Saturday, May 29, 2010

jump start

Well today was good. I slept in so that was nice, but I was dragging all day. I did go get star wars cookie cutters and made some cookies. They are tasty. I also did laundry which was a big bonus it was getting bad. well tomorrow I work but I don't think it will be to bad. I am glad that everyone is doing well. Have a great night.


Tasty Turkeys

Today was a fun day with Karen. We painted the hallway and went to Einstein Bagel for lunch. It was fun. We even shopped for a little while. WOW. We are excited for Rachel and Casey to come up and play tomorrow. Jared did help me in the front yard this morning and that looks a lot better. I am babystepping toward the big sale. I hope everyone had a good saturday. It rained here a lot. It even hailed. Karen is wore out. Maybe people won't want to come and visit me if I make them work that hard.


Friday, May 28, 2010


Well the jukebox show opens tomorrow. So that show is nearer to being less stressfull. Now we have to prepare for the next show which opens next week. I don't work tomorrow, but I work on sunday so I am going to stay up here and relax. I have worked a butt load of hours. but I don't work monday so bingo is a go! I'm glad you used my computer karen, when ever you need its all set up for dads internet so its the easiest computer to use here. well i am going to relax and sleep. have a great weekend.


Karen and Dad safe and sound

Karen and Dad made it safe and sound to Logan. I gave the truck away today to Shaun. He needed on and I needed to find it a good home. They will use it for a long time. I feel good about that one. The lady that was suppose to do carpet never showed up so I am going to go find my own place. It is nice to have Karen home. It is nice to have her here. I am excited for the weekend also. I left work a little early for the carpet lady. It was nice to have some time home. I am behind at work so I am sure I will have to make it up next week. I am excited for this weekend. We are going to make Karen's recipe for beef stew for sunday dinner. Monday Julie is going to bring Kyle to bingo. That will be nice.


Long Weekend

I am so glad that I don't have to work until Tuesday :) It wil be fun. I am watching Footloose right now, it is awesome. Casey is making black bean burittos for dinner. It smells really good. I am excited. Thanks Karen for helping Casey you are the best. I am glad that you are here for the weekend. Robin do you want to ride with us to Logan on Sunday? Let me know if you want a ride.



Robin I hope that you don't mind but I borrowed your computer while I was waiting for dad to get here. I am blogging from it now. Well Dr. Miner's was slow it was an hour after my appointment time before I even got to the room. Oh well it went well though. I did forget to get my labs so I have to go and get that done. Rachel have Casey bring the stuff he wants me to do when you come up to Logan and I will get it done while you are up there. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. See you all soon BYE

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Karen is safe and sound

Rachel what a nice evening. I am glad you are enjoying downtown. What a fun time. You are going to love all the things to do there. Karen made it safe and sound and her and dad are coming home tomorrow. Rachel I will plan sunday dinner with you and Casey that will be fun. Robin what are your plans? Bingo is at 1:00 on Monday just an FYI. Well not much else going on here.



I had a good day. I went to dinner with Vickie at a place by Noodles and Company, they had salads, sandwhiches and soup. It was really good. I got to see Vickies apartment which was cute. It is pretty close to Noodle and Company. Then I got home and Casey got home about the same time. So we went on a walk. Last night we walked to the gateway, tonight we walked to Temple Square. It was really fun, the tablernacle choir was practicing butit was really hot in there. We are going to take a garden tour next week so we will know what all the trees are. It is on Wednesday. It is fun to be able to walk around and see things. I also got a list of some free concerts in the park. Well I hope that Karen landed safe. We decided to go to Clifton on Sunday and then go to Logan for Sunday dinner, it will be fun.


That is cool that you are coming up tomorrow karen. ummm are you staying at the apartment because I will probably come home around midnight if I'm lucky. So Whatever works for you with sleeping I am good with :). anyway today was crazy, I worked at xpose and then ran to lagoon. The show opens this weekend so its mad crazy to get things all set up. We still have a lot to do by sat. well I am excited for this weekend. I am glad everyone will be up here that will be fun to play. travel safe


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fun weekend

We are going to have a fun weekend. Have a safe flight Karen. I will see you on friday. Sorry I am not coming down. Work is just too crazy right now to leave. Oh well I will make it up and come visit in St. George soon. Robin you went from famine to feast. You are really working hard. I am proud of you. Rachel I am glad you get a quiet night. I had a nice night also. It seems strange how fast time goes. Well have a good thursday


My bags are packed

Well I am all set to come up tomorrow. I think that I remembered to packed everything. I always feel like I am forgetting something even if I haven't. Work was good today I had a test block to design so kept me busy most the day. Well I better go and do my dishes. Have a great night.

Hump Day

Robin, you are so busy, that is crazy. At least that you are getting paid for all the work you are doing, that is exciting. Casey is working late tonight but he was able to meet me for dinner. I watched that latest episode of Glee, it is a good show. It is fun to watch. I think that I am going to get some sewing and reading done tonight. Since moving to SLC I haven't gotten much of both done. I need to start getting back into my routine. Well I am excited for Karen to come tomorrow. If you need me to I will pick you up.



I would procrastinate packing till the bitter end. There is no use torturing yourself slowly. :) anyway Today I worked alllllll day. No exaggeration. Tomorrow is going to be a long day to. I am doing makeup for 3 girls at x pose and then lagoon till 11 if I'm lucky. We didn't get out till 12:30 tonight. Its just crazy because our shows open on friday. anyway I am heading for bed


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where to begin the beginning

I have been looking around my house and all I can say is where to begin the beginning. I am not sure what to do about that. Can I just say I hate moving. I have too much junk that is for sure. Maybe I just need Scott and Bryan to come and go through my cupboards. They were experts at Grandma's house. I still have that headache. It is really beginning to bug me. I almost went home early today. I just kept thinking I would rather leave early on Friday and be with Karen so I stuck it out. Not much else is going on here. I took Grandma to the Kutting Edge tonight and she got her hair cut and styled. It looked nice. We went to Village in for dinner afterwards. We cleaned the downstairs and washed Robin's sheets incase Karen wanted to sleep down there. Grandma was worried about that one. Well have a great Hump day.


Well today went pretty good, I am jealous of your weather karen, that is awesome. We need to visit. I am glad that you are coming up this weekend. We had pizza for dinner and that was good. I am excited for the three day weekend, it is going to be nice. :)

If you're happy and you know it

Robin I am glad that you are getting a lot of hours just keep thinking about how nice and big your pay check will be. My day was good we got free lunch at work. If you are missing summer you all should just come down to St. George it is 80 down here. They said on the news that they are delaying the opening of Cedar Breaks because of all the snow though. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. Have a great rest of the week. BYE

Monday, May 24, 2010

winter wonder-summer

Well today was busy, I worked at lagoon and everything needs to be done 2 days ago, so we are sewing our little hearts out. I am getting more hours this week so that will be awesome. but this week is going to be busy busy busy. I can't believe that it snowed today how crazy. I wish it were warm. I'm so ready for summer. well I'm going to bed I'm sleepy.



Well I made it thru Monday. I even went to FHE. They were putting a shed together at Kenna's house and she asked me to supervise the construction of it. So I did. My allergies are now bothering me so I have a headache also mom. Well have a great night everyone.


I have a headache tonight. I am going to bed early. I hope it goes away soon. I hate them. We had a quiet night also. We did go to Shopko for bingo prizes. That was fun. Dad made it to SLC safe and sound. I got all the information on signing the house up for sale. I need to start getting that going. Well have a great night.


Where are you summer?

I watched the final Lost tonight and it was good. It made me cry in a couple of places, they ended it good. I had a good day at work but I was kind of tired. We are just taking it easy tonihgt. I had cream of wheat for dinner and it was really good. Well I hope that the weather clears up soon, I am ready for it to be warm.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well we watched the 5 hours of lost tonight. I guess I am not lost anymore. It was interesting. I thought it was good. I am glad you got to go to Clifton with Casey's mom today. You have been a traveling fool this weekend. Karen you did have a busy day. I just laid around all day. I did make a good dinner and that was about all the excitement for me today. Well have a great week. It is a short one for you Karen. It was nice to see Rachel and Robin on Saturday. It was a fun day. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow.



We slept in today and Casey found a church to go to online but his Mom is visiting from california and went to clifton today so we went up their. It was good to see her and we arranged for someone to water and mow the lawn, it will be nice not to have to worry about it. Alan and carla came too. So we had a nice Sunday visiting with them. The house looked really nice thanks mom for all your help. Well karen you had a busy Sunday, you got a lot done.

Finished it

Well I finished my embroidery project. It turned out cute. My hometeachers just left. I like having hometeachers that show up it is so nice. I made it thru the welfare meeting. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be to give the store storage ideas. I am glad that it is over though. I also made cookies. I promised them at work that I would since I haven't made them in a while. Well I hope that everyone else had a good Sunday. BYE

p.s. I need boards and nails in farmville for my stable expansion. Thanks


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...