We made it to Logan safe and sound. We had a nice day. We went to lunch and then went shopping for awhile. It was fun and we got a few more bingo prizes. We went to winco and it was busy also. They had free turkey if you spent 100 dollars. I thought that was nice. We are ready for Thanksgiving. We are going to do a charcuterie board for lunch and turkey dinner. That way we don't have to get up way early. We are spending the night and coming home tomorrow. Love mom
Saturday, November 18, 2023
I had a good but quiet day. I played pinball for a bit so that I could get higher scores than mom. I also went to winco because they are having a potluck at work on Monday. With a Mexican food theme. I decided to make tortilla soup. Winco was crazy busy. I was going to make can can casserole for dinner but I couldn't find instant rice. I didn't want to make real rice or go back to winco so I ordered cafe rio instead. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, November 17, 2023
I worked from home today and it was so nice. I felt so much better. I took dad and got a shot. I hope he has a nice pain-free holiday. He feels kind of sick right now. It takes a couple of days. We are going to Logan and get ready for Thanksgiving. I.am pretty excited. I have kohl's cash. We are coming home on Sunday. Have fun raking leaves. That is always fun for kids. They love to jump in them. Love you all so much mom
Today was good. Casey helped in Oliver's class so I got to see him which was nice. Ruth went and played with her friend Emily after school. I took the boys to get new pants and groceries. Drive safe tomorrow Mom.
That is neat Isaac got solos. He works had at it. My day was good. The last hour of work did drag a bit but I made it through. Then me and mom played pinball. It is a fun machine. Then I made popcorn and we watch a movie. I liked your jokes Robin. I hope everyone has a great Saturday. Bye
Thursday, November 16, 2023
I had a early meeting this morning so Casey took the kids to school. The kids also had a dentist appointments so Casey checked them out early and took them. They had no cavities. Isaac had his middle school orchestra concert tonight and he did so amazing. He had two solos and he played so incredible it made us cry. He was the only one who had solos and he is second chair which was impressive. He did so good. The orchestra director recorded the concert and will send us a copy that I can share. We went to Randy's house afterwards and Kimi made scones for his birthday. She made them like the British baking show and they were really good. Everyone have a good Friday.
Love Rachel
Today was better at work. That was nice. I got all my expenses done. There were a lot and some of them were getting old. I tried making home made tomato soup. It was ok. I need Rachel's recipe. Hers is divine. We did go to costco. Karen did a random purchase. That is always fun. I am working from home tomorrow and in the afternoon dad is getting a shot in his back. He is going to have a good holiday. I hope Isaac's concert went well. I am excited to come up and shop for Thanksgiving. Robin I love Luna looking in the oven for her cookies. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
Well I was random today. After dinner we went to Costco and I got a starwars pinball game. It is really fun and I beat mom 2 out of 3 games. Other than that it was just the usual. I am glad tomorrow is Friday also. Bye
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
I got up at 430 this morning and went to park city to help.set up and take down a.retreat. it was so nice to be out of the office. There were 170 people there. I know a lot if them. I got home about the same time I always do. I.go into work tomorrow. I hope it goes OK. Good.luck with your concert tomorrow Rachel. Robin that is cute about cookies. That is the beat way to make cookies. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom
My day was good. Work is staying busy so it goes by pretty fast. Then since mom had ro go to park city super early. I cooked dinner. Then we just watch a movie until it was bed time. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was good. Wednesday's are nice because we don't have anything going on. Work went good. They had a thanksgiving dinner and got some of it. I figured out how to put money on my account so I can get school lunches. In one class we were making digital card for thanksgiving but they could make whatever they wanted. One boy made one for his dog that died and it was so sad. The dog ran across the field and then went up to the clouds. We did a lot of homework and I think the kids are all caught up which is awesome.
Love Rachel
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Today was good. Work went well and the day went pretty fast. I got my id card and the picture of me on it looks great which was a surprise. Ruth had tumbling after school. She has a disguise a turkey project and she wanted to make him a angry bird so I went to the hobby lobby to get some feathers. I went to exercise class tonight and it was hard but I am glad I went.
Love Rachel
I am tired of work. How many more weeks? The girl that had her baby and been working from home quit today. Two down. I have to be at park city at 630 tomorrow. It is going to be a long day. I have to clean up afterwards. I.am going to go with one of the admins from work. I am meeting her at her house. Have a good hump day. Love mom
Monday, November 13, 2023
Today was good. I don't work on Mondays so I sewed and cleaned the house. I had to go grocery shopping also. Isaac had violin lessons after school. I went to exercise class and I almost skipped it because it was so hard on Saturday but I am so glad I went. It felt good to go. Everyone have a good Tuesday.
Love Rachel
It was a weird day at work. I can't figure out what is going on. Something weird. Payroll was long and then my boss during lunch came in and said they were going to have dorien do ryan and Lisa. She does the hospital administrator now. It was weird. Freaked me out. We did go grocery shopping and that was good. We needed to get some food. They took Ryan away from me and already gave him to her. Robin I hope we didn't lose Lunas shoes. That was a weird accident. I guess the guy was in a wreck and got out of the car and went into traffic and got killed. Rachel it was nice to talk with you today. Love mom
My day was good. Work was busy today. I think it was because I took Friday off. I did get caught up by the end of the day. I did do a quality report today and got a good job on it so that felt nice. Tomorrow I am doing work instructions so it might be another busy day. After work we went grocery shopping at winco so yeah we had food again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Luna spent the night and did so good. She went to bed on the trundle and I slept on the bunk bed. She didn't wake up once. We took her to the park but it was cold so we didn't stay long. We took her to the aquarium and had a good time. The otter was swimming and she would follow him. Fish are so curious. The live to come and visit. We took her home and Robin and jeramy came home. They were sore. We kept Luna awake so she could have a nap. We came home and just vegged. Rachel I am glad you had a good weekend. That sounds like a lot of fun. Everyone have a nice Monday. This weather is just amazing. We have a really busy week. It will.make it go fast. Love mom
The weekend
We had a good weekend. I went to exercise class Saturday morning and it was hard. Then we went to the primary program practice. It went well and the kids did great. A girl was getting baptized so some people left early. Isaac wanted to make dinner so him and Casey went to the grocery store and I took the little kids to spend their money. Ruth want to get a new toy. Casey took Oliver rock climbing at the gym and I took Isaac, Ruth and Tony to throw park. Tony loved going and chasing the ball. Today was the primary program and it went well. The kids did such a good job. Randy , Teri, Ivy and Lily came to watch which was nice. Afterwards I talked in the halls with my old primary presidency and then helped in primary at the end. Casey and Isaac made potato soup which was really good. This evening we went up to Randy's and the kids got to play together for a while. Casey ran home with Tony. Everyone have a good Monday.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...