Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs

I got all the easter eggs all boiled up to decorate after lunch tomorrow. I am excited. I am glad Rachel and Casey got to have some time home. I hope you get some rest. We had a nice day also. We didn't do to much but it was fun to have Karen home. Me and Dad did win at pinochle. It will be fun to be all together tomorrow.


A day at home

We had areally nice day. It was good to have a day in Clifton and not have to go anywhere. It was freezing cold and it snowed last night so we didn't get any yard work done. I wanted to trim the trees but it didn't happen. We are coming down tomorrow at 12. It will be good to have everyone home. I am excited. Happy Easer.


Friday, April 2, 2010

made it safe

well I am back in logan. Karen made it safe as well. I am glad this weekend is chill it will be nice to relax. I got my new material in the mail for cuts and stuff. It makes really cool blisters that last a long time. its so much better then scar wax. any way have a great night.


The Weekend

I had a good day today everything went really well. Casey doesn't have to work this weekend so he is coming home tonight. We are going to come on Sunday and dye eggs, it will be fun. Well I am excited for a relaxing weekend, it will be nice. I hope that you had a safe drive up.


April fools

Well the movie shoot went well tonight. Late as expected I didn't get home till 1:30 again. but I did some bullet holes and everyone thought they were amazing so it was fun. We are shooting again on monday. Then the photography place wrote me and want me to do two make overs tomorrow so I won't be home till late tomorrow night. I am doing makeup till 6 then I will probably grab some food on the way home. Other then that I think everything is hunky dory. see you hopefully sometime tomorrow night. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gona make it

Well I think that I will make it to the weekend. I am excited to come up and see everyone. I am all packed and ready to go. My blue ray i suppose to be here tomorrow so I guess I will have to wait until Monday to fully appreciate that it is back. Happy April Fools day to one and all. Just incase you had forgotten what today was. Well I don't have anything else to report so I will go now. BYE

Snow Snow Snow

It really snowed here. It has melted some and the roads are dry so that is good. Good luck tomorrow Rachel and Robin and Karen. Boy I have a whole houseful driving tomorrow. Dad came home tonight and that was nice. We went to Sam's and grandma walked the whole store and we went back and got something else. She is going to be tired tonight. Not much else going on here. I forgot to blog last night. That will teach me to get hooked on farmville. All of you drive safe and sound.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sun why did you leave

Well it was snowy all night. I can't believe how much it snowed. Today was pretty chill. I meet up with kelsey and teresa for lunch we went to smash burger it was a good burger place. We had fun. Then i went to old navy and bought a shirt. Then me and dad went out for dinner. It was tasty. Tomorrow I think i might be working on the movie. They haven't sent out a call sheet yet but I will play it by ear. Well I better go have a great night


It's Cold

I had a good day, this weather is crazy. I can't believe that it snowed today. I am glad that you had a good time with Jani Karen, that sounds fun. I just did laundry tonight and watered the plants. I watched the informant tonight. I have seen it before but I got it on nexflixs agagin because I liked it. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and stays warm.



Well it is super windy here right now. I had a good time with Jani. We went out for icecream, then we went to the temple and walked around, and then we watch the Blind Side. Work was good. I stayed pretty busy so it went by pretty fast. I have some stuff for Dad work to do so I better go. BYE

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nice evening

not much going on here. I did get a few things done and went VT. I am sorry about the box elder bugs. They can be really bad out your place. Good luck Robin with your movie and I hope Karen and Jani have a good time together. Work was slow today and that was nice. It felt nice to move a little slower. Hopefully it will be a little slower tomorrow also. I am excited for easter weekend.


Killing Rampage

I have been on a killing rampage last night and today, I am on the edge. Their are a million box elder beetles and I reached my breaking point yesterday and have been killing them in mass. They are everywhere, it is driving me crazy. Work went well today and was fast. I had an allergy attack today and I have a runny nose and have been sneezing all day. I bought some clariton so I hope that helps. I don't have much else going on. Well I better go, I see a couple more box elder beetles to kill, I hope that everyone has a good night.


Well it is really winy here. Janie is here and is going to spend the night. I got a notice saying that my blue ray is fixed and on the way here. It should be here with in two days. I am excited for that I have missed having my player. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


Sorry my computer freaked out. I don't know why my last post has huge text. opps :)

quiet on set

Well last night shooting went later then I thought so I didn't get a chance to blog. We went till 1:00 am. Today we are doing the same thing. But earlier today I did a makeup test for a real estate company, It think they are going to do advertising or something. But I had five
minutes for each three different looks on three different models. It was quick but it went well
I think. They thought I was someone else for a while though, the other makeup artist who
didn't show up. but luckily they figured out who I was. :) Well I like your quilt rachel its very
pretty. I am glad that you got your blu ray player figured out karen. It will be nice to have that
fiasco figured out. :) have a great night


Monday, March 29, 2010


Well I am sorry I didn't blog last night. I guess my routine was off. I went to work at 9:00 until midnight so I wouldn't be too far behind from missing work today. I took Grandma to the neurologist today and it went well. I went to the dentist and got my permanent crown on and then we went to Brigham City to Dad's doctor. I forgot to pack his pills so he came back home and then went to SLC. He still isn't feeling very well. He has a cold. Or allergies. It was a nice day. We met Robin for lunch and that was nice. Tomorrow I have to go visiting teaching after work. Robin it is suppose to be snowing on Wednesday and Thursday just an FYI. Rachel I can't believe you got that quilt all done. It is beautiful. That was quick. Karen I am glad you got your DVD fixed for free. Now we need to get ours fixed. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM

Monday, Monday

I had a good day, it went by pretty fast. I have layed out my quilt and here is a picture. I think that it is really pretty.

The goats have been fun with the warmer weather. Here are a couple of pictures of them. They are fun.

I hope that everyone has a good night and stays safe.



Well I finally got thru to the right person and they got the extra charge for my blur ray taken off. He was really nice though, I wish I had talked to him first. Oh well. Well my day was good work was busy so it went by fast. Sherlock Homes comes out tomorrow and I am going to go buy it. I am excited to come up on Friday. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well I slept basically all day. It was nice, I was really tired yesterday. Now have have bloody allergies. I've gone through 2 boxes of Kleenex. I tried moms medicine I don't think its working so I went to the store and got tylenol allergy am/pm, and some more tissues for the apt. Well they canceled shooting today but tomorrow we are shooting and tuesday at 500. I think mom and grandma are coming to slc. So I will probably meet up with them some time tomorrow. Well I am going to put on a movie and chill.


The Weekend

Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. Me and Mom went with Vickie to find a wedding dress. We had a good time and found some really pretty dresses. Me and Mom went to Res Rooster and they were having a day class and we signed up. We get two take classes and have lunch, it am excited. I bought a new quilt kit which I didn't need but it is really pretty. I made it back today, the goats are doing really good and I got to play with them for a while and that was really nice. I finished all m blocks for my tube top quilt, I just need to sew them together. It has been a whirl wind weekend and I had a lot of fun. Have a good night.


Well I don't have much to report but I thought I would just post a quick note anyway. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. I am excited to come up on Friday and see everyone. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...