Friday, March 19, 2021


 Today was good.  I slept really good last night.  It was a pretty walk this morning.  They cancelled exercise class so I cleaned the house instead.  Ruth had a friend come over and they played really cute together.  I programed while they were playing.  The car insurance called and I took the van in to get an assessment.  They can just fix and paint it so they don't have to reach the panels.  It will take 4 or 5 days and we get a rental during that time.  We walked to get the boys.  They ran the whole way home so I didn't even see them really.  We played outside a lot which was good.  The kids have been climbing the tree and getting hurt.  Casey got a bonus at work so after dinner we went and got backpacking backpacks for the kids.  We are going to go backpacking over Easter.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.  I painted the bathroom today so we can finish things up.  Ruth has been putting on makeup a lot lately.  Today she said if I wanted to be as beautiful as her she could put some makeup on me.  So we both put on makeup and we're beautiful.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...