Friday, September 27, 2024


 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am excited to play tomorrow. We thought we qould get up at 8 and make our way to logan. We can meet at rachels house. Love mom

Thursday, September 26, 2024


 The kids at work were more unsettled today so it didn't go as smoothly but it was fine.  I went grocery shopping after work and did homework with Oliver.  After dinner we mowed the lawn and got everything cleaned up outside.  Isaac went to a teen activity at the library, it was the opening social and he had fun.  I went to exercise class and it was high and I love it.

Love Rachel 


 I got up and did a few things and then I walked over to the bus and met Karen for lunch. I got julie a card for Sunday and went to the hobby lobby. Dad and i went to sprouts to get probiotics and then walked the mall. We went to my doctors appt. I guess there are two options why my ears are weird.  They are going to do a xray and see what is going on. I made zuppa.soup for dinner and it tasted so good. It jeramy picked up Luna. I am glad that is working out. I am super excited for the weekend. Hotel is confirmed. Corn maze is open and cheese festival starts at 10. I think it is all working out. Love mom the neighbor across the streets fence got a.whole bunch if gang signs on his big gate. It is spooky.


Thebare opening a kneaders next to my work so they gave us all a free breakfast. It was a large breakfast of French toast and a cinnamon roll. I could only eat half of the French toast so I had the cinnamon roll for lunch and the rest of the French toast for dinner. It worked out great. Work was good nothing wild. After work I had my class and it went a bit long. But it was good. I'm tired though and I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday 



 My day was good but busy. I got to leave work early because I stopped along the way to pick up some parts. After dinner me and mom went to the gym. Other than that I don't have anything exciting to report. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 I have the top of the dog quilt done and started quilting it.  So hopefully I will have it done soon.  Oliver's foot hurt in the middle of the night and Casey was a saint and helped him feel better.  Casey took the afternoon off and we had lunch and it was fun.  He had a cardiologist appointment and he is doing well.  We picked Oliver up from orchestra and went and got some new clothes.  Casey and Oliver had activity days and they used their marshmallow guns.  Isaac had young men's and me and Ruth rode bikes with him to get their.  It was a pretty evening.  I also went to exercise class and Casey went running.  It ended up being a busy day.

Love Rachel 


 I took dad to work and then picked up kay. We stopped at Tooele for a coke and then drove to Wendover. We had fun. Kay kept winning on this machine after lunch. It was fun to watch her. I didn't win but had a good time. Karen picked dad up from work which was really nice. I got home about 730. Robin I am so glad your raise came through. Yeah. Rachel I hope your day off was good. I hope your dog quilt is coming along. I go to the ent tomorrow to talk about my hearing test. I am hoping I learn a lot about frequencies. Love mom


I finally got my title and pay updated. It took a thousand years but it's all good to go now. They also gave us free lunch which was nice. After work we had dinner then we were all tired so we took it easy. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 Today was good.  I had prep at school and that was nice.  Ruth and Oliver played with Allen and his sister at their house.  We stopped at our house so Oliver could get some stuffed animals and then I drove them up there.  Isaac had violin lessons and then we picked up the kids.  We had a quick dinner and then Ruth had tumbling.  We did Oliver's homework which is always a struggle and then I went to exercise class.  We had a sub and did a spin class which was fun and really hard.

Love Rachel 


 I had a quiet day. We all have headaches. Allergies are bad. Robin that trim looks really nice on the shed. I am going to take kay to Wendover tomorrow. I have promised her for months. The weather should be beautiful. I am excited for this weekend. Love mom


 My day seemed long as well. I passed my audit with no findings though so that was awesome. After work me and mom went to the gas station to put air in my tires because they were low. Other than that it was a quiet night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today felt like a long day. It was alot of meetings and just a long day. After work we added the bottom trim to the shed. Having Luna everything takes 5x as long. So we didn't finish. We are getting closer though 

Monday, September 23, 2024


 It definitely felt like a Monday. Work is moving right along. I have a customer aduit tomorrow so wish me luck. I am hoping it isn't too bad. After dinner we went to the gym. It was nice to go. I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


 It was laundry day so I did house work. Yhe gopher lives so I did go out and put poison into the holes. He is making a mess. Dad came home a.little early so I ran to Walmart. I bought the wrong probiotics last week. I love that dinosaur Robin. I love the kids pictures. Where is yours Rachel? We did go to the gym tonight. We haven't been in awhile. Dad didn't go. It felt really nice. Have a great day. Love mom


 Ruth went on a field trip to the limber pine trail today.  She was so excited and had a fun time.  They saw two moose in the trail.  Work went really well today.  The kids were all really good and did the projects.  Oliver had orchestra practice after school and Isaac had orchestra practice at Logan high so we had to rush over their.  I signed up to bring snacks today and it was for 45 kids which was a lot of snacks.  It is crazy.  Isaac had a refund time and loved the music.  He knew the conductor from the summer camp which was nice.  We did homework and I went to exercise class.  Casey went caving with his Monday group.  I got the little kids school pictures back and Oliver's is not great but I like Ruth's.

Love Rachel 


It definitely felt like a Monday today. It was quiet though so I was able to get cleaned up on alot of emails. After work I picked up groceries. I also bought a black pen to add shatter marks to our windows for the dinosaur. Luna colored her window up and we called Grandma to show her. 


Sunday, September 22, 2024


 I woke up with a bad headache. I took a bunch of drugs and we went to Lehi. We took Luna to the park but it was all locked up. I thought that was weird to lock up a park. Karen took us to the aquarium. We had a really good time. Luna ran and ran. We had lunch there and was so disappointed. It use to be really good. Robin and jeramy got a lot done on their shed. It looks really good. we came home and vegged. I had such a fun weekend. I am super excited for next weekend. Robin I love that dinosaur.  Robin got floating candles for your house Rachel. Love mom


This weekend was good. On Saturday Jeramys sister left and me and we worked on the shed. Luna took a nap and when she woke up we went to the big park. The water was on and she was soaking wet. We went home and warmed up. The. The Grovers had a community party that they invited us to. They spray painted Lunas hair and had face painting. She want to be Batman. Lol then today the gang came by and picked up Luna and took her to the aquarium. Me and Jeramy finish wrapping the shed. We just need to put up the decorative panelling next. I also bought some things for Halloween. For our house I bought a dinosaur that looks like it's coming out of the window. Since Luna is afraid of everything I went light in spooky. She is just pretending being scared in the picture.I need to pull out the rest of my stuff


 We went to church this morning and I played the piano.  The garage door and the door bell were broken so me and Casey went to Lowe's and fixed them both.  I sewed a lot this weekend and made a lot of progress on the dog quilt.  We went hiking to the temple fork sawmill and looked the fall leaves.  It was really pretty.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...