Saturday, July 9, 2011


Boy Karen that is a lot of work. Good for you. I was going to be that ambitious but I kind of lost it after a while. I got the bathroom all cleaned and the laundry done and then I feel asleep and it turned out to be a 3 hour nap. I was going to make a circle and go visit grandma, kay and then Julie but I only got as far as Grandma. She was having a rough day. I stayed until the drugs started working and then met dad for dinner and then I went back for awhile and then went grocery shopping. Josh might come over for dinner tomorrow. I thought it would be good to have food in the house just in case. Rachel, I am glad you had a good day. That is fun that Mandy is coming to stay with you. Let her sleep on the bed downstairs, if she wants to. Robin has Saturday night off on birthday weekend. I thought we would come up and spend the weekend unless you would rather have your celebration down here. I am up for anything. We will think of some fun things to do. Have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM


Good job Karen, you have a right to be tired, that is a lot of work. I had a good day. I watered the lawn and did some weeding in the front. It rained really hard this evening, it is always frustrating when it rains after a day of watering. If only it could of rained earlier. Isaac seemed kind of bored this evening so we went to Joann's and walked around. I had a fabric swatch I was looking for something to match, I didn't see anything, but Isaac had it in his mouth the whole time. It was really cute, he just clamped down on it and went around the store that way. He fell asleep at 7 pm, he woke up at 8:30 and I feed him and he went right back to sleep. He must of been really tired. I hope that he doesn't get up supper early now. Casey has to work tomorrow but it works out good, his sister Mandy is coming this week so he can take a day or two off and be with her. This month is going by too fast. It is almost the best day of the year, my birthday. :)


Well I am sore today from dragging all my books down to my car. But I got it done and this morning i took them all to the library. The lady helping me was nice and she was excited to have my books. I also got my car washed and got gas in it. Then I moved all the blankets and pillow I had in my closet to the closet in the second bedroom and put all my sweaters where the blankets used to be. I like it I was always worried that I was going to be crushed in a blanket and pillow avalanche. Now I am working on rearranging my computer room as that when I get my new bed my old one will have a place to go in there. So I have had a productive day but boy am I tired mow. Well have a great one. BYE

Friday, July 8, 2011

get er done

Well i was accomplished today. I tied all of joshes quilt now I just have to work on the binding. and I did laundry and made cookies. then I went to joshes for dinner. It was quite the day. I'm glad everyone had a good friday I have a photoshoot uber early tomorrow and then work at lagoon at night so It will be a long day for sure have a good night



Well i am clearing out my books. I am planning on taking then to the library tomorrow morning. It is lightening here alot. I hope that it doesn't start any fires. Lightening without rain is not a good thing this time of year. I am glad that it is Saturday tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow BYE

I don't have a picture

I don't have any pictures yet. I just thought I would bring that up. I think that is good to give Isaac a weekend home. He has been really good about traveling. Grandma was sound asleep tonight and not breathing so good. It is hard to watch her not breath. I am going to work in the house tomorrow. I have a lot that needs to be cleaned. I hope I am ambitious. Karen I love you pictures they were funny. Have a great weekend. Robin I hope you had a nice time with Josh tonight


Karen, you are so funny. I laughed my head off over your kindle text. Thanks for that. I had a good day, I made it back to the library and got a library card. I got Isaac two books. I was going to get me one also but he got too heavy to carry. I have a couple of books on my kindle I need to read also. Casey had a change of plans and now has to work tomorrow. So we had his Dad and Terry over tonight for a barbecue. It was fun. I gave them a couple of pictures of Isaac and I did give his Mom some also when we saw here, so everyone has pictures now. Isaac was really good and let everyone hold him and play with him. I think that even though Casey is working tomorrow, I am just going to stay up here and get some yard work done. Well everyone try to stay cool in this humid heat.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

beat it

I'm pretty beat today, tommorow I have the whole day off it will be amazing. I am going to sleep and do laundry ect,ect.ect. You can eat all the candy you want rachel I bought it for snacks we never got to. I think there are a pair of tights though i left up there that mom bought me. i think, anywho i hope everyone is doing well have a great friday


Oh what a day

Work was good today. I was really busy and then we had a going away party and that was nice. I went and saw grandma after work and then I went and saw Kyle. Julie was there so we went to the cafeteria and had dinner. I came home and she went up to visit him awhile. Dad is vetting data and I am tired. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Over half of the staff is off tomorrow so it should be a really quiet day. I should get all caught back up. Well have a good friday.


I need your ID please

Me and Isaac walked over to the library to get a card. They needed my drivers license and proof of my address through the mail. I think that is stupid since you had to bring two letters to get your drivers license, it is redundant. I am going to try again tomorrow. It was really humid and hot outside. Not much else going on, I got a lot done today. I picked the first zucchini. It was smaller and I let Isaac chew on it while I weeded. I keep forgetting to say that you guys left your chocolates here. I have been snacking on them so I will have to get you some more. Sorry.

Next in line

Well I am the next in line to get my new computer, Yeah. So next week I should get a new fast computer. They are putting solar panels on the roof where I work. I guess we are going green. Which is funny because I swear we kill a small forest every day with the amount of paper we go thru. Oh well. I had a good day. It was still a little quiet but I stayed pretty busy. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


today was good I worked both places again. I am tired I am glad that tomorrow is thursday its kinda my friday at zions. I have all day friday off woot. I;m excited, well not to much happening have agreat night



Well work was good. I thought it was going to be slow but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had our company meeting today and it was just as exciting as always. Since they haven't worked out their new raise scheme at work yet they are giving us another bonus at work this month sometime. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Me too

I am back to normal also and it feels nice. I was busy at work and then I went and saw grandma and then I met dad for dinner and now I am going to veg on the couch. I hurt my neck lifting grandma today. I am going to go rest. It feels nice to be back in a schedule. Have a great day. Tomorrow is thursday already.


Back to normal

We had a good day. It is watering day so I watered the lawn. I cleaned the kitchen and got caught up on laundry. Not much else is going on. It was nice to get caught back up on things. I did finish my book, Caleb's crossing. It was a pretty good book. The first of it was better than the end. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i miss not working

I really liked not working and having some days off to chill with everyone. THanks for the nice week :) the 4th was fun we went over to joshs grandmas house and watched fire works in her front yard, Josh even cooked hot dogs it was his first time grilling we all made it out alive :) anywho I finished the quilt at work so now I need to work on the back and tying it. I work double duty all week this week, yipeee. but its pay week so I can't complain. well have a great night


Double Rainbow

There was a double rainbow when me and dad got out of Walmart tonight. It was so beautiful. It was a huge full rainbow and on one side there was a second one. Amazing. I am glad that Clifton went well that is good. Isaac is so cute. I am glad that got to see him that way. It was a nice day for me. I went and saw Grandma and she was sound asleep. They said she had a really bad night. Poor thing. Not much else to report. Dad didn't do the demo today so I guess we are going ahead. I love you guys. LOVE MOM


Well we are back in Logan. Isaac slept the whole way home and it went really well. He didn't sleep well last night though, I think that he got confused where he was. Today He got up around 8, and then took a nap at 9:30 to 11. We waited to go to Clifton until he woke up since he was so tired. Kelly came up with us and it was fun. Isaac did really well in the car and was good all day. I brought the play and pack with us and it worked really well for his naps. I just put it in the other room and he did really good. Casey's Mom, Allen and Grandma L were up in Clifton. Casey and Kelly fixed the irrigation system and troubleshot their water heater. It ended up being a bad water heater. They was a lot of debate all day over some cute goats and sheep in the pasture. I think that it came down to if Jim will pay for the irrigation water he could keep them there and if he didn't he would have to move them. Isaac was really good for everyone. He never has been fond of Kelly but today he finally was alright with him, it just takes a while to get to know everybody. Here are some pictures from the weekend.


Well since I had a coke yesterday for dinner i had trouble sleeping. It didn't help that people were lighting fireworks outside. But oh well. I made it thru work. I am tired though. I hope that Rachel and Casey and Isaac had a good trip back to Logan. I hope that Isaac slept the whole way for you. I hope that you are doing good Robin. Have a great rest of the week everyone

Monday, July 4, 2011

The rockets red glare

Rachel, Casey and Isaac just left for Logan. It has been a really nice weekend. Thanks everyone. I had a really nice time. It was so nice to be with everyone. I am glad you made it back to St. George Karen. The snow cone place was closed today. So I didn't get a sno cone yet. I am determined I will get one before the summer is over. There were fireworks really close to us. We got to see them really well. Tomorrow is dad's big demo. I hope it goes well.


Made it

Well I made it back to St. George. It is muggy here right now. Thanks for the fun weekend everyone. It was good to see everyone. I really don't have too mush to report so I will this short. Love ya all BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...