Saturday, September 10, 2016


Today was chill. I am feeling pretty good. I had to work tonight. It was soooooo slow. I couldn't handle it so I went home early. Then I just relaxed and watched netflix. The video is funny of ruth. I like your quilt also rachel. I'm glad you got your seeds karen. I hope they grow and you have a million sunflowers. Hope you have a good birthday on monday!



Rachel, I think that video is really cute.  She is so funny.  I love the way she just throws them out of sight when she is done with them.  We had a nice day.  We drove trax downtown and walked around temple square.  It was such a pretty day.  We came home and vegged and watched movies and Galavant on Netflixs.  That is a funny show.  Robin, I hope you are feeling OK.  It took me a couple of days to start feeling better afterwards.  I am so sensitive to the drugs they give you.  It is suppose to be warm tomorrow and then by mid week get really cold and rainy.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, September 9, 2016


I am glad that their isn't anything really bad Robin, that is good news.  I hope that they are able to help your pain though.  Today was good.  Casey has a cough and didn't sleep well so he called in sick and was able to get some sleep.  Isaac had school and I took the little ones to story time.  Oliver is so cute their, I love it.  Isaac was so so grumpy after school.  He woke up super early and I think he was just tired.  He did say that him and Gavin are officially friends, that made me laugh.  Casey picked up the jeep and we were talking where to park his car.  We filled the back with branches so we called Randy to borrow his trailer to get rid of them all.  He was so nice and came over with his truck and helped Casey get rid of them.  It took all evening.  Terri came over and I talked to her for a while.   I attached a cute video of Ruthie playing with legos.  I thought it was so funny but maybe you had to be their.   I also finished my grey quilt in time to take it to quilt group.   Everyone liked it and I do too.  Tell Dad thanks for all the vudu movies, that is really fun to have.  I watched the exotic marigold hotel one and it was really cute.  Also YES to the pumpkin train, that was fun last year.


So glad

I am so glad that everything went well with Robin's colonoscopy.  She was a trooper.  They gave her the same drug that dad has been on for years for his stomach.  It does help a lot.  Welchol.  Karen I am glad you made it to the weekend.  We will play on Monday for your birthday.  Rachel tell Casey thanks for getting the jeep.  I hope they really fixed it this time.  We slept in, that felt nice.  Everyone have a great weekend.  I hadn't planned much because I wasn't sure if Robin would need my help.  I feel very blessed that the didn't find anything really bad.  WHEW!  It sure was a pretty day.  I was wondering if we wanted to plan a heber creeper pumpkin ride with the kids.  I looked it up and they are doing it this year.  LOVE MOM

Good to go

My colonoscopy went well. They didn't see chrons or anything scary. He gave me some stomach pills to see of that helps. He did take a few samples to test but he won't know anything for a week or so. But I was glad they didn't find anything major. Thanks again mom and dad for driving me. Walter said he would bring me dinner but I was tired so I took a nap instead. Everyone have a good weekend



Well I am glad that the weekend is here. Robin I am glad that your colonoscopy did not show any problems. Other than dragging a bit my day was good. I did get the seeds for sunflowers you sent me Robin. Thanks, i am excited to plant then. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Today went by fast nothing to crazy. I started prepping for the colonoscopy tomorrow. It's not bad my stomach doesn't feel any diffrent so I hope I took enough medicine. I was preparing for much worse. Thanks mom for picking me up. 12:30 ish is great. I'm glad you and dad had a good anniversary. Love you guys


Nice day

We had a nice dinner at Yellow Fin for our Anniversary.  Work was good also.  I don't go back to work until Tuesday.  I have to do payroll before that but I will get that done also.  Good luck Robin, we will come and get you tomorrow.  I love Ruthie getting around.  She has figured it out.  She is growing up too fast.  I love the jacket.  Karen, I am glad your peaches are turning out.  LOVE MOM


We had a good day.  We were going slow this morning so we had to rush to school but we made it.  Isaac was happy afterwards and I think he had a good day.  We had a quick lunch and then went to the quilt group.  It is always fun to go to and fun to talk about quilts.  They are opening a new quilt shop downtown where the candy store used to be, it is a chain store.  Casey's Mom stopped by for a bit to leave something for someone else to pick up.  She was happy and things are going good at the market.  Casey made mac and cheese for dinner and it tasted really good.  Ruthie's fan stopped working so Casey fixed that also, he is on fire.  We were playing outside this evening and I ran in to get a coat for me and Ruthie.  When I came back outside Ruth had scooted a long way to get to a sprinkler.  I attached a picture.  She is going to be moving around really soon.  Good luck tomorrow Robin, I am sorry but I hope that they can help.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.


Good luck

Well good luck tomorrow, Robin. I hope all goes well. I hope mom and dad had a great anniversary. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. My first batch of peaches are finally all dried and I put the next batch in. So i am making process on the peaches I got from grandma. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow bye.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Today was good, busy but good. I'm trying to get ahead but it's just not possible.we had makeup tests today at lagoon. They showed us a picture and went on their way. Everyone did things alot diffrent than me. But I just followed the picture they gave me and didn't get creative. But everyone like it so I guess it's a chose your own it was fun to be back though and everyone came and said hi. Tomorrow I get a light breakfast till 9 then it's all see through foods for me. Have a good one :)



Today was pretty good.  We got Isaac to school on time and homework done which was good.  Before we picked up Isaac we had a 10 dollar coupon at shopko so we walked around their.  When neave was here she ripped some of Isaac's Halloween window decorations so we bought some new ones.  Casey called while we were their and wasn't feeling good so he came home at lunch time.  We ended up cooking all afternoon.  I made salsa and Casey made enchiladas, they both turned out really good.  We mostly just played outside all evening.  The boys like to eat the grapes so we were hanging out in Robin's patio and I cleaned up her rose bush, the grapes like to take over.  It has pretty flower.  Enjoy your evening and day tomorrow.


Who stole the cookies in the cookie jar

Well we did it Karen, we ate all your cookies.  I enjoyed everyone of them I ate.  Thanks for making them.  Our car had a hard time starting this morning so dad took it to O'reilly's and they tested it and said it was the alternator. So we took it to Clark's automotive and they said it was the battery and a cable so they fixed that but one of our sensors is bad.  Is that a hard fix?  Rachel can you ask Casey about that.  Robin good luck with you not eating tomorrow.  We will see you on Friday.  If you need anything I will have my phone with me. This week has gone by really fast.  We had a emergency show today and it was good to review what to have in an emergency.  I need to get better at that.  Have a great Thursday.  Can you believe we have been married 40 years.  That makes me feel old.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here in Kamas. My oeaches are still drying. The instruction book with the dryer said peaches should dry in 4 to 6 hours, but my have been drying over 24 hours. I guess they don't dry theirs as much as I do. I hope that your car is fixed mom. I also hope you and dad have a great anniversary tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thanks so much

I love all the pictures.  I am with Rachel.  I fell for that girl falling in the water.  I really get a chuckle out of that one.  I sure had a nice holiday weekend.  I met up with Jeff, Julie and Kay.  Angela is 10 weeks pregnant and due in April.  We have a lot of babies coming along.  Work was good and I got a lot done.  I am ready for my 3 day work week for sure.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I really like the ninja turtle cookies.  They are cute.  I will have to get some more of those.  LOVE MOM


Cute pictures guys, good job, I love them.  I had such a fun time yesterday, thank you so much.  I was telling Jenn about the girl falling in the water and she said that they did the same thing at sea world and had a Mom fall into the water.  I am so gullible, I fell for it and I am still chucking about it.  Today was good.  Isaac had school and had a fun time, I am not sure what he did.  He had homework and we did that together.  It was kind of fun.  After lunch Neave came over because her grandma had an appointment to go to.  Oliver was asleep but Isaac was good to play with her.  I sewed with Jenn and that was fun to talk with her.  Ruthie was sleeping so I even got to sew.  Me and Isaac made the ninja turtle cookies and he had a blast, thanks Mom.  I made the chicken in the crock pot and it turned out really good, Casey is going to make enchiladas with it tomorrow.   Casey dropped the jeep off and talk to the guy for a while and made sure he knew what was going on and had him pull your file so they know it should be under warranty.   Casey took the kids grocery shopping and then he had scouts.  He had a busy day.  Thanks again and have a good day tomorrow.


I agree

I agree that today was a double Monday. I did make it thru work. Then I started dehydrating the peaches geandma gave me. It does make my house smell good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was like a double dose of a monday. It was a long day. I felt like a sloth. Thanks for the fun weekend! I'm glad everyone made it safely home.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...