Saturday, November 16, 2019
We did it
We went up to Logan today. We had a really good time. We got a lot of stuff for Thanksgiving and then got a toilet and vanity for the new bathroom. It looks so nice. I love it. Rachel picked out good things. Not much else to report on my end. I love this weather. LOVE MOM
I had a quiet day. It was nice. I took a nap and did some reading. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, November 15, 2019
We did it
I am with Karen it was hard to get back to the real world. My in box is out of control. I did get a lot done but not enough. I will continue my endeavors. We are going to Rachels house tomorrow to get Thanksgiving organized. I am excited for the holidays. Not much else to report on my end. We did get dad's tail light fixed. We have tried to replace the bulb and it never worked so replaced the whole light and that seems to have it. LOVE MOM
I so wanted it to be the weekend when my alarm went off this morning. It was hard getting up after having yesterday off. I was tough and did it though. Work was good . I got caught up on all the emails I missed yesterday, so that was good. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Today was good. I walked this morning and it is getting dark again. Oliver was having a rough morning. We went to the hobby lobby to get some stuff for primary and I said that they could get one craft. He was having a hard time deciding and ending up not getting anything and was upset. Then we went tot Lees and he cried through the whole store. I made him eat a lot for lunch and he had a better afternoon. I was supposed to help in Isaac's class but no one was there. I asked Isaac what happened later and they had a long recess I guess. We didn't take the stroller to get the boys and that was nice for me not to have to push anyone. The boys got their school pictures back and they look cute. Isaac was trying not to blink so he looks a little startled. Randy came over tonight and they grouted the floor. So hopefully tomorrow we will put the sealant on. Then Saturday we can get the toilet and vanity in. We are getting close. I am glad that everyone is doing good. Love you guys.
fun day
I had a fun day. We went with Karen to get her fake tooth. It was nice to goof around. That place to so close to so many stores. We went to Walmart and then Home Depot. We decided to go back to our house for a little while. Dad stayed home and we went for lunch. I had a 5 dollar coupon to Target that expired tomorrow so we went there. It was really close to the dentist. I got candy for Christmas stockings. It is a nice store. We came back and I went to look at a phone. I think I am going to get me a new one. The battery in my phone doesn't last very long. Thanks Karen for letting us hang out. Robin, I am sorry work is crazy. I can help with a resume if you want me to. Dad is really good at them as well. Rachel, I hope you had a nice day. LOVE MOM
I got my fake tooth today. It looks good. We went to my appointment at 730 in the morning and they had it done by 230. It was fun hanging out. Then I came home and took a little nap, had dinner, and then took a test. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Work went well. Around 2 I was so tired I hit a wall. But made it through. We just relaxed all night because I think we both were tired. I did make some hot chocolate it tasted good.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Hump day
Karen made it to SLC for dinner. We went to the spaghetti factory. It tasted so good. We are all going to American Fork tomorrow morning. Her appointment is at 7:30. Hoping to miss a lot of traffic. Rachel I love the base boards. That made a huge difference. I am sorry that Oliver's legs hurt. Poor kid. I am going to get a Christmas Bonus and it will be right before Black Friday. I thought that was really cool. Robin, I am sorry your work is so crazy. That makes me so tired to work extra like that. LOVE MOM
Oliver's legs hurt last night so I didn't walk this morning and slept again. I did go to work out class and that was good. I friend of Oliver's from school was there so he had a fun time. I had quilt group this afternoon and it is fun to visit with everyone. Afterwards we helped in Oliver's class. Randy came over this evening and they were able to get the base boards on. The next step is to grout so that is exciting. Isaac had scouts and he had a really fun time. I think that was his last one. Next week is pack meeting and he is going to get his Wolf. Love you guys and good luck with everything. I think Micheal Buble will be fun. Thanks for going guys!!
Today was busy at work I didn't leave till 5:30.i could have stayed longer but I didn't want Jenkins to die Jeramy is working late too so poor Jenkins needs his people lol.he keeps sitting on me every time I sit down I'm ready for Friday it's so far away I feel like.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Today work was busy but I made it out alive. Nothing to wild just same ole same ole. Im already ready for the weekend lol at least we are half way there. Love you
My day went well. I am behind at work so I mostly tried to catch back up. It didn't work well but I did make some progress. We came home and just vegged. Dad helped Karen with programming. He enjoys that. Rachel, I love that quilt. I think the kids get stressed at school and then act out until they calm down. It doesn't let him push Ruth. That makes me so mad about Imogene. Where was her dad when that happened? Karen is coming down tomorrow night and Thursday we are going to go get her a tooth. LOVE MOM
I had a hard time sleeping last night. Casey woke up and I couldn't fall back to sleep. So I didn't walk this morning and slept in. We just played at home this morning which is nice. Then we went to story time. They showed us how to make pine cone bird feeders and gave the kids bird seed so we made them after school which was fun. We picked up pine cones on the way home. We met Casey for lunch which was fun, it was good to see him. The little kids had school and I worked on my log cabin quilt. I have quilt group tomorrow so I put a couple blocks together so I would have something to show. I still have a long way to go on it but I like how it looks. The walk home was rough. Oliver was chasing Ruth with a tumble weed and pushed her over. So he was crying the whole way because he was in trouble for pushing. Imogene was throwing rock and hit me in the arm. The kids were so good once we were home. They were making things in Isaac's room and being so nice. Casey worked late, he is still there so I signed up for Disney + and we watched a move after homework. IT is so dark their isn't much to do. Anyway I hope things are going good for everyone. November is going by so fast.
Work is going good. It was meeting day so that took up most of my day. After work I did more homework. So that sums up my day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, November 11, 2019
My day was good. I got caught up on all the emails I missed on Friday. So yeah on that. Then after work I just did homework. Exciting times I know. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Today was good and nothing too exciting going on. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. The little kids had school and I sewed while they were gone. We walked to pick up the boys and it was a pretty day. The kids complained the whole way home about walking. Oliver wanted to get a pokemon toy and I needed to drop off a birthday card for a primary teacher. I had Isaac come with and he wasn't happy about it. He likes to pick stuff out at the store though and got a pie and some pomegranates. We didn't find what Oliver wanted so he ordered it online tonight. Isaac loved the pomegranates and ate a whole one. Casey is busy at work and he stayed until bed time. Love you guys and have a good night.
Today was good. Work went by fast so that was nice. I'm tired because me and Jeramy stayed up to late watching t.v it should be more exciting but we are binge watching alone (another survivor show). I cleaned a bit in our living room and we are starting to fill the cracks with stuff. We need to start de clutter ing.hope everyone has a good night
I made it to work safe and sound. It was still crazy but I have decided to embrace the crazy. It made it almost comical and I need that. It helped. We went to Walmart after work. They have these 3 dollar unders that I love to wear under my sweaters so we bought some more of those. They fit me better than Down East. Down East has such tight arms. We came home and just watch Expanse. It is a really good show and it drags in in. It is a sci fi one. I have been enjoying it. I made Karen an appointment to go get a fake tooth on Thursday so I am taking that day off and going with her. I am actually very excited to play for a day. We are going to Logan this weekend to start Thanksgiving groceries. If anyone needs anything, let me know. Everyone have a nice Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The weekend
When will they have your new tooth Karen? I hope it isn't a long wait. I am glad that you are feeling good. We had a good weekend. Randy came over yesterday and they put the floor in the bathroom. It looks really really nice. We are going to get the baseboards up and then Randy is going to come over and we will grout it. So we are close to being done. I had a ton of meeting today. Casey watched the kids this morning and I had a meeting but I got all my questions answered so that was good. Church went good and then I had a meeting afterwards. I feed the kids and then we went to the park and played until it was dark. Casey worked and came home before bed time. The kids were in a good mood today and it was fun. We have eaten almost all the Halloween candy. I will miss the chocolate.
Home again
We made it home safe and sound. It was nice taking care of Karen. I met up with Robin after we got back and went bingo shopping. FE is going out of business and they have neat things there. I think they will go down in price as time goes on but we got some fun things. It was fun to hang out with Robin, Robin, I am sorry your work is crazy. Karen is doing well and we had fun playing games and hanging out. I guess it is back to the real world tomorrow. Rachel, I hope you had a nice weekend. LOVE MOM
My tooth is doing good. It is tender but it isn't too painful. Thanks mom and dad for coming up. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...