Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Day of School

Today turned out to be a really good day.  I have been so stressed about school but when we got their his teacher was so calm and nice.  She seemed like a really good teacher.  Isaac was really excited to go and eat lunch.  I did really good and didn't cry until we left his classroom.  He had a wonderful day and when he got home he said that he missed school.  He asked if he could go back tomorrow.  He had a blast and he liked eating lunch at school.  He was happy after school which was really nice, I was expecting him to be really grumpy.  It was nice to spend the day with Ruthie and Oliver.  When Ruth napped me and Oliver read books which was nice.  We played play dough and they liked that.  We picked up bread sticks for an after school snack and that was fun.  We have been watching cars and a CRV in Logan dropped a thousand dollars in price so we went and looked at it when Casey got home.  We had Randy met up with us to see he liked it.  We all liked it so we ended up getting it.  It is really nice and it what we wanted in our price range.  It is stressful buying a car.  We went to Hu Hut to celebrate.  It was fun but Oliver choked and threw up.  I am glad that everything went well today, thanks you guys for everything.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...