today was nice I had the day off so I just relaxed. It was nice to just lay low. I am off on the 12th. So I can do something that day. I just have my work thing on the 11th. Have a good sunday
today was nice I had the day off so I just relaxed. It was nice to just lay low. I am off on the 12th. So I can do something that day. I just have my work thing on the 11th. Have a good sunday
I am so glad that it's Friday! I had to work at scheels tonight but it's not to bad since the count down has begun 5 weeks left. :) I am going to tell everyone on sunday when I work that I'm quitting. Mostly because less people are around and I can hide behind an email. Lol ha ha I'm excited. Hope everyone had a good day.
Today work went by slow but I made it out alive. Steve went on a hike yesterday and was sore so I told him I would bring him panda. He thought it was awesome. His roommate was there so I met her she is really nice. She's a lesbian that just broke up with her girlfriend I felt bad for her. But she seems to be doing ok about it. She watched men and tights with us and it was fun. Hope everyone has a good Friday
That is so crazy about your window Rachel. I'm glad everyone was ok. Did someone hit you?
My day was good apparently I cleaned out the wrong closet it was my craft room that needed to be cleaned out. I had to work at scheels tonight so when I got home I pulled everything out of my craft room closet. Curtis also wrote me today. I applied for lagoon. It starts the middle of september. Let me know if you need anything I'm around
Today was good. We switched desks at work. So half the day I didn't have a computer. I have everyone their mermaid containers and they loved them. I guess something in my apartment is leaking on my downstairs neighbors so they left me a note to clean out my master bedroom.closet. my bedroom is a disaster now. Hopefully it's not to painful to fix.
Today was good. I got a raise at work. I have officially been there for 3 years. Time is cruising I can't believe it's already august. I wasn't productive tonight I just took a nap it was really nice. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.
This morning I made peppercini steak sandwiches and brought them over to Steve's for lunch. Then we went on a hike with his dogs. One of the pitbulls was struggling in the heat and kept laying down. So we turned around so he could go home and cool down. Then steve grilled me chicken and asparagus for dinner. It was really good. I'm sad tomorrow is Monday and the last day of July. Have a good one
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...