Saturday, January 30, 2016

Snow day

Today was chill. I was reading all the warnings yesterday so I bought a pot roast and did a crock pot of roast beef. It was tastey. And I didn't have to go out in the snow. I did have to work at scheels at 5 but it had stopped snowing by then. I am sorry about your tooth karen. I hope it all goes well at the dentist. Have a good sunday


Snowy day

Man you guys got a lot of snow.  It is really pretty.  I am glad that your tooth is feeling better Karen.  I am worried about that one.  I ended up with a cold and I have slept all day.  WE got about 4 inches of snow.  That was a really big storm.  I hope the storms will change and not keep coming on the weekend. I love Ruth's bed hair.  She is getting so big.  I can't believe how fast she is growing.  That is something you have such nice neighbors.  I have never seen so many meals brought in to one family.  You are so spoiled.  Robin, I hope you are surviving this weather.  LOVE MOM


We also got snow this morning, Casey said it was about 12 inches.  It was really pretty.  It turned out to be a nice day.  Casey worked overtime from 4 am to 12:30, so he was up early but home for lunch.  When he got home he took the boys outside and shoveled the drive way.  They got about half of it done, the made a snow fort and went on a walk.  A neighbor shoveled all the sidewalks and another one fished the driveway which was really nice.  Someone brought dinner over for us which was also really nice.  Another person called and is bring one tomorrow, we have a lot of nice neighbors.


Bed Hair

snow, snow, and more snow

Well I shoveled a lot today. I think we were in the 8-10 inch range. Then when it stopped snowing and my driveway was clear the snowplow came by. Other than that I had a quiet day. The swelling for my tooth is getting better so that is good. I am going to call on Monday and get an appointment to get the root canal done and then I should be good. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. I also hope you are feeling better mom. Bye

Image result for shoveling snow joke

Friday, January 29, 2016


I am sorry about your tooth Karen. I am glad that you went in and I am glad that you weren't in a lot of pain.  That is scary.  I hope that you feel better also Mom, your poor sinuses.  Today was good.  We played this morning which was nice.  When Oliver and Ruth were napping me and Isaac shoveled the driveway.  He is a good at shoveling and is pretty strong.  Isaac said that he cleaned the snow so grandma and grandpa would have a clear way for them to drive up tomorrow.  It was cute.  When Casey got home I went over to Jenn's, she was having a craft day at her house.  I was only able to go for a hour and a half but it was fun to sew for a while and catch up with her.  It was nice.  I fed Ruth when I got home and then took the boys grocery shopping and we got hamburgers and nuggets for dinner.  It tasted so good.  Everyone have a good night.


We are falling apart

Karen, I am so sorry about your tooth.  I am so glad you went in and got it checked.  I hope the drugs work really fast.  I am glad it doesn't hurt too bad.  I think I am getting a cold.  I know tooth and now you have been exposed to a cold.  I am sorry.  I hope it is just my sinus' acting up but it feels like a cold.  No snow yet.  I bet we don't get 20 inches of snow.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad it is the weekend.  Everyone have a great Saturday.  Stay safe.  LOVE MOM

bad tooth

Well last night i noticed my jaw was a little swollen. So this morning i called the dentist and got an appointment.  Turns out i have an abscessed tooth. Yea for me. So i am on an antibiotic and have to get an appointment for a root canal.  Exciting times i know. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I am glad that it is the weekend.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for dentist jokes

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Count down

Today was good. Work was slower so it was nice to work on some projects. Then I had to work at scheels. It was a slow night. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I'm counting down till the end of the work day. And January is almost over yeah!!


I am glad that you guys had a fun time today.  It is nice to take a day off and play.  Good job.  Today me and Isaac made his bed together so we were bed buddies, it was cute.  Then he started calling me his fellow, it made me laugh.  Have three kids is a lot busier than two, I feel like I have it under control but we are running all day.  Isaac had school and his teacher met us half way so I didn't have to bring the little ones in, it worked out really nice.  We played legos this afternoon and Oliver wouldn't take a nap.  When Casey got home they went outside and played in the snow and I folded laundry.  It was good to have them play outside for a while.  My visiting teacher came this evening and the boys were super hyper but cute.  Good luck going back to work tomorrow.  That was funny about your fridge Mom.


No major purchase

It was a really nice day today.  We went looking for guns and then went to see the mummies.  We shot some rounds at Get Some.  Karen really like the Walther.  I thought that would make Walter happy.  There is a big fight over exports in Germany so they are hard to get right now.  We did drive down to Cabela's and we all agreed that Oliver would love to see the fish there.  I met up with Kay, Julie and Jeff at Gardner Village.  We had such a fun time.  We laughed and laughed.  I met up with Kay a little early and found Ruth some tights.  I was excited about that one.  It is going to be hard to go back to the real world tomorrow.  Robin, I had them come look at my fridge and the noise was some sacks that had gotten behind the fridge and were rattling.  They said everything looked good.  I thought that was funny.  My brown paper sack hording got me into trouble.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


I have had a nice day. I didn't get a gun yet. They didn't have the style I wanted in the store, so I will have to go back later when they get it in. We also went and saw the mummy exhibit at the Leonardo. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nice time

karen made it down safe and sound. We had a nice time for Walters birthday. I am glad he liked the TV. Karen is staying the night and tomorrow we are going gun shopping. I bet Ruth likes her gloves off. She is so cute. I am sorry your dinner was bad Rachel. That makes me so mad when a good place goes bad. Have a nice day tomorrow. It will feel like Saturday to me. I hope the storms isn't bad I want to go to Logan on Saturday. Love mom

Thank you

Thank you for Walters bday he loves the t.v he's excited. Today was good. Work was work nothing to crazy. Then we meet up with mom,dad and karen. It was tastey. I am tired. Be safe with the snow storm coming in.


The gloves are off

I hope that you guys had a good dinner.  I am glad that you got together.  Today was good.  I wasn't as patience as I could be but I will be better tomorrow.  I cut Ruth's nails so she doesn't have to wear the gloves any more, she is growing up.  Isaac had school and he brought his rocket in the sharing bag and really was excited about that.  It was really cold this morning also.  We did legos again this afternoon.  Isaac really wanted to make a lego city this evening so Casey and Isaac started putting the train together again for the city. I wanted a sandwich from papa kelsey for dinner so I took the boys to pick it up and take it home.  They were really slow and then it tasted really bad.  We are never going their again.  Have a fun day tomorrow, I hope that you find a fun gun Karen.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Congrats on your raise Robin that is awesome. My day was good. We are having some bigwigs from Graco coming to visit on Thursday. So i had to clean my desk off. So i did that today. I am doing laundry. Just have to wait for my last batch to dry. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye


Robin I think a 25 cent raise is nice.  It will pay for your coke habit at Maggies.  That is sweet you get to go to Chicago.  I am excited for you.  That will be so much fun.  I hope the weather is good then.  We had a nice evening we went and got Walter's present tonight and we are going to the Chinese Buffet tomorrow for dinner.  That will be fun.  Work was good busy but that is normal for that place.  I am excited that I get off early tomorrow even though I am going to the doctor.  I am going to the ENT to see if he can see what I can take to help with my walking in straight lines.  I miss the kids.  I hope they are doing good.  Have a great hump day.  OK the blue nose is my favorite.  I am so glad you got out today.  Ruth is getting so dang cute.  I love the outfit Robin good choice.  LOVE MOM


Ruth is getting pretty chunky, it is cute.  I gave her a bath this morning and her hair was pretty wild.  We did venture out today and went to the hobby lobby and then got nuggets for lunch.  It was good to get out and walk around.  Isaac has the sharing bag tomorrow and the letter is R so we bought a rocket for him to take.  He was pretty excited about that.  We did some stickers and coloring today which was nice also.  We haven't done that in a while.  Oliver colored his nose blue but it washed off easily.  Casey had scouts tonight and they were working on lashings.  He had to cut up a bunch of apricot tree branches and take them tonight.  Have fun tomorrow at dinner and tell Walter Happy Birthday.



Today was good. I cleaned my desk of projects. So that was awesome. It been a while since that happened. Then I worked at scheels. I got a .25 cent raise. Whoop. It will never really see a change since I don't work alot. They sent out the sign up for Chicago at maggie and I was on the list. So I get to go in march if all goes well.  Not much else with me. I am tired. I will plan for dinner tomorrow at 5:30

Monday, January 25, 2016


Today was good.  Randy called this morning and said that he doesn't work on Monday's and could take Isaac to school, it was really nice of him.  He picked him up also and took him up to his house for the afternoon.  I kept Oliver with me to give him a nap, he was pretty tired.  So when Ruth and Oliver napped I also napped, it was really nice.  I think that tomorrow I am going to take the kids somewhere to walk around, I think that Ruth is up for it.  Just to get out a little bit.  You guys have a busy week, it sounds fun.


Snow plows

I hate snow plows also.  They just make a mess.  They leave a bunch of heavy ice.  I am glad you got it out before it melted.  We had a nice day and the weather was nice.  Robin wants to take Walter out on Wednesday night for his birthday.  I am going to pick up a TV.  Karen, I am excited to play as well.  Kay and Julie want to go to Gardner Village on Thursday night for dinner, I thought that would be fun for you.  I am getting behind at work again.  They have me doing a couple of extra projects and it is making me fall behind.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I am glad the weather is going to be good.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. It was walters for real birthday. I took a longer lunch and we went out to Dickies. It tasted good. Then we met up after work. My tire was low so we went to Walmart and had them fill up my tires. There is an iceberg restaurant by walmart so we went there fo dinner. It was ok. I am glad this is the last week of january. Have a good tuesday.


stupid snow plow

Well i had to shovel about 3 inches this morning and it was still snowing. It finally stopped snowing around 10. Then the sun came out. I was excited that I wouldn't have to shovel when i got home. Then i got here and the stupid plow had dumped a bunch of crap on the end of my driveway. It was annoying but i got it all shoveled again. Other than that my day has been good. The last hour did drag a bit, but i made it thru. I am excited to play on Thursday mom. I haven't taken a random day off just for fun in a while. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Mom, I am glad that you just had rain on the way home.  Thanks for coming up.  Karen, that is a lot of snow to get.  You will have good arms by the end of winter.  I am glad that Walter had a good birthday, that sounds like a nice relaxing day.  Today was good.  We stayed in our pajamas all day which was nice.  I took a nap this morning and it was nice, I have been tired.  Casey spent all day in the kitchen.  He made cake, bread and steak for dinner.  Everything turned out really good.  We watched the new movies that Mom and Dad got the boys today and they really liked it.  Ruth started wearing 3 month old clothes and they are fitting pretty good.  The newborns are too small.  Thanks guys for everything.  Good luck tomorrow.



We were hermets today.  Grandma didn't want to go out in the snow and neither did we.  We just vegged and watched movies.  There were a whole flock of ducks this morning who wanted to be fed.  They were starving.  I fed them bread and cereal.  Oliver would have loved that.  Not much else going on with us.  WE got about 3 inches of snow.  They said there were a lot of wrecks.  I am glad we made it home before the storm really hit.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Well I had to shovel about 6 inches of snow this morning. At least it was the light fluffy snow. It has snowed off and on all day today. Other than shoveling it has been a quiet day. I did shovel about another inch tonight. I am so ready for the snow to be over with. At least it is getting to the end of January. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...