Saturday, July 1, 2017


I am glad that everyone had a good day.  The lion king is really cute Robin and shooting looks really fun guys, good job.  Ruthie didn't sleep good and Casey didn't sleep good in the tent so we were tired today.  We decided to skip the car show and just go to the parade.  So we went to Lowes and got some bolts for the jeep and fencing to make Stanley a place outside.  Casey and Isaac worked on the fence and then we went downstairs when Ruthie took a nap.  Me and Oliver fell asleep and Isaac watched the lego batman.  Casey worked on the jeep and Kelly came over, they are having a good time.  After dinner we went to the parade and meet up with Randy their.  Isaac so so cute and excited to see all the cars.  We got a book at the library about Lotus cars and he really wanted to see one and one of the first cars to drive by was a Lotus car.  It was fun to see, it was really fancy.  We stayed until the kids were bored and then came home and put Stanley outside.  He loved it, he loved the grass and being out there.  It was fun to see him happy.  The cat next door came over and really wanted to see him and Isaac was panicing that Stanley was going to be eaten.  Casey ended up getting the hose and spraying the cat to keep him away and it worked.  Kelly came back over and they are working on the car again.  Everyone enjoy your Sunday.


The yellow car in the back is the Lotus, he only drove by twice.

A car broken down by us

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...