We went to leave logan today. Weather was interesting. I had white knuckles a couple of times but it is good for me to keep my skills up. We had so much fun in logan. Time always goes to fast. The bathroom is beautiful Rachel. Good job. Robin that stroller is perfect and I Love the diaper bag. You are getting all set up. Karen I am glad you got school work done. Be safe coming down tomorrow
Saturday, March 20, 2021
I am glad you found some baby stuff Robin. Those look great. We had a good day and it was really nice to have Mom and Dad come up. It was pouring rain on our walk this morning and we were soaked. We went to Hu hot for lunch and it tasted good. We got all the bathroom done except the window. It looks amazing and feels so nice to have done. It turned out so good. We all love it. Thanks again Mom and Dad. Isaac and Casey made salmon for dinner and it tasted good. I hope that everyone has a nice relaxing Sunday.
Robin I like the stroller and diaper bag. They are cute. My days was good. I slept in a little bit and then did school stuff most of the day. It snowed here a lot. I bet we got around 3 inches that stuck to the ground. I am not shoveling though because it is suppose to be nice tomorrow. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, March 19, 2021
We made it
We made it to Friday. I went into work and worked all day. I even made up the hours I missed taking dad to the doctor on Tuesday. We just vegged tonight. Not much going on here. We are going to Logan tomorrow to help finish up the bathroom. It is going to be beautiful. We are coming back tomorrow night. Sunday we are going to Costco with Karen and buy me a printer/scanner. I am pretty excited for that one. Everyone have a nice weekend. It is suppose to rain tomorrow. Cool it down a lot. Be safe LOVE MOM
Today was good. I slept really good last night. It was a pretty walk this morning. They cancelled exercise class so I cleaned the house instead. Ruth had a friend come over and they played really cute together. I programed while they were playing. The car insurance called and I took the van in to get an assessment. They can just fix and paint it so they don't have to reach the panels. It will take 4 or 5 days and we get a rental during that time. We walked to get the boys. They ran the whole way home so I didn't even see them really. We played outside a lot which was good. The kids have been climbing the tree and getting hurt. Casey got a bonus at work so after dinner we went and got backpacking backpacks for the kids. We are going to go backpacking over Easter. Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad. I painted the bathroom today so we can finish things up. Ruth has been putting on makeup a lot lately. Today she said if I wanted to be as beautiful as her she could put some makeup on me. So we both put on makeup and we're beautiful.
Rachel I am sorry your car got hit. I am glad it wasn't too bad though. My day was good. I helped with inventory counting today so that make the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, March 18, 2021
I park around the corner for preschool just so I am not blocking the way for pick up and drop off. A lady was in a hurry and backed into the van. Her truck got stuck in my tired well and pulled her bumper off. Her truck was a lot worse than the van. They are nice people and have a litter boy at preschool. She was headed to Provo so her husband called the police and they made a report. We will get the van fixed when they insurance calls. We can still drive it. It was a good day other than that and that wasn't too bad. After school I took kids and got them some sandals. It has been so warm. Ron brought over some soup and we had that for dinner. We were going to meet Casey and go climbing but I got cleaning Ruth's room and lost track of time. She keeps everything. I threw away two bags of stuff. Casey and Oliver went climbing after dinner. Oliver and Ruth are doing good with their lips cut. They look sore. Love you guys.
Dad got a stimulus check from Seer so that made my day. That was fun. We are going to buy a scanner so I can start scanning pictures onto the computer. I went into work today and was washing my cups I have for work and I saw some black stuff I just thought it was coke dried but it was black mold. It was so gross. It was on both of my cups that I drink from. It freaked me out. They said it can cause headaches. I have had a bad headache since I went back to work. I think I found the problem. They are both in the garbage now. Yuck. Other than that I had a nice day. I hope your enjoyed working from home Robin. Rachel, I hope preschool was fun. Karen that sucks you have to go weekly now for shots. At least it is nice weather. Make it late one time and we can meet for dinner. That would be fun. Not much else to report on my end. I am so glad it is Friday. I have to go to work but it should be quite. I need to make a performance board for my boss. Have a nice day LOVE MOM
I went and got my allergy shot this morning. I got new vials with new mixture so I got a small shot today. I have to go weekly for 4 shots to build back up to the monthly dose. Work went good nothing too crazy. Tomorrow I am going to help count for inventory so that should make the day go by fast. After work I watched My physics lecture. It wasn't anything too exciting. As long as you know V= IR and P=IV you can do all the problems. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
So I went into work early and then stayed late. I made up some time from leaving early yesterday. Work was busy so that made the day go fast. I even got a few things done. I made corned beef also for dinner. It tasted really good. Robin, Jenkins looks like he is loving having you home. That is cute. Karen I am glad you just vegged tonight. Rachel, I am glad the kids did good at the dentist. Dad said they got a stimulus check for Seer. He is going into tomorrow to get it. YEAH!!!! He is going to buy me a scanner. I want to scan pictures. I have boxes of them from Grandma and Grandpa Gumm. I have to go into work again tomorrow but not so early so that is nice. Everyone enjoy this nice weather. I am loving it. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We walked and went to exercise class. We did High today which is fun. While Ruth was at school I ran to the bank to drop some papers off and some baptism clothes off. I went to the hobby lobby and they aren't having coupon anymore which is disheartening. Ruth had a fun te finding leprechaun at school. I failed doing the trap last night so I ate see chocolate while she was at school so it looked like something happened. The Ruth and Oliver had dentist appointments after school. The boys were really good to hurry which was cute of them. They did really well and went in any pain. The played outside most of the evening. We also had corned beef and Tony ate the leftovers which he loved. We just had a night off and played in the backyard. It was nice. I failed and didn't get a picture of the kids in green. Whoops.
My day was good. I remembered to wear green this morning so that was good. Work stayed pretty busy so it went by quick. They are remodeling though so it is loud. I had a headache so it was a little annoying. I took so ibuprofen though so I made it through. I was tired after work so I was lazy after work and didn't do any school work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
We couldn't sleep last night so I was really tired. I laid down for a few minutes and was out. I got up and clocked out and worked. Made up the time. I left work early and took dad to the doctor. He doesn't want to do an mri. He said it wasn't old so that was good. We hooked up with jeramy and robin for dinner. It was nice to visit. I have to go into work early tomorrow to do screenings. I hope I sleep tonight. We had some rain here today but no snow. Have a nice st patrick's day. Be sure and wear green. Love mom I have a corned beef I am going to cook tomorrow.
Oliver's legs hurt last night and it woke Ruth up so they both came and slept with us. Casey ended up sleeping on the couch. I was tired so I didn't walk Tony early. Casey slept in and then worked at home. Me, Tony and Ruth walked to preschool. I had to deliver some door hangers for the food drive so we did that. It was fun. Tony got his walk also which was good. I have been working on kaggle projects and decided I needed to work on my book again so I worked through some formulas and it was fun. We picked up Ruth and then went to lunch. Casey went to work afterwards. I had a screening with the family place and she is going to sign me up for some classes and I think it will be good. We played outside and took the burlap off the trees. Then it started to snow and rain. Tony loved it, he was sitting outside enjoying the cool. After dinner we went to the church to meet up with the activity day boys. One boy came and we delivered more door hangers. It was a lot of fun. The kids didn't want to be with me and Casey. They were cute and had a fun time. It was a nice evening and I am glad we are done with the food drive. The kids made a trap for a leprechaun. So hopefully tomorrow we will catch one and be rich. Love you guys.
Things are going good here in Kamas. It did snow last night but I didn't have to shovel so that was nice. It seemed busy today at work. So that made the day go by fast. I got all my economics work done for the week so that is nice. I still have lectures to watch in physics and lean but I am done for the night. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, March 15, 2021
Today was good. It was hard for everyone to wake up this morning but we made it. It was dark on our walk this morning. Exercise class we did weights with our arms and mine are sore. Ruth had dance class this afternoon and she loved that. Tiffany sent us a package with books for the kids, a bone for Tony, coffee for Casey and a pretty bar of soap. It was nice of her. We set the hammocks up outside and Ruth read her book for a while. Me and Oliver cleaned out the raspberries and it looks good. It was a really pretty day. We met Casey and went climbing for a while. The boys were done before Ruth so I took them home and they played outside for a while. It is nice it is light longer. Love you guys.
Monday Monday
I worked from home today and it was long but I made it through. I did go to Smiths on my lunch hour and get gas in my car and do a little shopping. We did go to the gym after work and we did rowing machines. It was a good workout. We just vegged afterwards. I am working from home tomorrow also and then I am in the office the rest of the week. I can't believe that St. Patricks day is Wednesday. I am going to have to find a green shirt. I hope everyone had a nice day. It was pretty outside but major windy. Karen good luck on your school. LOVE MOM
Well morning came way too early this morning. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I came home for lunch and then walked back to work. It was a pretty day. After work I watched a lean lecture and then read a chapter in my economics book. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Fun day
We had a really nice day. We stayed the night in kamas. We got up to snow and wind. We headed to ogden it was perfect. Sunny and no wind. We brought a picnic and it tasted so good sitting in the sunshine. Dinosaur park was fun. Ruth planned it for us. She did a good job. We went back to kamas and had dinner . Karen made this roast for taco meat. It was really good. We came home and just vegged. Robin. I hope you had a nice day. Love mom
Thanks for the fun day. It was fun to see everyone and I love the dinosaur park. It was fun to remember when the kids were little and we went there. It was a beautiful day also. The picnic was perfect. We took Tony to the park when we got home. It was really crowded so he couldn't run off his leash but it was still fun. The little kids played at the park for a while. We played in the backyard until dinner. Casey had to work late. He had a lot going on at work. I am sad for the weekend to end. Good luck going back to work. Love you guys.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...