt nice. Dad passed kidney stones all day So i stopped at smith's on the way home. We didn't have groceries. I shouldn't shop when I am hungry. I got a lot of junk. Robin I hope Jenkins did OK today. I was worried about him. Poor little thing. Rachel I love your quilt. Karen I am excited for next week. Love mom


 My day was good. Work went by fast for a Monday. I am excited for next week. I am taking all week off so that will be fun. I just have to make it through this week. After work I came home and made hash browns and little smokies for dinner. It tasted really good.I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, November 13, 2022


 We sure had a nice time in Logan. I always miss everyone when I come home. The kids are so cute. Isaac is very gifted with his violin. The primary program was really good. Rachel did an amazing job. We came home and I worked for a.little bit. I have gotten rid of some.of my.payroll so I figure by the new year i won't work Sundays any more. It breaks my heart that Jenkins is so ill.  Let us know if we need to help. glad Luna is getting better. Karen i am glad your laundry is done. clean clothes also. Everyone have a nice Monday. Love mom


 I am so sorry that Jenkins is sick.  I am glad that you took him in and he will be ok.  That is scary.  Poor Jenkins.  We had a great weekend with Mom and Dad.  Thank you so much for coming up.  The kids were all very musical this weekend.  Oliver found the zithera and loved playing that.  Ruth was jealous so we got out the guitar and she loves that.  The primary program went really well and it was so neat to watch the kids sing.  The kids don't have school tomorrow.  Me and Casey are going to work but Casey is going to come home for lunch.  

Love Rachel


Karen came down Saturday and help us knock out a ton of yard work. We cut the cherry tree in half. After we got back Jeramy took a bath. During that Jenkins threw up a lot. So I cleaned it up and he threw up 3 more times. So when Jeramy got out he got Luna ready for bed. Jenkins started walking funny. Then he would stand still but pull his head to the side. I was so worried about him so Jeramy put Luna down to sleep and I watched Jenkins. We read it could be poisoning and it takes 2 hours to show improvement. at 10 we had him walk around and he was worse. He would just fall over and look drunk. So I ran him to the overnight doggie urgent care. I thought he had a stroke and was dying. It took them 2 hours to get to us. Luckily he just slept the whole time. But it ends up he has vertigo. It's called vestibular desiese. So they gave him nausea medicine. And he's going to be off for a few weeks. I fell bad for him but luckily it wasn't a stroke. So Jeninks slept most of the day. And he still falls alot.  We rotated napping all day because I didn't get home till 3 and Luna woke up at 7. But we are finally all caught up on sleep. 


 I had a headache this, but I took some drugs and it got better. I got my laundry done today so that is nice. I love having clean clothes. Other than that I just had a quiet day. I hope that your primary program went well today, Rachel. I hope everyone had a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...