Friday, July 26, 2019

Ten Pounds

Robin that is such a cute picture of Jenkins.  Who would have ever thought he would love build a bear.  That is a beautiful rainbow.  Rachel,  that was a fun day.  I am glad you got to hang out with Randy.  Work was busy for me and I asked Karen if she would make beef jerky for Yellowstone so she came down tonight and we went to Costco and bought 10 lbs of meat.  We cut it up and are marinating it and then taking it back to her house tomorrow and smoking it.  I am pretty excited.  She helped  us finish up the table for the printer.  It isn't as stable as I had hoped but it is working fine.  It is nice to have a place for it. It feels good to have it there.  I am so glad that it is the weekend.  It was a lot cooler today.  The wind was crazy.  Everyone enjoy your weekend.  I am so glad the tile is coming along.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...