Saturday, February 12, 2011


So I added you guys to the drop box photo section I have made for the photos I have taken on isaac and such. ;) I think i sent the invite to the right emails. I think i sent them to karen and moms email at work. If you want your personal emails I can add those to the list. I just didn't know which one is best and I get alot of emails from your work email. :)

Today was good I worked on a short film. I added a picture of the drug addict I did the makeup for in the drop box photos if you can see them ;) then me and rachel went out for diinner. it was so nice outside I love that the weather is getting warmer. I am excited to go to where the weather will be over 70.. wink wink. well no much else have a great sunday


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...