Saturday, July 27, 2019


I know it was kinda odd since we were not staying for a lot of meals how about this idea??? If rachel or Karen prefers breakfast we can switch around. I would like to make breakfast burritos one morning though if that sounds ok. For Sunday we could do a pot luck idea where we all bring something fun. I was exiting and thought of cereal lol but we can do anything it's just an idea

thur mom

breakfast- Robin
lunch- Karen
dinner- rachel

breakfast- karen
lunch- rachel
dinner- robin

breakfast- all we can have a cereal breakfast buffet and bring items for cereal milk or toast???


Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day.  I hope the van got fixed.  Casey called dad and I was worried.  We hung out for awhile in Salt Lake and then went up to Kamas. We started the first batch of beef jerky and I mowed the lawn.  It was nice we went to for a walk around the parade and came back all the parade floats were going down the road.  They even threw us candy they had left.  It was funny, we got more than if we were at the parade.  We came home and Karen had helped us get the stand for the printer done Friday night but there was one part that didn't fit so we made a new and fixed that up.  It was so nice outside today.  Everyone enjoy Sunday.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I spent last night at mom and dads. We got stuff to make beef jerky. So today we drove up to my place and smoked it. We hung out and watched the parade. Mom also mowed for me. It looks really nice. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.  Bye


I can't remember either.  Mom had the first day, I do remember that.  We can reassign everything.   Today was good.  I slept in which was nice.  Casey worked on the van today, they was a couple of things that needed to be fixed.  I took the kids to a movie today.  I googled cinemark and the cinema 4 came up but it turned out it wasn't a cinemark so we couldn't use the free tickets.  Isaac really wanted to see the secret life of pets so we saw it anyway.  It was cheap as a matinee.  It was ok but the kids really liked it and watched the whole time.  Calleen and Allen came and visited for a while which was good.  Ron brought over leftovers and we had that for dinner.  I took the kids to the park after dinner and it was a pretty evening.   Love you guys.


Friday, July 26, 2019

Karen can't remember

Karen can't remember what day she has for food for Yellowstone.  Does anyone remember what day everyone has?


Ten Pounds

Robin that is such a cute picture of Jenkins.  Who would have ever thought he would love build a bear.  That is a beautiful rainbow.  Rachel,  that was a fun day.  I am glad you got to hang out with Randy.  Work was busy for me and I asked Karen if she would make beef jerky for Yellowstone so she came down tonight and we went to Costco and bought 10 lbs of meat.  We cut it up and are marinating it and then taking it back to her house tomorrow and smoking it.  I am pretty excited.  She helped  us finish up the table for the printer.  It isn't as stable as I had hoped but it is working fine.  It is nice to have a place for it. It feels good to have it there.  I am so glad that it is the weekend.  It was a lot cooler today.  The wind was crazy.  Everyone enjoy your weekend.  I am so glad the tile is coming along.  LOVE MOM

Made it

Today was good. Nothing to wild. It rained and was cooler out so we sat on the patio for a bit. There was a huge rainbow after the storm. I didn't sleep great last night so I am hoping I sleep better tonight. Hope everyone has a great weekend


Congratulations on your raise Robin, that is fun.  Today was good.  Ruthie woke up at 5 again and didn't go back to sleep.  I had her watch shows while I went on my walk.  I was quilting when I got home and it was fun.  The boys were asleep so I skipped my exercise class and finished up my quilt.  It turned out really nice and is so fun to do.  The garden is doing well.  We got four zucchinis today.  The kids were eating the raspberries and I picked a bowl full and froze them.  We went to a concert at the tabernacle.  Randy was there also so that was fun.  It really liked the singers, it was three guys that sang do op songs.  They gave a fun show.  Ruth fell asleep through the whole thing.  We went to lunch with Randy.  Terri's sisters were at the tabernacle and then to lunch with us also.  Afterwards we went and got a present for Isaac's friend who has a birthday party on Monday.  Randy came over this evening and did tiles with Casey.  It is looking good.  He took Mom's bike, thanks again Mom.  Everyone have a good weekend and get some rest.


Thursday, July 25, 2019


Good job Karen that is allot of work. I'm glad you finished your first semester. My day was good, i got a raise so that was nice. It was cloudy and so me and Jeramy took Jenkins to the dog park. The sun came out and it was hot again so we went to Wendy's and watched hotel transelvania 2. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!



Rachel, I am glad you had fun at the park and had a PJ day.  Those are always fun.  I hope the books were good.  I love the Tie Dye shirts.  They turned out cute.  Robin, I am glad you survived your first day back to the real world.  Congratulations on the raise.  WOW that is neat.  Karen I am so proud of you.  You made it through your first semester.  That statistics has been nothing but trouble for you.  The final test had to end with a bang I guess.  Work was good.  I had such bad anxiety all day.  Go figure that one out.  I have felt so calm.  I think I just need to stay in Logan and play.  I did go grocery shopping and that felt so nice.  I haven't been to Winco for a long time.  We are going to Kamas and mow the lawn. They are having their 24 th of July Parade on Saturday.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  LOVE MOM


Good job on your test Karen, that is exciting that you are done.  We had a fun time with Mom yesterday, thanks again for coming up.  After she left we went to the park to watch How to train your dragon 3 and then watch the fireworks so it was late when we got home.  They had some really fun activities for the kids before the movie.  They had Gaa Gaa ball which Isaac loves.  They had dragon racing, shooting dragons and making your own shield.  They gave all the kids a glow stick.  Oliver loved his glow stick and played in the field with it when it was dark, he had a blast.  It was a fun night.  The kids had a day off today and stayed in their pjs.  Ruthie fell asleep in the car last night so she wore the same thing as she did yesterday.  We watched a movie and I took a nap and felt a lot better.  We cleaned all the kids rooms and they look really nice.  Mom sent the kids some yellowstone books so we read them which was fun, thanks Mom.  We also made the craft with the mermaids and dinosaurs, it was a fun project.  Casey helped with a youth dinner tonight so he was late coming home.  The kids all took baths with the new bath bombs and loved it, they smell so nice.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.



Work was good today. I am glad the weekend is almost here. I took my statistics final tonight. I think I did good on it. The biggest problem I had is I clicked the button to start the test and then I click the pdf and it said the file had been deleted. So my timer had started and I couldn't get the actual test. So I had to email the teacher and get that all fixed. I did get to restart my time though so that was good. It did make it more stressful though. But I am now officially done with the semester. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

"No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks" 😀

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I bought a steamer and today I steamed all the floor s. It was nice to have done but it made my place so hot. Then Jeramy and me did an excersice tape. It kicked out butts.i have to work tomorrow and it makes me sad. I really don't want to work lol love you Robin


My day was good. I didn't have the day off so I had to go to work. Work went good. Then I came home and was lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. BYE


I had a nice sleepover last night with the grandkids.  They are so cute.  We went to the parade today and I really enjoyed that.  I haven't been to a parade for a long time  It was cloudy so it wasn't too hot.  I thought we weren't going to get any candy after the first few cars but it picked up and they got some candy.  We went over to the activities afterwards and it was nice.  I got me a hot dog, I was craving one.  The fire trucks were there spraying their hoses and it was so nice to get wet.  The firemen kept squirting me.  We went to lunch and then made Tie dye shirts.  I think I have more dye on me than my shirt but it was fun.  I think I wore the kids out or  at least me.  I feel asleep for awhile.  Everyone have had nice Thursday.  I hope you had a good 24th of July.   I am not looking forward to work tomorrow but the rest of the week should go fast.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Today was good. I cleaned up my place a bit and bought a steamer for my floors. I. Going to steam them tomorrow. Then I made pork chops in the insta pot i got. It tasted good. Then me and Jeramy watched hotel transelvania and dangerous catch.

Have a good 24th



Me and Mom are glad that you got your implant fixed Karen, good job.  Mom made it safe and we are excited to have her.  We had a good day.  We went hiking with Stephanie and her kids which was fun.  It was a pretty day.  Then we went out and got some ice cream.  It was hot today so we played inside the rest of the day.  After dinner it was nice outside so we played and did some yard work.  We got some ice cream with Grandma when she got here.  Everyone have a good 24th, love you.



My day was good. Work was mostly meetings, but I made it thru. I had a sore tooth so I called and they fit me in today. So I went and it turns out my implant was loose so they tightened it and it feels so much better. They also didn't charge me anything so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 22, 2019


Well we made it to work but I really didn't want to go.  I had such an amazing weekend.  I am with Rachel, the wedding and Robin were beautiful.  Robin especially.  Karen I am glad you got through all your emails.  I am still working on mine.  Robin it was so much fun seeing all your presents and then going to dinner.  You looked so happy and so did Jeramy.  Man it was hot.  It said it was 105 in the jeep going over to Robins.  I hope it cools down a little bit,  I do love it staying light so long.  I always love this time of year.  Rachel your quilt is amazing.  That turned out really nice.  I love all the pictures as well.  Thank you for posting them  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


I had a good weekend also. I had a good time at the wedding at and it wonderful. My day today was good. I got caught up on all my emails and work. Then I came home, made spaghetti for dinner, and then did laundry. It is nice having clean socks again. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


Thanks for the fun weekend.  Snowbird was so fun.  The wedding was so pretty and you looked amazing Robin.  I am glad that you had a fun weekend.  Today was good.  Ruth woke up at 5 and by the time I got her back to sleep it was a half an hour before when I usually get up so I just walked a little early.  Then I finished quilting my quilt.  I am not amazing at it but I think it turned out pretty good and it was a lot of fun to do.  For my birthday Casey got me a back for another quilt so I went and got that today which was fun.  Then we went grocery shopping.  Randy came over and tiled Sunday and it is looking good.  He came over today also, he was thinking about something with the tiles so he came over to look at it.  They stayed and visited for a while which was nice.  Isaac made meat loaf for dinner and it tasted really good.  It was a good recipe.  The little kids didn't eat it so they were crying all night that they were hungry.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.


Snowbird Pictures

Wedding Pictures

I didn't get a lot of pictures but the wedding and Robin were beautiful.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...