Saturday, February 12, 2011
Well I had a good day. i made me some chicken soup and it turned out good. The weather down here is wonderful right now. Robin it was a little weird looking at your photos you have a ton of Isaac and then bag right in the middle a drug addict photo. I am glad that mom and dad had a good trip to Logan. Well I better go. Have a great Sunday. BYE
So I added you guys to the drop box photo section I have made for the photos I have taken on isaac and such. ;) I think i sent the invite to the right emails. I think i sent them to karen and moms email at work. If you want your personal emails I can add those to the list. I just didn't know which one is best and I get alot of emails from your work email. :)
Today was good I worked on a short film. I added a picture of the drug addict I did the makeup for in the drop box photos if you can see them ;) then me and rachel went out for diinner. it was so nice outside I love that the weather is getting warmer. I am excited to go to where the weather will be over 70.. wink wink. well no much else have a great sunday
Today was good I worked on a short film. I added a picture of the drug addict I did the makeup for in the drop box photos if you can see them ;) then me and rachel went out for diinner. it was so nice outside I love that the weather is getting warmer. I am excited to go to where the weather will be over 70.. wink wink. well no much else have a great sunday
Home again Home again
WE are back in SLC. It was a good day. WE got grandma a perm and her nails done. Her toe nails really needed to be done. Her toe was sore. She did really well. I got Isaac some cute toys. I hope he will like them. I am on a quest to find the perfect toy. I don't have much else to report. I am going to cook tomorrow.
Friday, February 11, 2011
mail wo-man
You can tell grandma I got the mail ;) all is well in the world. today I went with rachel to go get pictures of isaac and then we went out for dinner. Everyone went to logan. I stayed because I am working on a short film tomorrow. So I got into my sweats and watched a movie. I know living life, it was nice to relax. well have a relaxing saturday :)
Safe and sound in Logan
We made it safe and sound to Logan. Rachel, Isaac's pictures are beautiful. He is so dang cute. Dad has to vent data for a while so I am going to play farmville on my nice big screen. It is so much fun when you can see what you are doing. We should be home tomorrow night. I will let you know if we change our minds.
Sieze the day
Sorry I didn't blog last night, I loose track of time. We had a good time sewing and I was able to put the border on my quilt. Isaac was even pretty good. Karen I give him lots of hugs and kisses from you. Today me and Robin picked up the pictures of Isaac, they turned out really good. The one I got of him is bigger than he is now. It is larger than life. Thanks everyone for everything, I have a great family.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
its been one week
well today rachel and isaac came over for lunch, we watched newsies. I know isaac can't sing yet but I think he was into the movie :) it was fun. I started to cut out my other dress, Rachel had these really cute fabric flowers, I think I am going to make some next time we sew. I exicited. :) well have a great one
Love that little guy
Well it was a good night tonight. I got to hold Isaac. He is so cute. Karen I am glad you got to change your primary class. Never a dull moment. I think it will be nice to have someone help. We are leaving tomorrow night for Logan. Should be a nice visit. Haven't been there for a while. Need to check it out. Have a great day.
WEll I got a free t-shirt at the Solidworks thing I went to. I wanted the I-pad. I thought I had a good shot at it they were drawing names for hats and bags and then they were drawing for the i_pad. i didn't get a bag or a hat so I thought yes I am going to win, but then before the drawing they put everyones name back in. I thought that was totally unfair. So no luck I didn't win. Other than that my day was just the same old same old. i am glad that tomorrow is Friday. This has seemed like a long week. Well I hope that you all had a good day. BYE
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Well today was good. I didn't do anything to crazy. We went out to julies and then I made some red cake cookies that karen sent me for valentines day. I told grandma she had to eat them all by monday for valentines day. I don't know if we will make it but we will try. well I tried to upload a picture and its not working so I will post a picture of the cakes of facebook ;) have a great night
Well I am glad that everyone got their packages, Happy Valentine's Day (I know it early, but it's the thought that counts). My day was pretty good. Work pick up so I wasn't as bored. Tomorrow I get to go to a Solidworks thing in the morning so that should be fun. I am glad that the week is half over. My allergies are bad right now. Allergy pills are my best friends right now. Well I hope that you all have a good time sewing. Give Isaac a hug for me. Have a great rest of the week. BYE
Nice day
We went out to Julie and Kyle's tonight. It was nice to visit and boy is that dog a cute dog that Angela has. You could really get attached. I am excited to sew tomorrow also. Rachel you can come anytime you want. Karen I am glad you get a quiet weekend. Two more and it you will learn to enjoy quiet. We are coming in full force. Well have a great Thursday. Rachel. I knew you were getting skinny. Your muscles will tighten up. It just takes some time.
Busy day
Today I went to my work and showed everyone the baby and picked my stuff up. I just had a picture and my awards. I also had a docotors appointment. I weigh the same as I did before I was pregnant, I think I must of lost weight in other places and gained in my stomache, I am not sure. Thanks Karen for the package, that was sweet of you. I am excited to sew tomorrow. If it is alright I will come over around lunch time. :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
girls just want to have fun
Today was a good day. I meet rachel for lunch it was really fun, Isaac pulled my hair. I was so proud, I'm sure in a few weeks it won't be so cute, but what can you do he's such a cutie pie. then Karen sent me some awesome valentines stuff, Thank you, I've eaten half the chocolate, so now tomorrow I have to go to the gym :) Grandma got another dog that dances, we don't have a name yet... its still in the works. dad is thrilled with the new addition *insert sarcastic tone*. well have a great one
Well today at work was slow. I hope that it picks up tomorrow. I am glad that you like the valentine mom. I thought it would be fun to send them in the mail. Rachel if you didn't get yours today it should be there soon I mailed them all on the same day. Well I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. That means the week is half over. And since I don't have to do primary this Sunday it should be a relaxing weekend. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE
Windy Windy
Boy it was cold today. Thanks for the valentines Karen. We love the chocolate. I am taking mine to work. Grandma ripped her arm today. It is pretty big tear and then coming in from Target she fell. Nothing bad but down she went. It scared me. It was a busy day today. I am tired. I can hardley wait for the weekend. Tomorrow we are going out to visit Kyle and the new dog. We are going to take them dinner. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM
My work has been calling me asking what I am planning to do. They called again today so I told them I wasn't coming back. I feel good about it. I am going to go in tomorrow and get my stuff. I don't have much. I had lunch with robin today and it was fun. Isaac was good and we had fun. He has wanted me to hold him this afternoon though. When I lay him down he cries, so we are just taking it easy. Casey went cross country skiing with his friend tonight, he was excited. Everyone have a good night.
Monday, February 7, 2011
up to the brim
well today was good. I made some soup for dinner and then just had a relaxing day. It was really snowy but this afternoon it was so nice outside. Well nothing else to exciting going on have a lovely day
No snow
Well there is no snow here. It was a beautiful degrees and the sun was shining. I hope that you don't get too much snow. Well today was kind of slow. Work was slow so it just made the day drag. Oh well I hope that tomorrow picks up. I hope that you have a good time at your training thing tomorrow mom. Well that is about it for me have a great one.
Today I cleaned the birds cages, I haven't done it forever. I also gave Isaac a a bath and I took a shower so we were all clean today. It was warmer this afternoon so we walked to mcdonalds, it was a nice walk. This weather is crazy, I am glad you made it home safe Mom, I hate driving in the snow.
And the prize is behind?
The detector is so close. They aren't going to China tomorrow but they are working out a new time. Details to follow. It was a quiet day today. Not much going on at work. Tomorrow I have an computer class in Murray from 9 - 12. I thought I would find a good place to eat for lunch. It was blizzard coming home from work tonight. The trees were just bending and it was straight off the north. Snow everywhere. It took me twice as long to get home. Crazy weather. I am so ready for summer. Robin made soup and it was so good. I made grilled cheese sandwiches. Tomorrow we are going to have hot dogs. They had them the other day at work and they looked so good.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
what have you done
Well today was good. we tried to decorate cakes, grandma was critiquing our work and she was not impressed with our cake skills. The frosting kept melting off the cake. I'm glad that your class went well karen, It will be nice to have it a small class kids get stronger in numbers. well nothing else to exciting with me x-pose didn't have anyone scheduled so I am not going to work tomorrow. But I am going to make dinner so that should be fun. Have a great monday
All quiet
Karen I am glad you had a good sunday. I think you will like your calling. we had a quiet day. I finished the magic series. It was a good series. Don't worry Rachel about Isaac. He will get use to coming here. It just is different and he will get use to it. Well should be a wild week. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
All quiet
Karen, I don't know about the blessing yet. I am going to go to church next week and figure it out. Sorry about tonight, Isaac was haveing a hard time. He stoped crying in the car and was calm at home. We changed his diaper and then he nursed. I don't know why we were haveing a hard time nurseing there. Thank you for everyones help and for dinner. It was fun to decorate the cakes, I will think about how to do it better. Karen I am glad your class went well, you are a better person than me to do that. Everyone have a good night and a nice Monday.
Made it
Well I made it thru my lesson. I had three girls in my class and that was it. They were hyper though. Oh well. THey have us switch off teaching so I don't teach next Sunday but the one after I do. I have allergies today. The wind is blowing so it is not helping. I hope that everyone else's Sunday went well. Oh Rachel I did have a question, Do you and Casey know when you are going to have Isaac's baby blessing? Just wondering cause they had one at church today. WEll have a great one BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...