Saturday, July 1, 2017


I am glad that everyone had a good day.  The lion king is really cute Robin and shooting looks really fun guys, good job.  Ruthie didn't sleep good and Casey didn't sleep good in the tent so we were tired today.  We decided to skip the car show and just go to the parade.  So we went to Lowes and got some bolts for the jeep and fencing to make Stanley a place outside.  Casey and Isaac worked on the fence and then we went downstairs when Ruthie took a nap.  Me and Oliver fell asleep and Isaac watched the lego batman.  Casey worked on the jeep and Kelly came over, they are having a good time.  After dinner we went to the parade and meet up with Randy their.  Isaac so so cute and excited to see all the cars.  We got a book at the library about Lotus cars and he really wanted to see one and one of the first cars to drive by was a Lotus car.  It was fun to see, it was really fancy.  We stayed until the kids were bored and then came home and put Stanley outside.  He loved it, he loved the grass and being out there.  It was fun to see him happy.  The cat next door came over and really wanted to see him and Isaac was panicing that Stanley was going to be eaten.  Casey ended up getting the hose and spraying the cat to keep him away and it worked.  Kelly came back over and they are working on the car again.  Everyone enjoy your Sunday.


The yellow car in the back is the Lotus, he only drove by twice.

A car broken down by us


We had a really nice day today.  Thanks Karen for the pictures. After shooting we also went to Target and got dad a jar for his terrarium.  He worked on that all night.  We went to Lowes and picked up a few more items after Karen left and he now has lights up and working.  We will have to start planting and see if we can get it to grow.  Robin, I always just love your pictures.  You are so gifted.  Tomorrow we are going to try and go see Grandma.  WE won't be able to see her next weekend.  It was a hot one today.  We also got some treats for the trip at Costco.  Dad got this really cool back pack that you can put ice in.  LOVE MOM


Today was chill it was nice. I was craving a steak so I ordered out texas road house. Then I worked on my lion king board. It's ok but it's done:) I'm glad shooting was fun today have a relaxing sunday



Well I have had a fun day. Me, mom, and dad went shooting this morning.  We rented an AK15 and ut was super fun to shoot. I may need to buy one. Then we went to that noodle restaurant and it was good. Then we hit costco. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, June 30, 2017


Sorry I am a late blogger tonight.  We had a good and busy day.  This morning we went to the library and turned in our summer reading and then went to story time.  Afterwards we went grocery shopping.  After lunch I put Ruthie down for a nap and Oliver was laying down almost asleep then Randy called and they were going to lunch for Collins birthday.  So he came over and picked up Isaac and took him to lunch with everyone and I stayed with the sleeping Oliver and Ruthie, which was pretty awesome.  I was able to sew most of the blocks together for Karen's quilt which is fun. I was trying to make Isaac's hair look presentable for lunch but it was getting too long so when he got back I cut it and it looks a lot better.  After dinner we took Stanley outside in the pool, he was scarred but I think he will start to like it.  We went on a walk with the bikes and it went better than it usually does, the kids are getting older.  Last night Casey and Isaac planed to sleep in the backyard so we set up the tent and roasted marshmallows on the stump.  The boys are sleeping out their tonight which is fun but we are having a late night.  I am glad that you got a pretty dress Robin.  Have fun shooting tomorrow, that sounds fun.



Yeah it's the weekend. Good job getting a dress Robin. My day has been good. Work went by quick. Then I came home got my dishes done, got my gun stuff together, and cut up meat for beef jerky. I decided that it was silly to work Monday with having Tuesday off, so I took Monday off just because.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye


I went with Robin and we found this beautiful dress at Dillards it was on sale and then you got another 30 percent off.  It looks so beautiful on her.  I had such a fun time.  We looked around at Valley Fair but they weren't very nice dresses.  Not much else going on with me.  Karen is coming down in the morning and we are going shooting.  We are also going to Costco so if you need anything let me know.  LOVE MOM


Me and mom went dress shopping tonight. It was fun. I found a dress a really liked. Mom  bought me a pretty hair ornament so I am ready to rock and roll. Thanks again for going mom. I don't work this weekend but it's the start of a new month so I decorating the board for work. It's lion king month. Hope everyone has a good weekend


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Slow mo

I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday I felt like this was a long week. Work went well today so that was nice. I had the night off and I just relaxed. Hope everyone has a relaxing Friday


Too excited

I can't believe we only have 8 more days.  That is so much fun. Robin, I hope you got some sleep and no nightmares.  I am going to hook up with Robin after work tomorrow and look for dresses for her.  I think that is a lot of fun.  Work was quiet today and that was nice.  I came home from work and fell sound asleep.  I hope I can sleep tonight.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Let the fun begin.  LOVE MOM

8 more days

Today was the last day of swimming lessons and Oliver was happy to go.  He said he wanted to see his swimming Momma.  Isaac did really well and advanced a level, he loves to swim.  After lunch Randy came and took the boys to his house and I gave Ruthie a nap which gave me some sewing time.  I finished cutting out the quilt for my class and I sewed one of the blocks together.  I also finished cutting out Karen's quilt.  I got confused with the directions but I got it all worked out and I am ready to sew it.  After Ruthie woke up we went up to Randy's and spent the rest of the day.  After Casey got done with work he mowed the lawn and then came up.  We roasted marshmallows in their backyard and that was fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday.  Our Vacation is getting really close.


My finished blocks


Well it is almost the weekend. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Things are going good here. They bought doughnuts for us at work so that was fun. I love doughnut days. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


That sucks Robin, I hate spiders and bad dreams.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  We had a good day.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep in and were grumpy this morning, we made sure to go to bed on time tonight.  Their was a snake thing at the library this morning but Isaac wasn't awake and I didn't want to wake him up so we skipped it.  We went to swimming lessons and that was good.  Isaac said that they moved him up to level 4, he is doing so good.  Oliver didn't want to go and wanted me to put him in time out instead of swimming lessons.  He was fine once we were their and happy afterwards.  Ruthie loves to swim and floating on her back, she is so cute.  This afternoon we built Oliver's tower and Isaac's rocket and then played with Stanley.  When Casey came home we went up to the park and shot it off.  It was so fun, I think everyone really like it.  Thanks Mom.  Marco Polo seems like a good way to share videos, I can't figure out a better way.  I am going to cut out my blocks for quilt class next week.  It is coming soon.



That sucks about the spider scare Robin. I hate not sleeping well. Rachel the rocket was cool. Sorry I didn't reply on marco. I didn't notice that I had a message until later. My day was good. Work is just the usual.  I did finish mowing my lawn after work. It was hot but I got it done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Well I have been sitting here all night thinking it is Thursday.  The rest of the week might be along one.  Work was good.  I sure am enjoying just one job.  It is so less stressful.  We went grocery shopping after dinner and that was good.  I am sorry I missed the Marco Polo.  That rocket looked really fun.  I am glad it went up so high.  Tell Isaac he picked out a good one.  Robin, I am so sorry that you had a bad nightmare.  That would be enough to keep you awake all night.  You have such a fear of them to begin with.  I can't believe that June is almost over with.  Time just goes so fast.  LOVE MOM


I woke up this morning at 2 thinking there was a huge spider running over my covers. I jumped out if bed an turned on the light. But I couldn't find it again so I slept on the couch. I was telling everyone at work and they say they have had a dream about spiders and it felt real so I am thinking it was a nightmare. But it felt real. Needless to say I am really tired. I had to work at scheels so I am baby stepping through the night. Luckily I have the rest of the week off from scheels so I can sleep. Have a good night.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Today was good.  The boys played with their new robot spiders all morning, they love them.  Casey needed some things for scouts tonight so we ran to the store to get them and then went to swimming lessons.  Oliver did a lot better today and said he was going to be happy and he was.  Go figure.  We swam afterwards for a while.  Ruthie loves to swim and didn't want to leave.  While we were waiting for the boys she put on her floaty and wanted to get in the pool, it was cute.  While I was doing dishes after lunch she was in the living room playing and I went in to check on her.  She was feeding Stanley and he was so happy and talking to her, it was so cute.  Casey had scouts and they were roasting hot dogs.  Isaac wanted to go so Casey took him and they had fun.  When Casey got back they made a fire in the backyard and roasted hot dogs with the little kids.  We canceled young women's but they wanted a meeting so I had a meeting tonight.  We were late putting the kids to bed and they were having loud music at the park.  Then at sunset they had fireworks, the boys were still up so we watched them and it was fun.  It was the perfect place to watch them in the backyard.  Everyone have a great day.



Well my Tuesday has been good. I had meetings today so that took up a good chunk of the day. I really don't have anything exciting to report.  I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Back to the real world

So I am back to the real world.  It wasn't too bad.  Work was good, it was hard to get back into the groove.  I bought tickets for lehmans caves and the train.  We are all set to go I think.  We stopped by RC Willeys and they have some really nice mattresses for cheap.  WE are going to buy them there instead of amazon.  I think that is ready to go as well.  There is one problem with your post tonight Robin.  You are beautiful.  That is all I have to say.  I am glad you didn't have to work tonight.  Have a really nice hump day.  It was so pretty outside today.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. It wasn't super busy so I had time to catch up a bit. They gave us free sandwiches at lunch so that was nice. I didn't have to work tonight but I had some energy so I'm trying to make the embroidery bowl thatch bought a few months ago it's been fun to work on. Hope everyone had a good day.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Happy birthday

Hope you had a happy birthday mom.  I'm glad Logan was fun. Today was chill for me I didn't have to work at scheels but i feel asleep watching netflix so that was nice


Happy Birthday!!

We had a really fun day with Mom and are sad to see her go.  Here are a couple of pictures from today.  I didn't get a lot.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...