Friday, September 9, 2016


I am glad that their isn't anything really bad Robin, that is good news.  I hope that they are able to help your pain though.  Today was good.  Casey has a cough and didn't sleep well so he called in sick and was able to get some sleep.  Isaac had school and I took the little ones to story time.  Oliver is so cute their, I love it.  Isaac was so so grumpy after school.  He woke up super early and I think he was just tired.  He did say that him and Gavin are officially friends, that made me laugh.  Casey picked up the jeep and we were talking where to park his car.  We filled the back with branches so we called Randy to borrow his trailer to get rid of them all.  He was so nice and came over with his truck and helped Casey get rid of them.  It took all evening.  Terri came over and I talked to her for a while.   I attached a cute video of Ruthie playing with legos.  I thought it was so funny but maybe you had to be their.   I also finished my grey quilt in time to take it to quilt group.   Everyone liked it and I do too.  Tell Dad thanks for all the vudu movies, that is really fun to have.  I watched the exotic marigold hotel one and it was really cute.  Also YES to the pumpkin train, that was fun last year.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...