Saturday, August 6, 2011


josh;s birthday was good we went to tepanyaki and then over to his parents house for cake and ice cream. He liked his quilt. Then we went and saw planet of the apes. it was a good show. i was impressed. well not to much else going I'm pretty tired now hope everyone has a great weekend.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I stayed up late last night reading the second hunger game book, it is really good. I finished it today when Isaac was taking his nap so I got the third book on my kindle. It has been good so far. I think that the cat is a spy, I guess I need to finish it to find out. Me and Isaac went over to Casey's Dad's for a barbecue tonight. It was fun. Casey joined up with us when he got home. Isaac was really good and everyone had a fun time playing with him. Collin has really bonded with him. Well I hope that Josh had a good Birthday and I hope that he liked the quilt. I am excited.

Yeah for Friday

Well I made it thru Friday. I got my bonus today also. So that was nice also. Work was good. I stayed busy all day which was nice. It felt like Friday yesterday so today seemed extra long. I didn't feel like cooking so I went to KFC and got me some chicken. i saw a commerical for it and it looked really good. So I started craving it. But I should be good now. Mom suggested that I get a 10 piece meal so i have enough for a few dinners. I should be sick of it by the time it is all gone. Well i hope that everyone one has a great weekend. BYE

Thursday, August 4, 2011


well this week has been busy, I've worked alot yesterday I had the night off and it was nice to relax. tomorrow I have the whole day off. I am so excited. Its josh;s birthday to. I think I am going to take him to tepanyaki I haven't gone yet but I know you guys love it so I thought we would try it out. well not to much else happening hope life it well for all

love you


Mom, on the radio today it said that the fair is Aug 11, 12, and 13th so it isn't until next weekend. I also saw Monica at Shopko, I don't think that she remembered my name but she remembered my face and said to say hello to you. She said that Isaac was really cute. Casey is going to come home tomorrow and I think that we are going to have a barbecue with his sister which should be fun. I have gotten all my quiet book pages colored and reinforced, I just have to sew on the pockets and Velcro now, it should be pretty fast. I hope that they don't look to dorky. I was fun to work on them again. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.



Well tomorrow is the big day to go to China. Dad and Casey are working at the lab. I hope they make it. I had a busy day. They had a barbeque at work today and it was really nice. They did a really good job. Then a huge lightening storm came over around 4 and it would lightening and thunder at the same time. It was cool. It is nice to have a quiet night home. It seems weird. It has been so busy lately. I am going to ride the bus to work tomorrow and take it home. Wish me luck. I hope it works out because that would be nice not to have to drive to work every day. I will keep you updated on my big adventure for tomorrow. I love you guys

Almost Friday

I am glad that mom, dad, and Robin had a fun time last night. You never did say if they food was good though. My day at work was good. I got a lot of clutter cleared off my desk. It was warm today, but it wasn't humid so it wasn't too bad outside. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Robin's Home

I have had a good day. Work was really busy and then Robin was home when I got here and we went to dinner at a place she had a coupon for and what an adventure. It was so funny. Needless to say they had no idea of the coupon and it was fun to watch. Dad was even laughing by the time we got our food. It was fun. We went to Fred Meyer's afterwards and just walked around for awhile. I am glad Rachel that Isaac was OK. I miss him already. I just love the way his smile lights up a room. I am glad you got to spend some time with Casey's family. They probably feel the same way. Good luck Karen with your new owner. I hope it goes well. I need to go iron so I have something to wear tomorrow.


Back to Logan

Well we made it back. Isaac did really well in the car ride home which was really nice. He had a rough night though, he peed through two diapers, he hasn't done that in a while, I am not sure what happened. We have had a good day, we went to the library and got some new books. I got the second book in the hunger games. I watered the lawn and did laundry, I didn't have as much as I thought I would. Casey's family came over and visited us for a while since Laurie is here. Isaac is a little fussy today but he was cute. He jumped a lot for them. Thanks Mom for letting us stay so long, it was fun.


Well I went to a lot of meetings today. I had one meeting at 1030 until lunch. Then a company meeting. Ray and Melzie are retiring and they mad their son who was the VP the new President of the company. Then I was training a girl to use the new laser measuring machine. And that was pretty much my day. Thanks for the tips on my project mom. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I will go get that stuff this weekend. Well have a great rest of the week everyone. Oh by the way Rachel I still haven't seen your new hair cut.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Almost half way

Today was a good day at work. I was really busy and it seemed to go well. I should be busy all week. This is my first full week in a long time. It will be weird. Rachel and Casey and Isaac went home. I sure had a nice time. thanks for staying with us. I am glad you made it home safe and sound. Sorry Karen I didn't call you about your craft. It was really late when we got back home and I spaced it out. I will call tomorrow. Rachel they don't sell binkies at that whole foods store. I think we will have to try the one by Trolley square. Have a great Wednesday.


No ac

Well this afternoon the ac quit working in engineering. It got up to 80 and really humid before the propped the doors to engineering to cool it down. Other than that it was a good day. Work is moving steadily along. I can't believe that it is August already. Are we still all going to get that feather mattress thing for dad for his birthday? So Robin how is your boyfriend doing? You just don't post any good gossip any more. I like your hair cut. I finally went on facebook and saw your picture. You just got bangs it looks like. It is still pretty long. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Monday, August 1, 2011


I posted my picture on facebook. but I will have to post it on the blog to. I am tired so tonight is not the night. but life is good. I worked both places again. and tomorrow will be the same. I hope everyone had a great monday


Gilligan's Island

Well they aren't going to China now until Saturday which means that Rachel had to stay another night :). I was happy. I am not sure if she feels the same way. It is nice to have her here. I was busy today at work also. I worked through my lunch hour so I went home a little early. That way nice. I don't have to go to Logan on Wednesday anymore. I was really glad about that one. Makes it a lot easier on me. I don't have any more news. I did mail your surprise today Karen so hopefully you will be getting it in the mail soon. Have a great Tuesday.



Well I had a good day. Work was somewhat busy so it went by pretty fast. I was good and didn't even have a coke. I was tired today so it was rough not having one. I couldn't sleep last night because I had a nap yesterday and that just threw things off. Oh well I made it. BY the way I still haven't seen photos of any ones new hair cut. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday bye.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

begin again

well I worked all day at zions and then lagoon. it was pretty uneventful. it rained but that was about the end of the excitement. hope everyone has a great week


Nice Day

I had a good day. Isaac was so much fun. He just lights up when he sees me. It is so neat. We went and saw Julie today and I am glad we did. She needed a visit. Autin had already bought a suitcase so I have your suitcase in my trunk Robin. I am going to put it in the closet so you have it around. Karen way to go on the crafting. I saw that yesterday at Bernia's and it reminded me that we never got to the project. Sorry about that. Sounds like you are making good progress on it. I am sorry I missed your call. I didn't hear it. That reminds me that I need to plug in my phone. I didn't do that last night. I made lasgna tonight for dinner and it tasted really good. I made strawberry shortcake also but we were too full to eat it yet. My phone actually had run out of battery. Sorry about that Karen. Well this week I have to work a full week. It has been a long time since I have done that. Hopefully it will be OK. Well have a great first week of August. I can't believe how fast time is going. LOVE MOM


Well I have a good day. My lesson went well in Sunday school. The kids were making me laugh. We were reading about the triumphal entry and in the scriptures it says that he road on an ass. So when I had then read the scripture containing that work they all stopped and had the funniest looks on their faces. I just told them to substitute donkey instead. Then they were okay. I got the project you got me cut out mom and I bounded the stuff to the stuff i cut out and now I cut get it to stick to the back ground. i tried calling you to ask for help but your phone just went to voice mail. My home teachers did come over today and they seem nice. One of them live just over in building D so they are close by. It has rained off and in here today. We have flash flood warnings (big shock I know) going until tonight. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...