Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A big day

Oliver has a cold and hasn't been sleeping well.  I got him Sunday night and Casey got him Monday night so it was nice to rotate a bit.  Today was a big day for Thomas, the new Thomas movie came out so we went the Smith's marketplace and got doughnuts and the new movie.  It was pretty exciting.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and got three more blocks done, I am on a roll.  I think I just have 14 left.  Their is a quilting group I am going to go to that Jenn told me about.  The 4th ward started one and is having our ward join.  It is Thursday at 1 and I thought it would be fun to try.  I thought weed whacking the garden would be a good way to make it look good since we are done so Casey fixed the weed whacker today, he is super sweet.  We went to Lowe's after dinner and got a part for it and some paint for a picture frame I wanted to paint black.  I also made Chili for dinner from our stewed tomatoes that we canned, it turned out good.  I hope that everyone has a good night and don't work too hard.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...