Friday, August 12, 2022


 Work was quiet and I got a lot of stuff cleaned off my desk. It felt nice. Karen came down and we went to jinyas I always think of Oliver when we go. He loves that place. We hit Costco and got some junk. It was fun to walk around. Karen is spending the night so we will see you in Lehi. Rachel drive safe. Oliver always as to do it the risky way. He is so cute. I am glad Ruth is doing good on her bike. Love mom


 Today was good.  Ruth's friend Emily came over to play this morning.  She brought her bike so they rode a bit.  Ruth had a harder time steering today.  They had fun.  Isaac mentioned the sink was sorry and he cleaned it.  Me and Oliver joined him and we deep cleaned the kitchen.  It looks really good.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  We have a ton of grasshopper and the kids like to hit them off the deck, that is what Oliver is doing in the picture.  We will leave tomorrow morning and be at Robin's by lunch.  Thanks for hosting Robin.

Love Rachel

Thursday, August 11, 2022


 Work was good. Nothing to wild. I am ready to play. I took dad to yellow fun for dinner for his birthday. I thought we could go on a walk to sugar house park but it was raining.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen. Thanks Robin for cooking. Have a nice Friday. Love mom

Happy birthday Dad

 I hope Dad had a fun birthday.  Today was good.  I have been walking Tony in the morning and Casey runs with him in the evening and he was worn out today.  He didn't want to walk this morning and just sat down so we came home.  I got some brown shoes for work so I think I am ready to go.  The kids just wanted to play in the backyard today.  Ruth was bored a bit so we went grocery shopping.  After dinner we went to the park.  Emily was there so we were talking which was really nice.  Emily rose her bike and her Mom had a good idea on how to learn to ride.  So Ruth used Emily's bike and rode it all by herself.  It was so amazing.  Emily learned to swim today so they both had good days.  I am so glad she was able to ride a bike.  We are headed to shivers to celebrate.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. It was just the usual for me. Work is still good. I am making progress on my to do list so that is nice. There hasn't been any rain here yet. I also packed up to come down to mom and dad's tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye 


Today was good nothing to wild. We went on a walk before it started to rain. Then we ran to Costco to get meat for the weekend. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 I am glad Jeremy decided to change jobs.  Does that affect his unemployment?  We gave it our best today and I think everyone had a good time.  The kids all slept in.  I walked and sewed.  I am working on Karen's Christmas bag.  We went and got a new outfit for the first day of school and work.  We went and got stuff to tye dye, Oliver had really been wanting to do it.  Then Ruth had a ton of coupons for the pizza pie cafe so we went there for lunch and kids were all free so it was cheap.  They had fun eating there and the boys didn't complain.  We came home and tye died the shirts.  I did a bag.  They turned out cute and I am washing them now.  Ruth's glitter tattoos came and we did those.  They are easy and cute.  The kids played in the sprinklers until dinner.  Casey took Oliver and Ruth to activity days and Isaac went to young men's.  They all had a fun evening.  I have been watching videos to learn how to use an embroidery machine.  Casey went to go on a run just now and a huge thunderstorm rolled in.  It is really pretty.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  I think it is because I am feeling better.  My headache wasn't so bad today.  I worked a little late but that is good because I like to sleep in sometimes and go in a little late.  We didn't do anything after work.  We got some potato salad at Sam's last night with a chicken and that salad is so good.  I have almost eaten all of it and it was 5 lbs.  Robin, I am glad Jeramy didn't stay in a bad situation.  Good for him for sticking up for himself.  Karen, I am excited for you to come down on Friday.  Good luck programming boards the rest of the week.  Rachel, I hope you are enjoying your week.  I can't believe the kids go back to school next week.  If you want me to take a day off to be with them just let me know.  Not much else to report on my end.  I kept hoping it would pour rain but I don't think we got anything.  I just keep hoping it cools down a little bit.  Enjoy Thursday.  LOVE MOM 


 My day was good. I am glad that the week is half over. Nothing too exciting going on here. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye 


Jeramy didn't sleep at all last night. He tossed and turned all night. We decided to just be done with the job. It really it hurt his back so we are back to job search. My work had a monster truck party today. It was fun, Luna did not want to wear her hearing protection. I was able to distract her with food for most of it. But she didn't love it. I am tired so hopefully everyone in the house sleeps tonight lol

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 I made it to work and that was good. I am feeling a lot better. We went to Sam's after work and it was nice to walk around. We got dad lots of treats. Sugar rush. Robin said they will.smoke some meat for Saturday. That will be so good. Thanks so much. Karen I am sorry you had to mow the lawn. Rachel it is so hot. That is fun you got a computer. Bet the kids are super excited. Love mom


 I walked this morning.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he slept in.  Ruth had tumbling and Oliver went to play at a friend's house.  I ran errands when they did that.  Casey bid in a old computer and won so I ran some cash to his work.  Isaac had violin lessons and we were going to the park when he did that but it was so hot we just came home.  The kids just played in the sprinklers all afternoon.  I am sorry Jeremy didn't love his job.  That is smart to keep looking and find what he wants.

Love Rachel


Jeramy didn't love his job it was a lot more physical than he anticipated. But he's going to give it a go and keep looking while he's there. My day was slow so the day was long. Luna knows what breakfast means. So after I get her dressed in the morning I say do you want breakfast? Then she runs to the kitchen to her chair. It's cute. Sometimes she will detour into the spare bedroom to be funny. But she is just a prankster.


 My day was good. It was meeting day at work so that took up most of my day. Then I just worked on my to do list. I am making progress on it so that is nice. After work I came home and mowed my front yard. It was getting really long and it is suppose to rain the rest of the week.  I hope Jeremy had a great first day of work. Have a great one every body. Bye

Monday, August 8, 2022


 I am sorry Karen.  Finding jobs is frustrating but you will definitely find one.  You are amazing.  Tell Jeremy good luck at his new job.  I hope he likes it. We had a good day.  I walked and sewed this morning.  I just let the kids sleep in.  We went to Tony's grove and had a really fun time.  We brought the kayaks so I left Tony at home because it seemed too hard to bring him.  The kids had a really fun time with the kayaks and the boys went all over.  Ruth was more nervous and I just walked next to her.  When they were done they changed into their clothes and we hiked around the lake.  It is so pretty there and so nice to walk around.  We stopped at aggie ice cream when we got home.  Casey is working late.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I still wasn't feeling great so I worked from home. I am starting to feel better. I am going into work tomorrow. Dad is feeling better also. We are both getting hungry again. Karen I am sorry you didn't get that job. The right one will come. I am sorry you crashed on your board. I am glad you are OK. Robin Luna is so dang cute. I love sassy. I am.glad heramy is going back to work. Tell him he will be amazing. Rachel I hope you had fun at Tony groves. Love mom


 Well I didn't get the Northrup job. They sent me a thanks but no thanks email. Oh well I will keep applying. Other than that my day was good. Work is just the usual, busy but good. Then I made tacos for dinner. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Jeramy heard back from his job and he is starting tomorrow I think he's excited. Luna is sassy as ever. She can work her emotions really good. She has all the girls at daycare wrapped around her finger. I'm good just tired as usual

Sunday, August 7, 2022


 It has been weird I just sleep stomach is upset. I don't feel real sick. I hope it is just a 24 hour bug. I slept most the day again. I haven't even left the house this weekend. I have our bags all packed to go to Kamas.  That so isn't me. I love your window Karen. That looks so much better. Rachel I love those bags. It doesn't seem right school is starting soon. Robin I am glad you had a quiet weekend. Love mom. I be3d to get organized for.dads.birthday on saturday


Today was good we went to the park then took a nap. Then we just relaxed all day. It was nice to have some downtime


 The window is looking good Karen.  Good job.  I hope you are feeling better Mom.  Today was good.  We went to church this morning.  It went well and I like being in primary.  Casey worked today and we just played at home.  I sewed a couple more baskets.  This is our last week of summer and need to plan some fun things.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. I slept in a bit. Then I worked on my window some more. I taped it and got two coats of mud on it. Now I just need to sand and paint it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...