Thursday, September 10, 2015


You guys are all really busy.  I am glad you joined the quilt group.  You will really like that and Karen we could have helped you move furniture.  I am excited to get a new color into that room.  It will make a huge difference.  Robin I love your sayings.  They made me laugh.  Work was crazy again today.  I am really needing the day off.  I will see everyone at my place at 11:30.  I am good with Antelope Island for the birthday party.  LOVE MOM

Quilt group

Karen, if you need a date to take to Red Lobster my calendar is open.  That is a nice birthday present.  What do you think about Antelope Island on Sunday?  I thought that would be fun, think about it.  Today was a good day.  The kids were in better moods which was good.  Isaac had school and had a fun time their.  Casey wanted to make black beans today so we went shopping while he was gone.  After lunch Jenn picked me up and we went to that quilt group.  They 4th ward started it and has had fewer people lately so they invited our ward so I knew about half the people.  Some people in the 4th ward knew Mom and said we looked alike.  I think it will be fun.  They just go around and you show what you are working on and ask for help or comments.  Then they have a new block each month that someone teaches so at the end of the year you have a quilt.  They are also having a block swap with some ladies in Australia for a Christmas quilt.  I signed up to do it so I hope that I haven't taken on too much but it sounded fun.  It was such a nice day we spent most of it outside.  Isaac has been inventing things and wanted a water ramp so he and Casey built it.  He had fun with it.  Isaac has been getting a ton of flat tires on our walk so I told Casey where the thorns are so tonight we walked their with the wheelbarrow and Casey picked them.  Their were a ton of thorns everywhere so we may need to pull the plants up next spring before the thorns come.  Everyone have fun painting tomorrow.  That is a lot of work, good job guys.


Oliver is helping fix the flat tires

Water Ramp


Today was good. We are doing a short funny clip for hunger games so I filmed my part today. Basically I did bubble wrap armour. It will be special. Then I worked at scheels so nothing to crazy. I read on facebook that navient my student loan business is getting sued for compounding interest and being shady. So I guess I need to start looking to see if anyone will finance my loans or the student loan forgiveness stuff I will see. I talked with Casey on what he does for his stuff. Well not much else have a good night



Well I moved my furniture out of the room I want to paint. It echoes in there now. My day has been good. Work was good. I got a box of chocolate and a 50 dollar gift card to Red Lobster from work for my birthday. I am excited for the weekend. I will see mom and Robin tomorrow at around 1130. Have a good Friday everyone.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Today was good we had like a 3 hour meeting so I didn't get anything done. I'm sorry work was busy mom and the kids are sick. It's a weird week. I  chickened out on my hair cut so I am going to try next week. So friday I'm free. We can meet at mom's place at 11:30?? Would that be the easiest ? Not much else with me walter came by and bought me panda. It tasted good. I am glad tomorrow is friday for me yeah! Have a good thursday


Grouchy kids

I am sorry you have been so busy Mom, I hope that things calm down for you.  I think Isaac has the cold now too, he was kind of grouchy today.  He had school this morning and had a fun time.  Then Calleen came over and wanted to pick our grapes so they did that.  Isaac bumped the side of the house and was so grouchy after that.  He just laid on our bed and watched shows the rest of the day.  Oliver wasn't as bad today but he was still grouchy also.  I had the second birth class tonight next door.  It was pretty interesting.  She is not a fan of essential oils, she said that it can really mess up your hormones, I thought that was pretty interesting.  I am not sure if I am sold on a natural birth but it was good information.  Casey mowed the lawn today and we picked the rest of the tomatoes and mowed over the garden so we are done except for carrots, it looks a lot nicer.  I think we have enough to do another batch of stewed tomatoes which will be nice.


Crazy Week

This has been a weird week.  Just so busy at work and then tonight I went to the dentist to see what he can do for my teeth.  I think I should have called and said I can't make it.  Anyway I did get my teeth cleaned.  The shower went well and I am glad that was over.  She was really surprised.  Tomorrow is our work picnic.  It has been a party last couple of weeks.  I need to just focus on work.  I am excited that tomorrow is my Friday.  I am looking forward to a day off.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  Poor little guy.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Weird Week

It has been a weird week.  Work has been busy but just so many parties.  One more and then they should be over with I hope.  Tomorrow night is the department picnic.  It has been one thing after the other the last couple of weeks.  I need to get some work done.  I hope that Oliver gets feeling better.  Coughs are just miserable.  I am glad that tomorrow is my Friday.  I went to the dentist today to let him tell me what needs to be done.  I am not sure what to do.  Rachel suggested Antelope Island on Sunday.  Does that sound fun?  I tried to post my picture again and it froze.   LOVE MOM


One more work day. Where do you want to meet on Friday mom and Robin? I thought I would start getting that plan in motion. My day has been good. I went grocery shopping after work. Yea for food. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

39 years

Well we made it to 39 years.  Dad bought me flowers and we went out to Tenpanyaki for dinner.  It was too far to go to fujis.  Work was crazy busy today and I thought it should be Monday as well.  I am so glad that Thomas got his new movie and doughnuts.  It doesn't get any better than that.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  They get so grouchy when they don't feel good.  That is nice that Casey can take turns.  Robin your saying made me laugh.  Thanks for posting it.  Tomorrow we are having a surprise wedding shower for a girl in our department.  Wish me luck that it turns out.  I tried to download the picture of the flowers but it was like frozen.  I will try it again tomorrow.  Thursday after work is our work picnic.  Karen do you want to come down?  You could spend the night.  LOVE MOM

A big day

Oliver has a cold and hasn't been sleeping well.  I got him Sunday night and Casey got him Monday night so it was nice to rotate a bit.  Today was a big day for Thomas, the new Thomas movie came out so we went the Smith's marketplace and got doughnuts and the new movie.  It was pretty exciting.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and got three more blocks done, I am on a roll.  I think I just have 14 left.  Their is a quilting group I am going to go to that Jenn told me about.  The 4th ward started one and is having our ward join.  It is Thursday at 1 and I thought it would be fun to try.  I thought weed whacking the garden would be a good way to make it look good since we are done so Casey fixed the weed whacker today, he is super sweet.  We went to Lowe's after dinner and got a part for it and some paint for a picture frame I wanted to paint black.  I also made Chili for dinner from our stewed tomatoes that we canned, it turned out good.  I hope that everyone has a good night and don't work too hard.



Today was ok. It was like a monday but a tuesday. I went and turned my apartment application in. I had to get a money order for the down payment. The lady said that she wouldn't even accept it till October. So now I have to hold on to a bloody check for a month. She is running my credit to see if I'm approved though. So I guess that is something. I came home and started my cancer embroidery squares. They are due Friday but I'm not working friday so now I have to get them done by Thursday. But I think it's a good trade. Have a good night


Seemed like Monday

Well my day has been good. It did feel like a Monday though. I got the rebate in the mail today for my cooler so that was nice. Happy Anniversary mom and dad! I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 7, 2015

Get the work done day

I am glad you got to rest Rachel.  I hope the boys don't get too sick.  It was nice outside today.  I am glad the heat broke.  It is suppose to warm back up.  I had a nice day.  I did laundry most of the day and cleaned.  I took three trips to the garbage can.  I just had a bunch of junk laying around.  I went to Target to get a shower gift.  We are having a surprise shower on Wednesday for a girl I work with.  They have opened a Zurchers right next to Target.  I went in there also.  Man they had a lot of Halloween stuff in there.  Everyone enjoy getting back to work.  I think I could use a couple more days off.  I did find a cute gray polka dot sheet for the princess.  I was way excited about that one.  LOVE MOM

Worn Out

We were all pretty tired today and the boys had a runny nose, they might of caught a cold, so we just took it easy today and had a day off.  After lunch Oliver took a nap and we played outside and Casey got some things done.  He also took the radio out of the old car and put it in the new one which will be really nice for him.  We did go grocery shopping also which was good.  It was pretty cold this morning so I had the boys wear their new jackets inside.  It felt like fall, it was nice to have it cooler.  Even after dinner we were swing and we had to come in because it was getting chilly.  I hope that everyone had a good day off and good luck going back to work.



Well my day has been good. I woke up and mowed my lawn this morning. There was a ton of traffic in town today. I am glad that I didn't need to go anywhere in that. It was nice having a long weekend. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Image result for work jokes

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Nice time

I had a really nice time as well.  I think I slept the rest of the day.  I just sat down and I was out.  I miss everyone when I leave.  It is too quiet.  I am glad everyone made it home safe and sound.  I love the quilt blocks Rachel.  I think they are amazing.  I am glad Robin you go to finish you costume and thanks Karen for the fun time.  I am going to clean house tomorrow and do laundry.  Should be an exciting day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was a fun weekend, thank you.  We are spoiled.  We made it home in time for church.  Oliver is doing better in nursery which is good.  I laid out all the blocks that I made yesterday and I attached a picture.  They aren't very good but from far away it isn't too bad.  I am excited to get it finished.  Poor Oliver never got much sleep today.  He was awake after we dropped Mom off and the whole way home.  At 5:30 he lost it and he fell asleep but woke up again after an hour.  He was pretty upset so I gave him a short bath and then he went to sleep again.  Thanks again for everything.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...