Saturday, August 26, 2017


My day was similar to Robin's, except i did my laundry Thursday night. I did go grocery shopping.  It was nice having a lazy day. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Today was nice i just relaxed all day. I was tired. I also did a ton of laundry. I have to work at scheels tomorrow so nothing to crazy on my end.


Friday, August 25, 2017


I am glad that the weekend is here.  My day was good. Work us moving along. I decided at that what i packed for lunch didn't sound good. So i went and got tacos instead. I think it was a good choice.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye

We made it

We made it to Friday.   We met at Chuck E Cheese after work and played with the kids and then we brought them home with us.  They are going to stay a couple of nights.  I love the bunk beds it makes it so easy to get everything ready for bed.  Parley's is suppose to be a mess this weekend.  Robin just think less than 10 days of Scheels.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, August 24, 2017


I decided to keep with the theme of our posts today.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday as well.  We are going to meet the Andersons at Chuck E Cheese in Layton and them taking the kids home with us.  I think we are in for a really fun weekend.  Not much going on with us.  It has been a quiet week.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac went to school, it took him 45 minutes to wake up and get dressed.  Me and the little kids just played at home all day.  Oliver loves to play with playdough and will do that for hours.  Ruthie wont take a nap the last two day.  I have been doing it early but we have been waking up earlier.  I lay her down and she is in their for an hour but never falls asleep.  Isaac was really grumpy after school, I think that he was tired.  I made his favorite dinner and that cheered him up.  We took the new car up on a dirt road to test it out it did really well.  It was fun.  Oliver fell asleep on the ride so we just put him in bed when we got home.  We are meeting up with Mom and Dad tomorrow and they are taking the kids for the weekend, thanks again.


 Oliver fell off his bike after this and needed a bandaid

Everyone has their hands in their mouths in the new car


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. My day was good. Nothing too exciting. I did get my laundry done tonight. It was getting to be a necessity. I was almost out of socks. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I had to work at scheels tonight so it's a.slow night. I took a girls shift tomorrow because she had a family emergency. But it's payday so it helps ease the pain. Hope everyone had a good day.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Today was good. Nothing to crazy. After work me and Steve met up and had waffle love..he had never tried it before. It was good. I'm glad the kids had a good first day of school! Hope everyone has a great thursday

First Day of School

Today turned out to be a really good day.  I have been so stressed about school but when we got their his teacher was so calm and nice.  She seemed like a really good teacher.  Isaac was really excited to go and eat lunch.  I did really good and didn't cry until we left his classroom.  He had a wonderful day and when he got home he said that he missed school.  He asked if he could go back tomorrow.  He had a blast and he liked eating lunch at school.  He was happy after school which was really nice, I was expecting him to be really grumpy.  It was nice to spend the day with Ruthie and Oliver.  When Ruth napped me and Oliver read books which was nice.  We played play dough and they liked that.  We picked up bread sticks for an after school snack and that was fun.  We have been watching cars and a CRV in Logan dropped a thousand dollars in price so we went and looked at it when Casey got home.  We had Randy met up with us to see he liked it.  We all liked it so we ended up getting it.  It is really nice and it what we wanted in our price range.  It is stressful buying a car.  We went to Hu Hut to celebrate.  It was fun but Oliver choked and threw up.  I am glad that everything went well today, thanks you guys for everything.


You mean I have to go back?

I love that Karen,  I feel the same way about work sometimes.  Not much going on with us.  WE have had a quiet week.  I figure after dad was so sick this weekend it would be good to just veg and we have.  I haven't slept very well the last two nights so I am taking my tea you got us Karen.  I hope it knocks me out.  Rachel,  I am excited for your new car.  That is going to be a big step up for Casey.  I am happy for him.  Are you going to sell his car?  Robin I was just thinking that you only have two more weekends and then you are done with Scheels.  I bet that is starting to feel strange.  You have worked there a long time.  Everyone have a good Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here in Kamas. I hope that you survived the first day of school, Rachel. Did Isaac have a good time? I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for first day of school jokes

Image result for first day of school jokes

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


That is sad your baby's are all grown up rachel. Good luck tomorrow. Today was busy I've become the office garbage can and everyone gives me all their work they don't want to do. Tomorrow a girl turns 21 so we are going to lucky 17 for lunch. I might up with steve tomorrow night. I love your ceiling Karen you did a good job. Have a good Wednesday



Isaac is all set for school.  We went to the store this morning and got him some treats for his lunch.  He is excited to go and he will do great.  I am so emotional about it though but he will be fine.  I babysat this afternoon all three for the last time.  Everyone had a fun time.  Ruthie took a nap afterwards so I folded laundry and the boys rode their bikes.  We met up with Tiffany and everyone for dinner and then went up to their house.  We went to the park and then I had to leave for young womens, we did yoga and it was fun.  Well everyone have a good Wednesday. Good job on your kitchen Karen, I am excited to see it.


Good Luck

Good luck tomorrow Rachel getting Isaac to school.  I love the first day of school.  All the kids are so excited.  He will do amazing.  Karen, I love your kitchen.  That looks so nice to have that vent out of you ceiling.  Nice job.  Today was busy at work and time went by fast.  It rained a few drops here this evening as well.  We watched the old version of Ben Hur to compare with the new version we watched earlier.  I like the older version better.  Not much else to report on my end as well.  Robin, I hope all is going well.  Tomorrow is hump day.  We can do it.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I got my ceiling finished. It did rain here for a bit this afternoon. I really don't have anything else exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, August 21, 2017

Late Night

I was grouchy too today, it must be the eclipse.  I babysat this morning but they left before the eclipse happened so we watched it and it was really neat.  The kids would take a look and then go and ride their bikes around.  Afterwards we went and bought Stanley some new food and I needed a ruler for my class but the quilt store didn't have it but they ordered it for me which was really nice.  My visiting teachers came and it was good to talk to them.  Casey and Tiffany went to Clifton to watch the eclipse and they had a really fun time, they looked at abandoned houses.  They came back around dinner and we played outside and then went to Randy's for a bit.  So we had another late night but it is for fun things.  One more day of summer vacation. :(


Me too

I got to watch the eclipse as well and everyone was really nice to share their glasses.  It was cool.  I was glad I saw it.  I thought the leaf shadows were pretty awesome.  I am glad everyone got to see it.  We went grocery shopping after work and then watched the old Ben Hur.  The new one is really different.  Not much else going on with us.  I was grouchy today.  I think it was the eclipse  :)  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I watched the eclipse as well. They had a couple pair of glasses at work that we just shared. It was pretty cool. They asked if i would help teach solidworks at the high school. I said yes, so today i had to go get my finger prints taken and fill out paper work. I didn't realize that you had to get a background check to volunteer,  but I guess you so now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

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Image result for fun quotes

Image result for fun quotes

Image result for fun quotes


Today was good. I watched the eclipse my work bought us glasses. I tried to take a few pictures through my glasses. Then I worked at scheels. Hope everyone made it through the eclipse.

Best regard

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Today was chill. It was nice to sleep in. I'm glad everyone had a good day. I found some quote ideas for the wall. I like.the wildflower ones

Good day

Rachel, I am glad you had a good time at church.  That dress is darling on Ruth.  She is growing up way to fast.  We went and saw Grandma today and took her to Walmart and out for dinner.  I asked someone at Walmart where was a good place to eat and the said Jim's family restaurant.  So we found that and it was just like Angies.  We had beef open faced sandwiches and grandma loved them.  We came back and she was tired so we came home.  Dad bought the New Ben Hur at Walmart so we watched that it was good.  We put it on Vudoo.  Good luck with the Eclipse.  Don't look directly at the sun.  LOVE MOM

The weekend

I like your kitchen Karen, good job.  That mural is amazing Robin.  We had a fun weekend.  Saturday the kids slept in but me and Casey woke up and I cut out fabric and Casey went and got the money for the new car.  He got a car loan on the van and it was a really low interest rate.  When everyone got up we went and test drove a honda pilot.  The car dealers are so pushy I don't think we are going to go back.  Then we went to Panda for lunch because the kids were so patient at the car place.  Then we went canoeing but it was really hot so we didn't go long.  We came home and played in the pool in the backyard.  Tiffany and Lauri are visiting so we went up to Randy's last night and it was really good to see them and we had a fun night.  Today I had a meeting early so that sucked.  Casey helped someone he used to work with move so I took the kids to church and they did really well.  It was a good time.  I had to teach and I took Ruthie with me and she was good while I taught.  Tonight Isaac rode his two wheeled bike by himself and Oliver rode the bike with training wheels so well.  It was a lot of fun and Isaac was really excited.  They are growing up.


Some sort of baby fish

We saw a frog

Isaac drew a cool picture


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...