Saturday, August 5, 2017


today was nice I had the day off so I just relaxed. It was nice to just lay low. I am off on the 12th. So I can do something that day. I just have my work thing on the 11th. Have a good sunday



I have had a fun weekend. Mom and dad came up and we hung out. I also bought Boss Baby and Going in Style today and dad has put them on vudu if anyone would like to watch them. I also bought a new pair of shoes today. My other ones were starting to fall apart. Rachel good luck with the binki withdrawal. I hope that it isn't too bad. Good luck quiting tomorrow Robin. We will have to celebrate next time I see you. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Plan of excellence

I am glad that everyone is doing well.  Rachel and Casey thanks for getting the jeep checked out.  I think they can't decide what it is either.  We spent the night at Kamas and we had a lot of fun.  We played Bomber Man and watched Kong.  Today we got dad some pants at Walmart and went to Tangert outlet to look at headsets but Bose is out of business there.  I talked with Robin and she and I are going to Costco to get those headsets for dad for his birthday.  I am glad you are doing Lagoon Robin, that is a lot of fun and we are excited to come and play  I have been pondering something for dad's birthday and I was wondering what everyone thought.  I thought we could go to snowbasin and take the tram up and hike around and bring a picnic for dinner.  The lifts are open until 6.  I wasn't sure when it got dark but on the 12th (Saturday) is the meteor showers and they are suppose to be amazing.  I was wondering if we could hang out in the mountains and watch them.  Maybe hook up after lunch time.  WE could even meet up before if you want to.  I just thought it would be cool to watch the stars.  What do you think of that plan?  Good luck teaching tomorrow Rachel.  We don't have to go see Margaret tomorrow, she is in Alpine.  They are blessing the triplets.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  It is suppose to cool down a little bit next week.  LOVE MOM

Friday, August 4, 2017

Goodbye Binkis

Good job Robin, that is fun that you are almost done.  I hope that Mom, Dad and Karen are having fun in Kamas.  Today was pretty good.  I went to get the car window fix this morning but they were missing a part so we are going back tomorrow morning and they will fix it.  I canceled Isaac's dentist appointment because the plastic they put over the window did stay on so it was open again.  So we just hung out at home.  The kids were grumpy so I cut the little ones binkis.  Ruthie has been using the broken one all day but it doesn't work for her.  She took her nap fine and they are going to bed ok.  It has been the hardest on Ruthie.  Tonight when Casey came home we went looking for trucks for him.  We looked at a nice one at a dealer but Casey doesn't want to get one from a dealer since they cost more their.  But is nice to look and see when he likes.  It was a pretty evening so we went on a walk and then watched abandoned trains.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.


They are being monkeys

Stanley finally likes carrots

Made it

I am so glad that it's Friday! I had to work at scheels tonight but it's not to bad since the count down has begun 5 weeks left. :) I am going to tell everyone on sunday when I work that I'm quitting. Mostly because less people are around and I can hide behind an email. Lol ha ha I'm excited. Hope everyone had a good day.


Thursday, August 3, 2017


Today work went by slow but I made it out alive. Steve went on a hike yesterday and was sore so I told him I would bring him panda. He thought it was awesome. His roommate was there so I met her she is really nice. She's a lesbian that just broke up with her girlfriend I felt bad for her. But she seems to be doing ok about it. She watched men and tights with us and it was fun. Hope everyone has a good Friday


Nice day

We are in party mode for sure.  WE got to play with Rachel and the kids and now tomorrow night we get to play with Karen.  Robin,  we are going to have to make a play night with you soon.  I am so glad you applied for Lagoon.  That will be fun for you.  Karen we will leave after work.  If we are a little late just walk over with out us and we will hook up.  I got to drive gokarts and boats today.  It was fun.  We went to the one in Kaysville so we didn't have to drive the van too much.  It is a really nice place.  Almost identical to the one in Draper.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.  LOVE MOM


We had a really fun day.  We played at Mom and Dad's house for a while and they built castles that are cool.  Then we headed up to Kaysvillie and went to boondocks.  We had a fun day, we rode the cars, did bumper boats and played in the play area.  It was hot outside but we got pretty wet on the boats so that cooled us off.  It was a lot of fun and we spent all day their.  Mom and Dad drove up to Logan with us so the kids didn't have to be by the broken window.  Dad did a good job taping it up with duck tape and a tarp.  Thanks so much for driving us all over the play Mom and Dad.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday.



U am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am ready for the weekend. My work is having a company picnic tomorrow,  so mom and dad are coming up to go with me. It will be fun. That sucks about your window, Rachel. I hope it isn't too bad to fix. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


That is so crazy about your window Rachel. I'm glad everyone was ok. Did someone hit you?
My day was good apparently I cleaned out the wrong closet it was my craft room that needed to be cleaned out. I had to work at scheels tonight so when I got home I pulled everything out of my craft room closet. Curtis also wrote me today. I applied for lagoon. It starts the middle of september. Let me know if you need anything I'm around



We were driving down today and by Odgen their was a huge crash and Oliver's window shattered. We pulled over and he was fine, just a tiny cut on his arm.  It was so scary.  Their was glass everywhere so Mom and Dad came up and Mom took the kids and me and Dad cleaned up the car.  I have an appointment to fix the car on Friday.  My sewing class was fun and we did do some fun school shopping.  I need to take a picture.  I failed today.



Well we have made it thru half the week. My day was good. I got tacos for lunch so that was yummy. Work was quiet today. One out of the four of us in the office is out on vacation and another one called in sick. So half the people in my office were out. I hope that everyone had a great day.

Image result for wednesday jokes

Image result for wednesday jokes

Image result for wednesday jokes

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


So Robin are you liking your new desk?  Is it by Megan?  I am glad they liked their mermaids.  They are really cute.  Karen, I hate health assessments.  I am glad you survived.  Rachel that sounded like a lot of crazy going on.  I am glad you survived.  Work was good.  I got a lot done and learned some new things so that was good.  I met Kay and Julie for dinner and gave Kay the towel for Craig.  He is getting baptized on Saturday.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I am going to take 1/2 day off tomorrow and all day Thursday to play.  Drive safe Rachel.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  The kids slept in which was nice and I took a shower.  We went to the splash pad at the park and the kids had a good time.  It was so hot, I was dying.  They have a snow cone shack at the park so we got snow cones and they were really good.  Ruth wouldn't wear her cover and got a little sunburned.  Oliver pooped in his swimsuit and Isaac fell off a water table and bit his tongue so we headed home.  When we got home the kids were tired.  Ruthie and Oliver took a nap and Isaac was playing in his room so I made radish muffins.  They were pretty good, they were savory and you eat them with goat cheese.  Casey had scouts tonight and I had young women's.  We haven't had to go to our activities for a while and it was a nice break.  We are headed to SLC tomorrow.  I finished cutting my fabric last night so I am ready for my class I hope.  Love you guys.


Isaac made labels for his bins, they were cute.

Switch a roo

Today was good. We switched desks at work. So half the day I didn't have a computer. I have everyone their mermaid containers and they loved them. I guess something in my apartment is leaking on my downstairs neighbors so they left me a note to clean out my master bedroom.closet. my bedroom is a disaster now. Hopefully it's not to painful to fix.



Rachel, I am glad the kids liked the cards. I wanted to get them something fun for school, but had no idea what to get so I figured gift cards were a good way to go. My day was good. We had our health screenings at work today, so that was exciting. Then after work I went to the taco place because it sounded good, but they were closed already, so I guess i will just get some for lunch tomorrow.  Then I was tough and got my dishes and laundry done.  Impressive I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 31, 2017

Thanks Karen

That is scary about your dish Mom, that is crazy.  I am sorry you had to clean that up.  Robin good job on your raise, that is awesome.  We had  a good day but it was so hot.  I babysat this morning and the kids liked the new art supplies that Mom got, thanks.  It is busy watching 6 kids.  This afternoon Karen sent the kids gift cars to Walmart and they loved them.  Thanks so much Karen.  Ruthie and Oliver wouldn't take a picture but they loved them.  Isaac had martial arts and we went grocery shopping while he was there.  Casey worked overtime but the kids were hungry after martial arts so we ate before he got home.  He put his alternator in when he got home and we went on a evening walk to the park and he picked us up when he was done.  It was hot but good to get out.  Thanks again Karen, you are so sweet.



Well work was good.  It was a quiet day and it took me a few hours but I kicked it in and got some work done.  We came home and I cooked a casserole and it was done and I was getting the plates out and I heard a sizzle from the oven.  I opened it up and my casserole dish has exploded.  It was very upsetting.  We ended up having a firehouse sub.  I have had a dish break in the dishwasher before but never in the oven.  That was weird.  Oh well it is cleaned up and I will continue my endeavors to cook.  Robin congratulations on your raise.  That is wonderful.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I got a raise at work. I have officially been there for 3 years. Time is cruising I can't believe it's already august. I wasn't productive tonight I just took a nap it was really nice. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.


Last day of July

Well good bye July. It has been a quick summer. My day has been good. Mondays are always a little long. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 30, 2017


This morning I made peppercini steak sandwiches and brought them over to Steve's for lunch. Then we went on a hike with his dogs. One of the pitbulls was struggling in the heat and kept laying down. So we turned around so he could go home and cool down. Then steve grilled me chicken and asparagus for dinner. It was really good. I'm sad tomorrow is Monday and the last day of July. Have a good one


Safe and Sound

We went to Logan today and Casey fixed out car door.  It is just wonderful to be able to open and shut it without even thinking about it.  Thanks again.  We had a fun time in Logan.  We haven't been up there for a little while.  Robin, I love you stuff.  Maybe the string art needs eyes?  Just a thought.  I love the bags.  They are daring and the string art is amazing.  Karen, I am glad you had a lazy day.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I am glad that your ac is fixed and that you teeth are good. My day has been good. I have just been lazy today. I hope mom and dad made it to Ligan safe and sound and rhat you got the car door fixed. Have a great week everyone.  Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...