Saturday, August 15, 2020

Fun times

 Robin you are on fire. I love the gazebo. You are amazing. We had a really fun weekend. We did it all. Lagoon two days. Hotel, swimming, shopping. We are all going to sleep tomorrow. The boys have blisters in there feet. It looked sore. Love mom

one more thing

Today was good. I got alot done. I cleaned up the boxes and garbage from the gazebo. Then I mowed the lawn. We had a step on our deck that when you steped on it the wood would give. I thought it just needed to be rebraced underneath. So we unscrewed the boards and everything was rotten out. So I decided to get a miter saw and just fix it all. So we went to harbor freight and they had a great deal on a saw then we went to Lowe's and picked up some wood. I fixed it all and repainted it. I was going to take a picture but it looks the same it just doesn't feel like it's going to break when you stand in it. Then Jeramy s friends came over and checked out the gazebo. I'm tired and will most likely sleep tomorrow 😃 hope lagoon was fun! It was a hot day.

Friday, August 14, 2020


Sorry your date was lame Karen. Hopefully the next guy is cooler. :) I'm glad it was Friday. Our mattress cover arrived. We had to get theirs so it wouldn't void our Warranty. Then Jenkins had to get his shots they said he was really healthy and doing really good. The. Me and Jeramy finished the gazebo. I took pictures when.we took a break but I will take the final pictures tomorrow. We keep finishing when it's dark. It's just so hot in the day. Have fun at lagoon

Thursday, August 13, 2020

My friday

 Rachel and the kids made it safe and sound and we had a nice time. Isaac helped me make salmon and it was so good. We played games and watched a movie. Tomorrow we are going to lagoon and then a hotel. Robin congratulations on the gazebo. Way to go. If you need help lets us know. Good luck with your date Karen. I hope he is a good guy

one more

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy took the day off just for fun. I decided to work because I didn't want to use PTO. I worked some more on the gazebo. Jeramy and I got all the braces and supports up. We are at the roof part. So we were going to call in help. But it's actually not to bad. Jeramy out up one piece of the roof and we ended up getting 4 pieces in. I was going to take a picture but it was dark. So I will take one tomorrow. It's been nice to have a project at nights. Hope everyone has a good Friday.



 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. My day was good. Work is still busy so it is going by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Dad had a doctor's appointment and then had to have labs.  So afterwards we went to Best Buy and got him a new phone.  His old phone wasn't working well at all.  He was excited.  We went to Caporitti's afterwards for dinner and it tasted so good.  Robin that is fun that you are getting your gazebo up.  Let us know if you need us to help you.  Karen good luck on your date.  I hope he is nice.  I booked a hotel room for Friday night so we can go to Lagoon twice.  I know exciting times for sure.  Rachel and the kids are coming down tomorrow and spending the night and then we are going to Lagoon on Friday to just ride rides and then swim at the Hotel.  I hope it is a nice one.  It got good reviews.  I have to go into work tomorrow.  I hope it goes well.  I have a huge stack of things that need to be signed.  Rachel just tell me when you leave and I will be home when you get there.  LOVE MOM 


 Good for you Karen.  That is exciting.  We had a good day.  I walked and went to exercise class, we did high today and I like that.  At Isaac's magic graduation I ran into a girl I went to college with.  She is teacher preschool music classes.  She sent me information.  I told her I wasn't interested but she said she needed more people for her preview class so me and Ruth went to that today.  It was fun and Ruth liked it.  It is a $100 to start to buy the supplies you need and then $45 a month.  It seemed expensive.  After we were done we went to the jump zone.  I read When a Monster Calls for bookgroup next month.  It was so so sad it made me sad the rest of the day.  We went to Walmart to get a trash can cover so Tony can't get in.  We went on a walk after dinner and watched some Harry Potter.  Isaac finished reading the first book so we are watching it.  Love you guys.



day off

Good luck on the date Karen. Dating is hard but it's nice if it all goes well. Hopefully he's a nice guy. Jeramy stayed home today his stomach was upset from the icecream we had yesterday. We think it's fancy icecream and they use real milk or whole milk and now we think he's lactose intolerant. Work was good but I lost motivation after lunch. But I got stuff done so that's a bonus. We borrowed a ladder from jeramys xfather in laws we started to put up supports that were higher to reach. We were going to get food truck Wednesday but no food trucks were there. It was terrible. So we went to slim chickens instead. Then I worked on the gazebo a bit


 So I joined a dating app about a week ago and I have an ice cream date for Friday. Little nervous about that but it will be good. Other than that it was just the usual for a Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


I got a lot done at work today.  I organized all the bills I needed to pay.  It felt nice to get them under control.  We just had a quiet evening for dad's birthday.  Robin no worries about the hotel.  I just never want you to think you aren't invited.  This is mostly because we promised the kids a night in the hotel if we didn't go to Lagoon in over 100 degree weather.  I am going to take Friday off and me and Rachel are taking the kids to Lagoon and then do a little school shopping.  I am so sorry Jeramy had a bad day.  That is hard.  I wasn't as tired to day and that helped.  Rachel tell Casey congratulations on the raise.  That is unheard of in this time.  Well everyone have a great hump day.  We are busy making spiders for Halloween decorations.  LOVE MOM 


 Stephanie and her kids came over and played this morning.  They were cute and remembered everything we used to do.  So we had kolaid and made cookies.  They stayed until lunch and it was fun.  Called dropped by to picked some stuff up and it was good to see her.  After lunch we were in the backyard and Oliver wanted to go over to Sher's.  They are probably regretting the gate because Oliver is always over their.  She invited us over to show the kids their rumba, a robot vacuum.  They love it and it does a great job cleaning the floors.  We came in and finished watching the Lord of the rings.  Oliver back over to visit and he went over again when we were mowing the lawn.  They said they would send him home when he was too much.  We went and got Karie Ann's before we mowed the lawn and it tasted good.  I forgot to say yesterday that Casey got a raise for his year review.  It was exciting.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.



another bites the dust

Work was work. Yesterday Jeramy had a bad day so we went to Arby's for dinner and they forgot his jamoca shake. So today we worked on the gazebo a bit and went to Handel's and got some ice cream to make up for the Arby's mishap. It was good. Then we just relaxed the rest of the night. I don't think we need a room. Thanks though, I'm going to try and clean up our back room.



 Things are going good here. It has been a little cooler recently, so that has been nice. Work was good. It was meeting day so nothing too exciting. My text books for school have finally shipped. They will be here Monday. Which is the first day of school. So  I  guess that is better than nothing. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, August 10, 2020


I was tired today so I took a nap for my lunch hour.  It felt nice.  It was another hot one today.  We did go to Winco after work and that felt nice to walk around.  I really like Winco.  That is a neat picture of the hummingbird Robin.  That is something to catch a picture of them.  They are fast.  Karen, I am glad that the fire is contained in Parleys.  They said they are prohibiting outdoor shooting.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  I am glad you got your quilt back.  We promised the kids if they didn't go to Lagoon when it was over 100 degrees we would get a hotel by Lagoon and go twice.  We ae going Friday night.  Robin do you and Jeramy want a room?  You don't have to go to Lagoon but you could get away if you want to.  Let me know. I can't believe school is going to start next week for everyone.  I am so not ready for that one.  Summer always goes to fast.  Dad has been making spiders for Halloween decorating and that is fun.  LOVE MOM 


 Thanks for the fun weekend.  We had a really fun time.  Oliver fell and landed on his head.  We were worried but he is doing really well today.  Which was good.  This morning we ran errands.  We picked up my quilt and five dollars.  I was talking with the kids what we should do with it.  Oliver said he didn't want to talk about it and Ruth said I could spend it on what I wanted and they would spend their money on what they wanted.  It was so funny.  We also went to PetSmart and grocery shopping.  I cleaned the house and picked up rotten apricots in the yard.  Tonight Tony had puppy class.  He did really well and I learned a lot.  Thank you Mom and Dad for the class.  Love you guys and have a good night.




Today was nice for a Monday. Our gazebo was delivered do that was fun. I 3d printed a hummingbird feeder and we are starting to get a constant rotation of birds. But it also is bringing the hornets so it's an epic battle between the bug and the bird. We keep catching hornets in our traps but they tend to fly in from every where. 



 My day was good. I got up and went to work. Work is going good. I am staying busy so it is going by fast. I had a fun time yesterday. It was fun hanging out. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...