Saturday, March 2, 2013

Safe and Sound

Dad made it home safe and sound.  He bought me another tea cup and some more teas.  I have a lot of teas.  I am going to enjoy everyone of them.  He also bought me a couple of silk scarfs.  I thought that was really nice of him.  We had a good time in Logan today and Isaac is talking so much.  No way Jose is what Karen taught him today.  He thought that was funny.  Have a nice Sunday.  I hope it doesn't snow too much.


Thursday, February 28, 2013

one more day

I am excited tomorrow is friday. sorry I am not going to make it to logan this week. It will be nice to sleep though. not to much with me. I have alot of stuff i feel like I need to do but I will do it later. I will hopefully get taxes done with so everyone doesn't have to wait on me. well not to much else have a great night robin

Tax Time

I went to Julie's tonight and got her taxes.  I need to finish up mine and then we can submit them.  It isn't a hard year this year.  I am just about done.  It was nice to go for a drive tonight.  Work was good, it is nice to have it slow down a little bit.  We are going to dinner with Jed and Teresa tomorrow night and then me and Karen are driving to Logan.  That should be a fun night.  I feel like it has been forever since I saw Isaac.  I need a hug or maybe a race around the living room with trucks. Grandma's will take anything they can get.  Dad got to go see the Wall of China today.  He was excited.  He was really tired but that has always been a dream of his to see the wall.  I am happy for him.  Have a nice Friday.  I will see you all soon.



I finished the binding today on Mom's quilt.  It took me a long time to quilt it and I am glad to be done.  I think that it turned out good, I like it.  I decided today that I am not going to do the sampler quilt that I was planning on.  It is too hard and it isn't fun.  Their has been this other pattern that I really have been wanting to do so I am going to do that with the fabric from Christmas.  I have enough to make a king for our bed.  I am really excited.  Isaac had a hard time last night so we all didn't get a lot of sleep.  I am not sure what happened but it was a long night.  We had a good day though.  We went to lunch at chick fillet and he loved playing on the playground.  We were there for like an hour.  It was a lot of fun.  That is about it.  I am excited to see Karen and Mom tomorrow.  We will have fun.  I hope that you get a lot of rest Robin.


Same old

Well it is just the same old same old here in Kamas. Work is still moving along. I am planning on going up to Logan with mom tomorrow. It should be fun. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tax Time

Well I spent the night doing taxes.  I am really close to being done.  Just a little more medical to add up and then I am done.  I just couldn't do any more tonight.  I love the flowers Robin they are beautiful.  I am glad that you are resting. You really need to do a lot of that.  I had a quiet night and got a lot done.  Rachel I think that is cute that Isaac likes to make flour.  He is so cute.  I am glad you had a nice night watching movies.  Karen way to go on laundry.  Mine is going to hit big time on Saturday when dad comes home.  He called twice today once this morning and once this evening.  He sounds tired but says everything is going good.  He said that tomorrow  (which is right now) will be his last meetings and then Friday everyone is going to the wall.  He is super excited about that one. He got to see the forbidden city and the great wall.  That will be an amazing story to tell.  I am going to drive to Julie's tomorrow night and pick up her taxes and drop off the high chair.  I think I better finish my taxes tomorrow also.  Love you guys  MOM


today was good. I made it through work and then I came home. I put some more songs on my ipod. that was pretty much all I did. I am just relaxing and sleeping so that is nice. I weighed in today to see how much I lost over the surgery. nothing. It was a bummer I didn't even lose one pound. I think the scale is broken. its stupid. oh well. Everyones flowers are blooming so pretty I posted a picture. I love them.


I finished watching Merlin today and it is a really good show.  It made me sad that it is over.  There is another season but it isn't on Netflixs yet.  I need to find another show to watch now.  I don't have to go in for jury duty tomorrow, it was canceled.  I figured it would be.  We had a good day.  We kept busy and it was nice.  Isaac wanted to "make flour" again so we made some cookies.  It was fun and they taste so good.  Casey didn't sleep good last night and Isaac woke up supper early so we just laid in bed and watched shows tonight.  It was nice to relax.  I am going to put on a movie now and bind a quilt.  I am looking forward to that.  Everyone have a good night.



Well the week is half over. Yea! Things are going good here in Kamas. Work has been busy, which is nice because it makes the day go by fast. I have finally broken down and am doing laundry. There is only so long you can put that off. Well that is about it for me. Have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Our work party went well.  I had a good time.  I was tired and ready to come home.  I am missing my naps at Robin's house.  Thanks for posting the pictures Rachel.  He is getting so big.  Teresa wants to go out for dinner on Friday.  I was thinking of going to Logan afterwards but we can go Saturday morning.  Robin are you wanting to go or are you taking the weekend to rest?  I wasn't sure what you wanted to do.  We don't have to decide until Thursday.  I haven't heard from dad but they are in full swing of meetings now.  I am hoping he will call in the morning before he goes to bed.  Not much else going on with me.  I drove today and it was nice to drive.  I am going back to Trax in the morning, it really isn't bad to take the train but I did go in late because I stayed late.  The party didn't start until 5:30 so I just worked until we left to go there.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM

in a bit

today was ok. I didn't have any pain I was just tired. I kinda felt like I was getting over a cold. just worn out and not focused. but I made it through. I just came home and took a nap and now my focus is sleeping. so the nights been busy :) I'm glad everyone is doing good. Isaac is getting so big. he's a cute kid. my flowers are blooming that you guys bought me. they are super pretty. I put them by my t.v. I'm like grandma gumm I move things around every day. lol. well have a great wensday robin

Busy Day

We had a good day.  It seemed busy.  I did laundry and we went to story time.  I made the 15 bean soup that Mom had downstairs and it turned out really good.  Everyone liked it so that makes me happy.  I sewed with Jenn today and I worked on my mystery quilt.  This week is the last week and the have the big reveal on Saturday.  So that will be fun.  Casey and Isaac have been making fort and Isaac loves it.  He says it's dark in here, over and over.  I used Mom's new quilt to make on this afternoon and took a picture.  We made bread again and it was fun.  I took a picture of Isaac helping again.  Everyone have a good night and I am excited for this weekend.



Well we really didn't get any snow here today. It did snow a little last night but not even enough to shovel. Work is going good. I am staying busy so that is nice. I hope that you had a fun time at your party mom. Robin I hope that today was as good for you as it was yesterday. Sometimes the second day is the hardest. Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday. BYE

Monday, February 25, 2013


Things are good here. I called in my prescriptions yesterday so i pick them up today. It was a nice drive. I am glad that I went today though cause it is suppose to snow tomorrow. I also dropped my direct tv stuff (from my apartment) off at the ups store so that is on the way back. Those are cute pictures Rachel. Robin i am glad that you made it thru the day. I would have take the day off just on principle. Well I hope that the rest of the week goes just as well for everyone. BYE

Monday, Monday

It was a good Monday.  I made it to work and then Kay picked me up at the trax station and we went and saw Jen's new house and went to dinner.  It was a nice evening.  Dad called, he said the detectors were having some problems but we didn't get to talk very long.  He was taking a nap.  I really miss all the naps I had this weekend.  They were nice.  I feel asleep coming home on traxs.  I am going to drive tomorrow and we are having a company party tomorrow night.  That will be fun.  I might need to stay home a night or two and work on taxes.  I am so glad you made it to work and school Robin.  WOW you are tough.  I hope you don't wear out too much.  Go to bed early.  Karen I hope you made it to Heber City and got your drugs alright.  Rachel thanks for the pictures.  Isaac and Casey are so cute together.  That is a really good picture.  I am excited for my new quilt.  I am going to put it on the twin bed.  I think that will look really pretty.  Have a nice Tuesday.  I hope it doesn't snow too much. 


A Good Helper

Robin, good job.  I am proud of you.  I don't think that I could of done it.  You are so good.  I am glad that you made it alright and are feeling better that is great.  I am glad that everyone had a good weekend and that you got to get together yesterday.  We had a good weekend.  Casey came down with a cold so he only worked a little bit on Sunday which was great.  It was nice to have him home.  A guy at his work is having car troubles so he is borrowing the truck for a little bit.  Casey took it over to him on Saturday.  Casey and Isaac made bread on Sunday and Isaac was a good helper.  He loved cooking.  Tonight we grinded more wheat and he would scoop out the flour and put it in a bowl.  It was cute and kept him busy for a while.  I made lasagna for dinner and it tasted really good.  This recipe is a keeper.  I found a little paper piecing kit from the red rooster so Saturday Isaac was playing a game and Casey was taking the truck over I made it.  I t turned out really cute and I am using it as a pin cushion.  I attached pictures.  Isaac took a good nap so I was able to finish quilting Mom's quilt, YEA.  I feel like I am cursed.  Saturday I went to work on it and I ran out of thread just after Isaac feel asleep.  I never could get a good time to work on it last week.  Anyway, I am glad that Dad is having a good time in China and is getting to see the sights.  I am excited for him.  I hope that everyone has a good night and gets a good night sleep.


I did it

I made it through today. I went to work and then I went to school. I left school about an hour early but I was ok with it. I went long enough to get all the vital information. I am beat though. It was alot more energy when you are 50/50. But all in all I think I am getting better. I am just going to take drugs. ice pack my belly and watch some movies for a bit. not to shabby. ;) have a great one robin

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thank you!

Thanks everyone for everything. The flowers are beautiful they make my place so happy. And for the pillows rachel they were nice to have, and the movies karen, I am watching them tonight. Thanks mom for watching over me it was fun to just sleep and hang out. I am feeling alot better. My stomach still feels kinda off but its just the cuts they made. I think it will be a bit till those heal. But I am eating and walking and things are going well. I am going to try work tomorrow and see how that goes. not to much else thanks again for everything :) robin

Back Home

I came back home.  Kay invited us for dinner so me and Robin went to dinner.  IT was nice to visit.  WE didn't stay too long.  I didn't want to wear Robin out.  WE had done a lot today.  Good luck with work tomorrow Robin.  I hope you do good.  You have been doing amazing.  It was nice to be able to take care of you.  I guess I don't have any more news since I talked with everyone today.  I hope dad got to do some sight seeing tour today.  That would have been fun.  He was a little overwhelmed yesterday figuring it out.  Have a nice week.  It is suppose to be in the 40's by the end of the week.  Kay said we are doing an easter egg hunt this year.  She said it would be the Saturday before Easter so I think that is March 30.



Well things are good here in Kamas. Yesterday it snow a bit, so I had to shovel twice. Then I had to shovel again this morning. Then mom called so I met her and Robin for lunch. We went to Red Rock and it was yummy. Then we walked the mall for a bit. Robin is looking good although she moves a little stiffly. I hope that everyone has a great Monday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...