Friday, October 20, 2023


 My last day was good and everyone was so nice.  I bought doughnuts and brought them to work.  I finished a project and didn't want to start a new one because I didn't think I could finish it so I left an hour early.  Me and Ruth went to the fabric store and got backs for three quilts.  Then we went to the crepery and used her coupon.  A family in our ward has kids the same age as my kids and they had a pie night.  So we went to that.  All of their friends were their and they took off and play and played.  We left Isaac with his friends and he called when he was done.  We will in west valley around 11.  

Love Rachel 


 Work was ok. I didn't feel great buy I made it. I was.iver my hours and I left earlynit was nice. We went shopping and are ready to go for tomorrow. Every one drive safe tomorrow. Rachel I am glad your last day went well. Robin I can't believe Luna jumps off jeramys shoulders on the trampoline. Love mom

Thursday, October 19, 2023


 Today was good.  I had my exit interview at work and it went well.  It was really positive and it was a good meeting.  I took pictures the rest of the day.  Isaac has chamber music practice and the little kids had piano lessons.  Everything overlaps a bit and it is hard to time all the picking up and dropping off but I think everything work out pretty good.  We had dinner and then I went to exercise class.  It was high again and it was fun.  

Love Rachel 


 Work was hard. It might be a long couple of weeks. I just have to detach and wait my turn. I might be reading books before it is all over with.  I left early and took dad to the doctor. We talked about steroid shots. We are going to get a shot in his thumb next Wednesday and then I am off on Thursday. I am super excited for saturday. What a fun idea. Casey looked like he had a fun birthday. I am so glad. Well Rachel good luck on your last day of work. What a fun adventure lays ahead. Well enjoy Friday. We did have olive garden for dinner that was really good. Love mom


 My day was busy. I was working to get caught up on all the stuff I missed the last 2 days. I am almost caught up on my missed stuff though so that is nice. After work I pick up olive garden for me, mom, and dad for dinner. It tasted really good. Other than that I was just lazy most of the night. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


I hope Casey had a good birthday yesterday. Today was good nothing too wild. After work me and Luna ran to Walmart to get some ingredients. Then she helped me cook some treats for Saturday. She loves to cook. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. It's been a long week


Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Work was good. I sat in the front. I am going to be there the rest of the week. I came home late I needed to stay until 430. Rachel dad know.i stead of renewing g Sam's if you want us to get a Costco card and share. Happy birthday casey. Are you spending the night Saturday or.just doing g the day. You can bring Tony if you spend the night. I am excited.for the murder.mystery. Rachel you are going to love your new job. I am excited.for you. Robin I am glad you had a better day. I cantbelieve Karen had a hung jury. That is weird. Dad goes to the doctor tomorrow and after I am meeting the gumm gang. Love you all mom

Casey's birthday

 Today is Casey's birthday.  He went to work early to cook at a breakfast.  So I went in the work late and took the kids to school.  I also had to do my finger prints again because they were not clear enough.  Work was good and really busy.  They introduced a new Halloween quilt that is pretty cute.  After work Randy picked the kids up from school and I went and trained with another computer specialist in Smithfield.  She was really nice and I learned a lot.  I think I will be ready to teach next week.  Then I headed to Randy's house for Casey's birthday party.  They made salmon and potatoes which tasted really good.  I made a German chocolate cake.  Thanks for sending popcorn Mom, that was nice of you.

Love Rachel


Today was a lot better. Luna was in a good mood. She was wild tonight and bouncing off the walls. Not being able to play all night outside is starting to get harder to get her energy out. 


Tuesday, October 17, 2023


 Work was good. It was someone's birthday so I bought a cake and some treats. I had a lotof bags and I got to the elevator and it was broke. I turn around and one of the bags drp. It is the cake and of course upside down. Everyone got a good laugh at that one. It was trunk or treat at church so we went and took some of dad's toys. It was fun. We came home and I finished a book I loaded off amazon. Karen didn't get home until almost 9. She has to back at 10. I guess the jury is hung. I am sorry jeramy isn't feeling good. I hope he gets feeling better. I am glad Luna is OK. I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday. Love mom


 That sounds like an awful day Robin.  I hope Jeremy gets some sleep and feels better.  Work is busy.  I decided today I am not going to finish everything and that is ok.  We had meetings this morning and they went well.  The secretary at school said her sister was substituting for the computer class this week and I could talk with her.  So I went in after school but she wasn't subbing so I talked with the principal which was good.  I am meeting with another computer specialist tomorrow and she is going to go over everything with me.  Ruth had tumbling this afternoon and it make it buys.  Casey's birthday is tomorrow so I went to the store and got him some balloons and stuff to make a cake.  My visiting teacher came over and it was good to visit with her.  I made a cake and dinners and after dinner I went to exercise class.  We finished the Out of my mind book and it ended really different than I thought it would.  It was a good book.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was a day. Jeramy stayed home today. He still isn't feeling good. So he went to insta care and got some medicine. He only slept 3 hours last night so they also gave him a sleeping pill. At 11 ish the day care called. Luna had a rash on her face. I guess another kid had a contagious rash and they were worried. So I picked her up and got her checked by the doctor. She is fine and just needs a stronger lotion. So I bought the one the doctor said would work. Then I ran and got Jeramys pills but they didn't have the sleep pill yet. So I took Luna home and she napped. Then I worked while she slept. After she woke up she was really grumpy. I finally got her to calm down to eat some smart pop. I took her to Costco to get the other pills. They weren't ready again. So we waited and Luna had a pizza. She was so wild after. We finally got the pills so now Jeramy can sleep again. 


Monday, October 16, 2023

I did it

 I called social security and I am signed up to get my checks in January. That was stressful. I hope it will work out. I got my letter today. I am super excited. Can't wait to see who the murderer is. Thanks Robin for doing this.  Karen has jury duty tomorrow. Hope it isn't a bad trial. We'll have a great Tuesday. Just think Rachel next week at this time you will be working at the school. My sinus is still sore. I had a hard time going to sleep. I got a book off prime it was fun to read. It us a murder mystery. Getting into my character. Love you all mom.


 Thanks for sending the murder mystery letters Robin.  It is sweet of you to put all this together.  Work felt really busy and I didn't get everything I wanted to done.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  We did homework and Casey went grocery shopping.  I made to exercise class late so I went to high.  It is so fun and I am glad I got to go.   The dishwasher pick up guy got stuck behind a wreck in cedar City and was running late so we just put it outside and he will pick it up tonight.  We cleared up the garage and I can park the van inside now which will be fun.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel 


Sorry only half the envelopes delivered. Hopefully the rest show up tomorrow. I mailed off Isaac's again tonight. Work was wild for a Monday. I was tired so it was like drudging through mud. After work we had spaghetti. Then Jeramy stomach still feels off. So me and Luna mailed Isaac's letter and got a m flurry. 



 My day has been good. It is always hard to get up Monday mornings but I was tough and did it. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. The next two days I am on jury duty so wish me luck. Mom was on hold forever with the social security place but they finally answered so she is working on getting all signed in. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, October 15, 2023


 Sorry I didn't blog last night. My right sinus is a mess. It is feeling a little better. Yesterday we helped Robin with the murder mystery. It was so much fun. It will be a good activity. Luna is so cute. She kept looking for the green turtle van. We got  lot done today. We went to Costco and drove where Karen has to go for jury duty. We came home and I got the lawn mowed and dad and Karen did the last of the apples into the drier. I made tortilla soup for dinner. It tasted so good. I tried to sign up for social security. It said something was wrong. It made me have a panic attack. When I calmed down, I bet it us my new address doesn't match. I will call them tomorrow. Ugh. Robin I am sorry jeramy doesn't feel good. I am glad you made cookies. Luna loves to cook. Rachel that bread looks good. Your pictures yesterday w are beautiful.  I love the back ground on the wall. It is just perfect.  Have a nice Monday. Love mom


We went down to SLC Saturday and worked on the murder mystery for next week. I think everything is ready to go now. Hopefully everyone gets their invites tomorrow. Then today we drove down to Provo and took Jeramys mom out for lunch and did some errands around town. Jeramy isn't feeling good so we just relaxed the rest of the day. Luna helped me make cookies and we are starting to get a system that works. 



 Today was good.  I made sough dough bread this morning.  Casey made potato soup for lunch and they went well together.  We went to church.  I played the piano in primary and Isaac came in and played book of Mormon stories.  I was proud of him.  Randy and Teri came by and we worked on the backsplash.  We have one wall done and it looks good.  Since I finished the quilt I made the Halloween pillow case this morning and it is cute.  I hope everyone has a good Monday.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...