Saturday, November 5, 2016


We had a good and busy day.  Ruthie didn't sleep well and Casey let me sleep in which was nice of him.  Henry's favorite movie is secret life of pets so Isaac wanted to go see it.  It was at the cheap theater so we all went.  Ruthie was busy so her and Casey spent most of the time walking around.  The kids seemed to like the movie.  After lunch Ruthie, Oliver and Casey were napping and Isaac was writing so I went and sewed for a while, it was nice to have some time off.  When everyone got up we went hiking up in the mountains.  It was a lot of fun and so pretty.  The kids had fun running around.  At 7 Randy called and said that Laurie and Tiffany were here visiting so we ran up their.  It was really good to see them and fun to visit.  The kids had a fun time playing with them.  They are here until Wednesday.  I didn't post some pictures yesterday of the kids making race tracks in the garden.  I also finished my sampler Christmas quilt.  I quilted it with golden thread and I really like it.  It was a fun one to do.


Nice day

Karen came down today and we went and saw Dr. Strange.  It was a good movie.  I enjoyed it.  We went shopping and then to Costco to get some meat for beef jerky.  I did go to Carter's and bought Oliver a pair of pants.  I only bought one to see if you and him like them.  Robin, I am so glad you got some rest.  You really needed that.  Rachel, I hope you had a really nice day also.  It was so pretty outside.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad elmo Is back. Lol at least I didn't scar all your kids rachel. Today was so nice. It was my first saturday off in forever. I slept in, went grocery shopping and did laundry. I was going to sew but I have tomorrow off to and I wanted to spread out the fun. I hope the movie was good. Everyone have a good sunday


Friday, November 4, 2016

I can't believe it

The pictures of Elmo made me and dad laugh and laugh.  I never would have thought any one in your house would love Elmo.  I can't believe you still have it.  That is funny.  Work was long and I was stressed and decided to not help any more and it was hard and made my day really long.  I am glad it is the weekend and we are going to go see a movie.  Not much else to report on my end.  It is suppose to be a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM

Elmo is back

Ruthie has slept the last two nights which is a miracle.  Oliver and Ruthie's tummies seem to be on the mend also.  Today the kids were supposed to wear red shirt for red ribbon week and I forgot.  Isaac had some red on his monster truck and was OK with that.  I tried to take Olive and Ruth to story time but Oliver had the biggest melt down and we left.  It was pretty embarrassing.   I went and got a coke at sonics and drove around the block to cool off.  I picked the kids up from school so after we dropped Henry off we went to Sam's club to run errands and have lunch.  The RV kids came over and played for a while.  Imogene came over when she was done with school then the RV kids left and she stayed until dinner.  Isaac had a free ice cream at cold stones from Halloween so we went their for a bed time snack.  Oh this morning I got out the tickle me Elmo and the kids like it.  I got out the little Elmo also and Oliver carried it around Sam's club.  Oliver likes to knock the big one down and it confuses it.  It is cute still and makes me laugh.



Well my day has been good. I am glad that the weekend is here. I am going to meet up with mom and dad tomorrow.  We are going to go see Dr. Strange.  I hope it is a good show. I hope everyone has a great weeekend. Bye

Image result for bad day joke

Thursday, November 3, 2016

I'm back

Today went by slow. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I worked at scheels today for the first time in weeks. It was same ole. They said they missed me. So that was nice. Well have a good friday



Today was good.  I volunteered in Isaac's class this morning.  We had a half an hour between dropping him off and volunteering so we ran to the store really fast for some groceries and a car for Oliver to play with.  I took the kids with me and it worked out pretty good.  They were doing a craft so we helped get the papers ready for the kids to cut.  It was my day to carpool and Henry's mom had something so Henry played for a little bit and that was fun.  We need to have him over more.  I messed up turning in homework.  I turned in the stuff he is supposed to do today and kept what he already did so their wasn't any homework to do.  They are having Isaac do a STEM project this month.  He is supposed to think of a shelter or building, then design and build it.  It sounds like a cool program.  He wants to build a 5 car hot-wheel garage that has elevators and a chimney.  He drew up a plan, it was cute.  Today was Terri's birthday and we usually go out for dinner but they didn't so we went to costa vida and had take out.  It tasted good.  Everyone enjoy your friday.


Casey took the kids for a walk, Oliver wouldn't look up at me.

I think mornings are stupid also

Robin, I like that T-shirt.  I agree with it.  I am glad you are getting some rest.  Karen, I am glad you had a good day.  Work was good.  It was a normal day and I liked that.  I got some stuff done.  Not much else to report from me.  I did meet Kay and Rylee for dinner and we did a little bingo shopping.  It is going to be on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I don't have a time yet but it will be at Kay's house.  LOVE MOM


Well just one more day until the weekend.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good nothing too exciting. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Made it

I was tired today. Work went by ok. It wasn't to crazy. I came home and feel asleep so my day was pretty chill. I still feel tired so I will sleep well tonight. ;)

Going to calm down

Today was crazy busy at work.  We had the retirement party for someone in our department and it was a lot of work.  It did go really nice however.  I am glad it is over.  The ED brought over 4 months of papers and it is probably 2 feet tall.  It is going to keep me busy for awhile.  Rachel that was a cute idea for the fun park and the bus.  I am glad the kids got to go.  Is their diarrhea any better?  I have been worried about them.  I wish that Ruthie would start sleeping again.  That is exhausting.  She doesn't really even nap very good.  Karen it was a little bit foggy here as well.  Karen is going to come down on SAturday and we are going to go see that Dr. Strange movie.  It looked really good.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that the week is half over. It was super foggy here this morning.  It lasted until about lunch also. At least it cleared up and i got to see the sun for a little bit. Work was good. Just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Ruthie did not sleep last night and Oliver was grumpy today but we still had a decent day.  I needed some thread so we got that after we dropped Isaac off.  It was crazy hair day so I spiked his hair but I didn't have any hair color so it wasn't that awesome.  Oliver wanted to go to a dance party and they do that at the fun park so we went to story time their.  They had the CVTD come and talk to the kids and then we rode the bus to the transit station and then back.  It was a fun activity and they gave the kids bus flash light key chains.  Then Oliver got his dance party.  When Casey got home we went to the DI to see if they had any tillers but their were none.  Casey and the boys played outside until it was time for bed.  I hope that everyone had a fun day, thanks for being awesome.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I can't believe the church is emailing everyone. Ha ha I got the same email. I kept getting emails from the murray ward people then all the sudden I was a lost soul. They are on a mission. Someone keeps trying to change my password on a church site I get emails for. Yesterday an old lady from Texas called my phone for linda saying she was driving her self to bible study. It's so weird. Work was good. Nothing to crazy. I just vegged on the couch it was nice


You know you should have stayed in bed when -

I had a weird day today.  My black Friday purse broke today on my way to work and then I missed going to meeting I was suppose to take minutes for.  I think it was a bad hair day.  We did stop at Kohls and get me a new purse.  It is small so it may not make it but I am going to give it a try.  Something new.  Rachel, I am glad the chili turned out.  It just sounded so good.  Karen, I am glad you had a good day also.  Robin, I hope you are sleeping on the couch resting.  It is so hard to take down all the decorations.  You guys all did a really good job.  Have a nice hump day.  We are having a big retirement party for someone in our department tomorrow.  I have to go get the cake at noon.  I think I have everything organized.  Everyone has been so good to help me.  LOVE MOM

Clean up

I got the same email about you Robin, you are a wanted women.  I am just going to delete it, they don't need to know where you are.  Today was good, we were all tired but we made it through.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun.  Ruthie was late taking a nap so I had here for a while but she fell asleep about half way through.  After we did Isaac's homework we took down the decorations.  Last night Isaac said that his favorite part about Halloween was the decorations, thanks guys for doing that with him.  He was sad to take them down.  Casey made Mom's chili for dinner and it tasted really really good, thanks Mom.  Casey had scouts so we just "watched" a movie.  Ruthie and Oliver mostly fought the whole time.  Everyone enjoy your day tomorrow.



Well my day was good. It was meeting day today, so i spent what seemed like a lot of time in the conference room. It did make the day seem shorter when I got back to my desk. Robin I got a random email from the lds church saying they know you have moved and they want me to send them your current address.  I thought i would see what you thought of that idea first. I can't believe that it is November already. It will be Thanksgiving before you know it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Today was an epic Halloween like Mom said.  We had a wonderful day and we are all exhausted.  I love your costume Robin, it turned out great.  I am glad that you had a good day Karen.  Here are some pictures from our day.  Thanks Mom and Dad again, it was a fun time.


Happy Halloween

We made it back to SLC safe and sound.  There was hardly any traffic.  It was a really nice time.  The kids were so cute.  Rachel's party at Isaac school went really well and then we went downtown and walked around.  Oliver loves getting candy.  Everything turned out really nice.  Karen that was fun that you VT came with the kids.  Did you leave your light on for other trick or treaters?  Robin I loved your costume.  You are amazing.  I bet you are glad that Halloween is done.  You have worked to hard.  I bet you crash on the couch for a while.  Rachel thanks for letting us come up.  LOVE MOM


Today was fun. We won cutest again. Everyone loved my wings. It was a good ending to halloween. I came home and took a nap. I woke up and ordered pizza. I am vegging alot this week. I'm excited. I hope everyone had a good day.



Well my day has been good. Work went by pretty quick for a Monday, so that was nice. After work my visiting teacher stopped by with her kids to get a candy. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great Halloween.  Bye

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. I hope mom and dad made it up to Logancwith no trouble. My day was good. I cooked ham fried rice and even got all my dishes done. I hope everyone has a great Halloween tomorrow.  Bye

Time to say goodbye

Today was my last day at lagoon. I woke up early and went to the movies with the maggie girls. It was ok. Then we drove up to lagoon and got everyone into the park. I did all my makeup and then went on a couple rides with them tomorrow is flying monkey day then I am closing out the halloween season :) it's been a busy one. I finally have my weekends back. Hope everyone had a good sunday



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...