Saturday, November 24, 2012

Home again

Dad got my new computer up and running and life is a lot better.  Thanks for the really great Thanksgiving weekend.  It was so much fun.  I had such a nice time.  It is so hard to come back to the real world.  Thanks Rachel for posting the pictures.  They are so cute.  I love your Christmas tree.  There are a lot of patios that have lights here.  I love it.  I should have brought some of my decorations with me.  I didn't think about it until I got home.  I will get organized I promise.  I am glad we all made it safe and sound.  I just had such a nice time.  Thanks everyone.  I think I am going to go clean the old apartment tomorrow and just be done with it.  That will take some of the pressure of me.  LOVE MOM


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

no computer

My computer is still giving us problems.  That is sad.  I really miss it.  I have been really busy today.  I took the bus to the old apartment and cleaned until 9:30.  Dad helped for a little while and we got the stove and fridge all done as well as all the bathrooms.  A nother hour or two and I should be all done.  It felt nice to get that all done.  I am excited for this weekend.  I am going to come home and make stuffing and then we will leave for Logan as soon as dad is done working.  I called Jen and the surgery went well for Kay.  She was just getting home when I called at 6.  I am using dad's computer and it is a nice one.  I am glad I only have one more day.  YEAH.  I sure like my new apartment better than my old one.  I need to start hanging up pictures.  That always helps to make it feel like your place.  LOVE MOM

Park the Car

Robin, I am sorry that you were sick.  That makes for a long day. :(  Karen I am glad that the seller are paying for all of that.  I didn't realize how expensive it is to buy a house.  Mom I hope that cleaning went well, I hate doing that.  Today was good.  Tuesdays are busy and that is nice.  We had story time and I sew with Jenn.  I have four rows on my quilt now.  Jenn finished her Christmas quilt and started a new one.  It was fun.  The weather was nice so we went on a walk also.  Casey worked in SLC today so me and Isaac went to Chick Fillet for dinner and played in the play area.  It was nice to get out a bit.  Casey made it home safe.  He is making a turkey for tomorrow for a work party.  I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow.  We will have a fun time. :)


le blah

today was ok. I woke up at 12 sick to my stomach. I think I got a mild case of food poisoning. I was ok enough to go to work, but the morning I was really nauseated. I had some soup for lunch and started to feel better. I am not 100% yet but I feel alot better. so that was the majority of my day. I am excited to come up I will come up after work. I am going to go home first and pack then I will head up I should be there around 7ish. well not to much else have a great night robin

One more to go

Well just one more work day to go thru. The people that are selling the house have agreed to pay for the engineering report and the fee to get the tags on the house again. So yeah. I am excited for Thanksgiving. I am finishing my laundry right now. I hope that you got everything cleaned in the old place mom. Well have a great one bye.

Monday, November 19, 2012


today was good , work was busy/ long. Then I went to SLCC to see about some classes. I put in my application to get accepted tonight. I should get a letter soon so I can sign up for classes. I can't believe they are starting shopping at 8. its so stupid. I hate it I like the early morning crowd stuff. People are babies. anyway that is my soap box. It will still be epic. Tonight I went out to dinner with mom and dad. with kay and julie. it was fun. well not to much else have a great night robin


I got a bunch of the black Friday ads in the mail today and it seems like most of the stores are opening at 8 or 9 pm on Thanksgiving.  That really changes things.  We may not have to skip any sleep at all.  Walmart had some good deals.  I haven't made it through Shopko's yet.  Casey is making an Alton Brown Turkey.  We got the stuff to make the brine tonight and Casey made it.  I think it is going to be really good.  Casey is going to work with Dad tomorrow.  He decided just to drive down in the morning.  I hope that Dad is feeling better I am worried about him.  I hope that everyone survived work today.  I am glad it is a short week.



Well my day has been good. I am glad that I only have to work 2 more days this week. I was a little sore this morning. But nothing too bad. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...