Saturday, July 11, 2015


Well my day was pretty quiet compared to mom and dads. I went grocery shopping in the morning and then just puttered around my house the rest of the day. If you need me to help with grandma just let me know. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Almost a quiet day

I slept in today and we were just going to go shopping when we got an email.  Grandma's hip is broken but they aren't going to replace it.  It looks like they are going to put a rod in it.  She has pleurisy really bad so they can't do that until that gets better.  I guess they are going to try and drain some fluid from her lung tomorrow.  Poor thing.  She actually looked really good and was acting very much like herself all day.  She wasn't in any pain.  That made me feel better.  They said that she will have to go into a rehab center for awhile after she gets out of the hospital.  She isn't going to be happy about that one.  She was upset they took her wig off so me and dad went and got her some caps for her head.  We found a wig store and they had some really nice ones.  She felt a lot better after she had those.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  The weather is so nice.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry about Grandma also, that is a hard injury.  We had a good day, we went to the farmers market this morning and visited with Calleen.  We stayed for a long time and got some snow cones, it was a nice morning.  This evening we went and got a new printer, I have been missing it a lot.  It is really nice and will be really nice to have.  Isaac and Oliver were really silly when I was putting them to bed.  It was fun to see them laughing with each other instead of fighting.  It was really cute.  Everyone have a good Sunday.



I'm sorry about grandma, if you need anything let me know. Today was chill. I didn't have to work so I thought I would just take a slow day and do nothing. It was quite nice. I started working on my queen of hearts collar. I am hoping to work on it more tomorrow. Have a good night


Friday, July 10, 2015


I am so glad it is Friday.  I will get all rested up for next's week amazing birthday celebration.  It should be the time that memories are made.  I am excited.  I was tired today and so glad when I could go home.  I drove today because dad picked up the jeep.  It still isn't fixed right.  Oh well.  I stopped at the store on my way home and it was fun to get that done.  Tomorrow I am going birthday shopping and then make reservations for me and Rachel to go to the reunion.  Who ever isn't going gets to babysit.  :)  I love this weather.  It is just perfect.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

Love at 2

Today was good. They said at work the waffle love food truck was coming by our place. So we got so excited and all went out for lunch. But someone didn't relay the info to the waffle van and they were not there. So we ended up having sandwichs. But then we got an email saying they were sorry about the mis information and the truck said it would arrive at 2. So we went out for break and we all shared a waffle. So all is well. They are really good. Well worth the wait. Then I worked at scheels. Not to much else.


Granola Bars

Mom, we are running low on granola bars so we can buy them again.  The same with fish crackers, we have been eating a lot of snacks and catching up.  Casey's friend Pete set his alarm for the wrong time so he missed his ride.  We visited for a while this morning and then he just went on a ride on his own.  He wasn't too upset about it.  We went to the zoo and walked around and then went to their story time.  It was a fun time.  Oliver fell asleep on the way home and would not take a nap afterwards.  He was tired and grumpy this evening.  We made crepes for dinner and it tasted really good.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  I hope that everyone gets some rest so you can party hard on my birthday in one week.



Robin I don't have the 24th off either so we are in the same boat. Mom I don't want to go to the reunion so you don't have to worry about my information. My day has been good. I am so glad that I get to sleep in tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Friday.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Casey has the 24th off but not the 25th.  We are still coming to the demo derby on the 25th but could do something else on the 24th.  I think that vernal sounds fun and we are in.  I haven't been their in a hundred year.  I think it will be fun to go back to Dugway for the Reunion just to see how much it has changed, I am excited.  Today was pretty good.  Casey worked on his car and got it running again.  He also cleaned the bathroom really well, he is on a roll.  A friend he used to work with is doing a bike early tomorrow and needed a place to stay. So we spent the evening with him and it was fun.  He got his bike ready for the race and we played outside, the weather is so nice and cool.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday, I hope it is calm and fast.



I know that is a deep subject.  They looked at the jeep and said they needed to adjust the controls so they did that and we will pick it up in the morning and see how it works.  I helped with the zero harm fair and they lady that was suppose to take me home forgot me and I got stranded at Riverton Hospital.  I called dad and he came and rescued me.  She did come back and apologized about leaving.  She just got distracted.  I thought it was nice she came back.  Dad was already driving there so I waited for him.  We went to Dickey's for dinner.  I was amazed how much that area has changed since Isaac was born there.  It is one huge shopping area.  We went home and just vegged.  I was tired.  Robin and Karen do you want to go to Dugway reunion?  I need to have a bunch of information so they will let you one the post.  Let me know if you want to go and I will send it off tomorrow night.  I will call everyone and get the information.  You do need you life history for sure.  I was also pondering going to Vernal instead of Yellowstone.  How do you feel about that one?  I am having a hard time getting on the website for a cabin in Yellowstone.  I think that is all my excitement.  It has been the strangest week for sure.  I haven't even had time to see how many hours I need to work tomorrow.  Hopefully tomorrow will be quieter.  We are interviewing for a temp position to get some  help.  Hopefully she will be wonderful.  LOVE MOM


So i guess I am working the 24th at night now. Sorry they needed someone at scheels. But I am still off the 25th so it will be good. Hopefully it doesn't ruin to many plans. Today was good. Super busy. I was on one project to the next. I am glad tomorrow is friday. It's been a along week. Hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy weather



Well things are going good here. I don't have much to report. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. I hope that the jeep is all fixed again. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Natures Fireworks

I worked late tonight and man what a storm.  I haven't seen rain like that since Houston.  The lightening was continuous.  IT was cool.  I haven't driven in that for a long time.  There was a huge tree that had crashed on a truck.  The funeral was really nice.  It was so good to see everyone.  Everyone came.  All four of us.  Cathy and Scott and Heidi and Emmie from Helen's side and then Lucile's four kids and everyone else.  It was really nice to see everyone.  We went to El Matador afterwards and it was nice to visit.  Cathy and Heidi and Emmie came with us.  I was so glad I went.  I went to work this evening and worked until 10:30.  It has been a crazy week.  Dad went with me to the funeral.  I was glad he came.  All four of her kids talked.  They did a good job.  Everyone have a great day.  Be careful in the storms.  LOVE MOM

Over its

Today was long. Nothing crazy it was just a long day. Maggie was really busy. I didn't have to work at scheels so that was nice. It's suppose to get really crazy weather tonight. Have a good thursday


Wonderful Weather

The weather was really nice today.  It rained most of the morning and then it was cool in the afternoon.  Casey's car started not working again and it was another bad alternator so he took it bad and should get another one tomorrow.  He worked on the car today.  We didn't do much today, we went grocery shopping this morning and then this evening we went and got a present for Tessa's party next week.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.



I hope that the funeral went well this morning, mom. My day has been good. I am glad that the week is half over. Robin that serger looks nice. It looks brand new. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Today was good I picked up the serger from Julie. It was sweet of her. I plugged it in and it works. It was funny when I opened it, there was a vhs. It made me laugh. I worked late today. But I didn't have to go to scheels. Today was national chocolate day. So we had dipping chocolate and had strawberries and other items to dip in the chocolate. It was good. Well have a good wednesday.


Weird week

This week is turning out to be a weird week.  I worked late today and tomorrow I am helping with the Zero Harm Celebration from 8 - 10 tomorrow night so I am going to work at night.  I was reading Lucile's obituary today and she has over 120 living descendants.  The funeral is going to be huge.  I have never seen great great grandchildren.  Her kids are great grandparents.  I thought that was pretty neat.  The viewing starts at 9:30 so I thought we would get there around ten.  The funeral is at 11:00. 
Did you see on facebook that Marissa had her baby?  I am sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well.  I hope he gets over it quickly.  Everyone have a great hump day.  We didn't get any rain Karen.  You are lucky.  It is a lot cooler however so that is nice.  We can go get the serger one day Robin if you want me to go with you.  LOVE MOM


Today turned into a busy day.  We decided to go fishing with Randy so we got up and went up to Tony's Grove to fish.  Isaac got car sick and threw up on the way their and back.  He was fine other than that but I think that he isn't a hundred percent.  Poor guy.  We didn't catch any fish but it is really pretty up their and we had a good time.  The boys love to hike around.  Then Randy took up to McDonalds for lunch.  When we got back Imogene was outside and wanted to play so she came over and played for a while.  Mom and Dad sent Isaac and Oliver some camping chairs and they came today.  Isaac was really excited and Oliver loves the chairs.  Then it was late and Casey had to go to scouts so we made pancakes fast and he left.  Me and the boys watched a movie and rested the rest of the night.   Randy was saying that the named it Tony's grove because that is where all the rich people went in the summer in the late 1800's and Tony was a name for rich people.  I thought that was interesting.  Everyone have a good night.



Well things are going good here. I am tired today. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. Work is going good. It has been a little rainy here this evening. I am sorry that Isaac had a bad day also. Hopefully he was better today. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Monday, July 6, 2015

Time flies

I didn't get the serger. I called after the blessing and didn't reach her. Then the rest of the day flew by. I didn't remember again till like 10. Hopefully I will get it tomorrow. Today was good. It was busy. I had to work at scheels tonight. Tomorrow at maggie it's chocolate day, so that will be fun. I'm sorry your jeep is on the fritz mom. I am also sorry Isaac is being a handful. Hope everyone had a better Tuesday


It is tough

I am sorry that Isaac had a bad day.  That does make for a long day.  Oliver has turned into a climber.  He is going to be jumping off the couch soon.  Karen I am glad you had a good day.  I couldn't sleep last night and today was crazy busy.  I am hoping sleep and a slower day is in my future.  I love the cooler Rachel.  That will be so nice.  The jeep is so weird.  One time it is blowing 150 degree air out of the side and then on the way home it was working just fine.  Go figure.  We are taking it in on Thursday.  It poured rain here for about 20 minutes and it was fun to watch.  Robin I hope you had a great day.  I love those shoes.  The flower and beads were perfect match.   Have a wonderful Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


This morning was rough with Isaac, he was really grouchy and spent most of the morning in time out.  After lunch he played outside with the neighborhood kids and was in a better mood after that but he still wasn't 100%.  Casey was on a cleaning roll today.  He deep cleaned the kitchen and cleaned all the windows.   It looks really nice.  He also got a lot of weeding done.  For my birthday I wanted a cooler to take camping so we went and got one.  I attached a picture, I think it will be lot of fun.  We had dinner at panda also which was nice.  We spent the rest of the night outside doing yard work and playing.  It was a nice evening.  Casey also found the largest worm in the world and I attached a picture.  I am sorry that the jeep broke Mom, you have had your run of car problems lately.  Also cute shoes Robin, they are perfect.



My day has been good. It did rain a little bit this evening. Work went by pretty fast. I forgot to ask if you picked up the surger yesterday Robin. Mom that sucks that the jeep broke again. I hate it when they don't really fix things when you take it in. Well I hope everyone had a good Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Today was good. The blessing went well. Me and Walter guarded the park so it was chill. The clouds made it so cool and nice. It was covered so the rain didn't bug us. Everyone loved the shoes. I put a picture with the flowers added on. Have a good week


I agree

I agree with Rachel and Karen.  It is going to be a long week, I have to work all week.  I am going to take some time of for Lucille's funeral but I am not going to count that.  However next week we do get Friday off again to play for Rachel's birthday.  That will be fun to look forward to.  I am excited to celebrate.  We took Grandma out for lunch and then to Walmart.  She has given up her boycott of Walmart and I am glad.  It was nice to walk around.  Centerville's Walmart is really nice.  Not much else going on.  I remembered this morning we forgot Raspberries.  I was sad about that one.  Oh well we will get some next time.  I thought you were going to sell them at the farmer's market with the soap.  Have a great week.  It rained here a little bit also.  It was nice to have it a little cooler.  Robin, I hope the blessing went well.  I bet she loved the dress and booties.  They are darling. I sure had a great weekend.  Thanks for everything.  I love to play.   LOVE MOM


You guys forgot Raspberries yesterday.  I had them for breakfast and it was really good.  Thanks for coming up.  I had a good time and I really liked that movie.  I think it would be a good one to buy.  Oliver didn't sleep last night but both boys slept in this morning so that was nice.  Oliver didn't nap because he got up late but we still skipped sacrament.  Isaac really really wanted to make sugar cookies after dinner so Casey and him did.  We made red, white and blue stars and they were cute.  It will be a long week with nothing fun going on.  Maybe something will come up.



My day has been good. It rained here most of the morning. I hope that you didn't get rained on at Walter's family party. I got to sleep in this morning. Which was very nice. It is going to be rough having to work a whole week. The last two weeks I have had Friday off. Oh well I will just have to be tough. Thank everyone for the fun weekend. Thanks also for coming up Friday and hanging out mom. Have a great week everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...