Saturday, May 15, 2010


I wore my twilight shirt today so I would work like the wind. I got some yard work done, went to Clifton and got a nap. It was a good day. Rachel and Casey are staying the night and that is fun. Clifton is all cleaned up and ready to go. It looked really nice when we finished today. We even sewed for a few minutes. It felt nice to sew. Well I am glad everyone had a good day. You guys got a lot of shopping in. I did buy me a new iron on Friday at Kohls. That was fun. I hope it good.

etta james

Well Today I went shopping and got me a new curling iron. The ones that I had before were horrible and now I'm doing a lot of hair I thought I would upgrade. Its pretty awesome. There was also a promotion going on with the it so I got a free set of hot rollers. It was pretty sweet. Then I went to walmart to get some more shampoo and conditioner. I picked up a new cd while I was there etta james. She's a blues singer I like her sunday kind of love song. Its good. anway other then that I have been chilling curling my hair and my hair mannequin. Tomorrow we are going to shoot for the majority of the day. well have a great night


Happy feet

Well I went and got me a new pair of tennis shoes today. There was a buy one get one half off so I got a pair of sandals also. I also got my oiled change and wet grocery shopping. It was definitely an errand day. I hope that everyone else had a good Saturday. I hope that you didn't have to work too hard Rachel. Well have a great one bye

Friday, May 14, 2010


Well a group from my ward went and saw Robin Hood tonight. I just go back. It was sold out so we had to sit on the front row. It made the fight scene a little dizzying, but it was good. I will have to buy it when it comes out. Other than that it was just a typical Friday. The last hour of work dragged on just like it always does, but what can you do. Well I better go. have a great weekend everyone.

ting tang walla walla bing bang

Well Today I didn't have to work at lagoon but I worked on the movie shoot. We aren't going to shoot on saturday but we are going to on sunday. So I think I am going to stay up here for the weekend. I went grocery shopping today we were out of food for breakfast, so I got some more food. anyway that about sums up my night. have a fun weekend.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Rachel I am glad you are saving rainforests with your kindle. That book case is really nice. I could tell where you put it. Robin I am sorry you have to work all weekend. We will miss you here in Logan. I am glad that you are busy. I can't believe it took all day to find Kahki's. Didn't old navy have some? Karen, pizza sounds really good and I am glad you taxes made it safe and sound to you. I was worried when I mailed them. Dad made it home safe and sound and I finished my embrodiery project we started on Saturday. My iron died tonight so I am going to have to go buy a new one. I knew it was going out for a couple of weeks but I wanted to make sure I used it to the bitter end. Have a great friday.


oh brother

I think your kindle is so funny. I am glad you are saving so much space. i'm sure your saving rain forests. :) Anyway today was kinda blah. I got a text early in the morning saying school groups were coming into lagoon and to wear kaki's. I didn't have any so I spent all day looking for kakis and a polo shirt. They had a ton of shorts but no pants. I finally found some after hours of searching. I was so tired by the end of it. I saw so many things I wanted but I had to buy boring pants instead. lame. anyway I'm over it now. Tomorrow I don't work at lagoon but we are shooting, and I guess we are shooting all week. So I am in slc for the weekend. anyway have a great friday

love you


We have been looking for a book case so today I thought we should go and look at Ikea. It was fun to go and it isn't too far away. We found a really pretty one. Here is a picture. I put the kindle on it to represent all the books it holds and how amazing the Kindle is.

Here is a picture of me in Ikea.

Also Casey set up the flight simulator so he can play it on the awesome TV here is a picture of him playing.

Well I am going to Logan tomorrow, it will be fun to sew with Mom and Grandma. Robin I liked all the pictures on Facebook, that is fun. Well have a good night.

I feel like pizza tonight

Well I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered pizza. It was nice not to cook. I also got my tax stuff in the mail. Thanks mom! I signed them and sent them back off again. Whew! I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. This week has gone by pretty fast though. I am glad that things are going good up north. It sounds like everyone is busy. Work was pretty busy for me today and my computer was being stupid at work was it took a lot longer to do things then it usually does. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

wait for it

Well today went pretty quick I started out at lagoon, then I went to the movie shoot till midnight. So I had a pretty packed day. I don't think we are going to shoot till friday and that is a big maybe So if we don't I will have all of friday off, I don't work at lagoon that day. But I think they are planning on a weekend shoot. anyway. I am glad everyone is doing well. have a fabulous thursday.


Sounds like fun

It sounds like everyone is having a good time. I am glad you are making friends at your new job. I am jealous that you are going to the opening of Eclipse. I think you are going to have fun. We can watch the movies when we sew on friday. That will be fun. I am glad you got your taxes Robin. That was quick. I mailed Karen's off yesterday so she can sign them and send them off. Not much going on here. I worked late tonight because it is crazy busy at work. Debbie hurt her back and Charlie hurt his leg. I told them I was going to call in well tomorrow so I wouldn't catch anything that was going around. I ordered my prize for my 10 years at IHC. I got a crystal candy dish. There wasn't a lot of choices and I like crystal stuff. I got me a pretty. Have a great rest of the week.



I had a good day. Casey had to work late so he met me at Noddles and Company for dinner, which was delicious, then I came home and I have just read m book. I haven' had a lot of time to read a lot lately so it feels good to read for a while. The girls at work read so they are going to lend me some Nicolas Sparks books that they like. I am also going to go to the midnight showing of the new twilight movie with the girls at work. It come out June 30 but you can buy tickets tonight midnight. I need to watch the first two movies, can I borrow them from you Mom. I don't like them but it will be fun to go. Well I hope that everyone has a good night.


I can't believe its not butter

Well it was busy today at work. Then I had to go to a meeting at church. It was long and kind of boring but what can you do. It is cool and windy here today. It looks like it might rain, but that changes on a minute to minute bases. Well the week is half over yeah it is all down here from here. BYE

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i cant believe its tuesday

This week is going fast I thought it was Monday for a while so that is good. I was on the phone with work after work for a while, then we went to go buy a book shelf but we didn't find anything nice and cheap. Then we watched glee, it was a nice night. Well have a good night and stay safe. :)

cha ching

Well I got my taxes today it was very nice to put money into my account. Its amazing how a few extra dollars can make a day better. Well today I did alot of driving. We shot in the afternoon out in eagle mountain again (the place about an hour away) then I left and went to lagoon. whew it was a lot. but I survived just a bit tired. Tomorrow I am working in the morning at lagoon. but I don't think we are shooting so I might have a night off. woot. anyway have a great night


Its another day

It sure was a rainy day today. Carpenters song kept coming into my brain. I guess I need some sunshine. It was a good day. Quiet. Dad made it to SLC and things seem to be moving along here. It is nice to have quiet. I have learned to enjoy these moments. Helps to rejuvenate. Have a great hump day.



Well I got my botanical garden done in face book. Wow I know I am just great at my electronic farm. Well I had a good day. I am still kind of tired, but that is my own fault. I need to learn to get to bed sleep earlier. Well I am glad that everyone is doing good. Have a great one.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I went to Walmart tonight to get some emboirdery thread for our projects and they don't sell it any more. I thought that was interesting. I went to Hobby Lobby and they have a lot. I bought some colors and worked on my project tonight. All I have left is the flowers. It is fun to do. Not much going on here either. That is interesting that antenna's still work. I thought they were so old. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow he is getting done with his program and that is nice. He has been working so many hours I think it is good to have it all done. It is raining here tonight. I hope we are past the snow.



Thank you everyone for the nice weekend. It was really good to spend time with everyone. The weekend went way to fast. Today was good. Casey made dinner and then we went to Best Buy and bought an antenna for the TV. It works really good. We get the basic channels and now we don't have to sign up for another plan. It is really fun. I think that tomorrow I am going to make my quilt in a cup. I will post a picture so everyone can see it. It was funny when I was telling Casey about it, it sounds weird if you haven't seen it. Well have a good night and thanks for everything.


its this years pink

Well Today was pretty chill. i worked for a few hours at lagoon. We decided not to shoot today so I tried the bond 007 stuff to make a pillow. It is good for holding a hem but it doesn't work so great as a seam. So my pillow is funky but it was fun. I took pictures but thats about all the ambition that I could muster up so I might post a picture later. We will see. I'm just listening to wicked and relaxing. so nothing to intense. :) anyway have a great night I had a fun weekend it was fun to hang out with everyone.



Well I hope that you had a goo day at Lagoon Robin. Well it is really windy here today. Tomorrow is suppose to cold and stormy here. Well things are going good here. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope that everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thanks for the nice Mother's day

Just wanted to say thanks for the nice weekend. I had a great time. We made it home safe and sound and not just trying to get ready for the week. Lisa is going to be at Cafe Rio in Ogden at 7:00 tomorrow on her way to Michigan. I will forward the email. I only need one more green beam and two more florist brackets for my garden HINT HINT. I am glad you made it safe and sound back to St. George Karen. Good luck with your Lagoon job Robin. LOVE MOM

Made it

Well I made it back it back. It is really windy here. I had a good weekend. It was hanging out with everyone. I like your place Rachel. I don't have to much to report since I last saw everyone. Well have a great one. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...