Saturday, April 8, 2017

It is snowing

I just looked out the window and there is snow.  How weird is that one.  I am glad that Rachel made it home safe and sound.  WE have had a nice time.  Baby animals and then everyone came here.  I had a really nice time.  We are going to Matt's baby blessing tomorrow.  I am hoping that will be nice.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Mom, sorry I didn't come down. When I called it was a blizzard here. I feel bad you missed the class, but I am glad that you had fun with the kids. My day was quite. I made spaghetti and it tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, April 7, 2017

Fun Times

We had a really fun day.  Baby animal days was really good and then we went to Sam's and then took the kids home.  We had Pizza Hut for dinner and just played.  We are going to try and have bed time now.  Wish us luck.  I am excited to sew tomorrow.  Everyone be safe.  It starts at 10:30 Robin and Karen.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations on the raise Karen, that is fun.  We had a really fun time at baby animal days.  We were really worried about the weather but we went anyway and it was perfect.  The kids had a fun time.  Mom and Dad took the kids to SLC.  After they left I put the binding on my quilt and finished it, thanks for buying it for me Karen.  It turned out pretty.  Me and Casey went out to dinner and then went to Khols and we both bought some pants, it was fun.  I am excited for the sewing class tomorrow.



Well my day was good. It went pretty quick for a Friday. Since I have direct deposit I sometimes don't open my pay stub. So today when I looked I noticed I got a raise. Apparently I got it 3 weeks again and nobody told me. So yeah for the surprise raise. So that is all my exciting news. I am doing laundry, which is nice because I will have clean clothes, but not really exciting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, April 6, 2017


I got my car registered today. That is nice to finally have done. I also got my federal taxes so that is a bonus. Today at work we made glitter jars. They are actually kinda fun. I found them on Pinterest as a time out jar for kids. But i think they are fun. I am really glad tomorrow is Friday. Have a good day



Well my day has been good. Work was just the usual. Nothing too exciting to report. After work I went and pick up my prescription. Which is always exciting. The Panda Express the have been building in Heber is open now, so I had dinner there. It tasted good. Then when I got home it looked like it was going to rain so I put some weed stuff on my lawn. Hopefully that will help keep the sticker plants from growing. I hope mom and dad made it to Logan safe and sound and that you guys all have fun with the baby animals. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hump day

This week seems to have gone fast.  Tomorrow night we are coming to Logan.  I thought we would leave after work.  I am excited to play.  Work was good and I got a lot done.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM


Oliver slept in late today.  I went in their at 10 and he was playing with his train so I am not sure how long he had been up.  After I got him up we went to Lees and got some stuff for a picnic and then went up the canyon to second dam.  It was so cold and Isaac had a fit about it.  So we took our sandwiches in the sun but it was still pretty cold so we ended up heading home and having hot dogs.  Isaac went to martial arts and I took the little kids to the cheese factory, the love it their.  We buy chocolate milk and squeaky cheese and then eat it in the little room they have, it was fun.   After dinner Calleen came by to drop off our trailer and visit for a minute.  It was good to see her.  We are going to try a picnic tomorrow, it should be warmer.  I hope that it goes better.  Robin, Ruthie loves the scarf that you bought her.  She wore it most of the day today.


Le tired

Today was busy. But last night was the mandatory meeting that went till 10:30 and then at 4 this morning o just woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep. It was weird and now I'm tired. I worked again at scheels tonight. But it's the last time this week so i guess it's not to bad. I am ready for the weekend though. Everyone have a good one



Well the week is half over. I had fun at our drawing class last night also. My day has been good. Today seemed busy at work, but that is just because of a bunch of little things that kept popping up. Then after work my visiting teacher stopped by for a visit. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


We had art class tonight and it was fun.  We drew a picture upside down and I need a lot of practice on that one.  It was fun. Karen and Dad did really good on their drawings.   We tried Pei Wei and it was good.  It was an adventure.  I am glad you had fun at the airplane museum.  That is fun to walk around in.  Robin, I am glad you are doing good also.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I am hoping I do better tonight.  LOVE MOM

Picture overload

Today was good.  I took the kids to the airplane museum and it was fun.  Isaac was grumpy and complained but the little ones really like it.  It was a pretty cold day so we just looked at the airplanes inside which was great.  Their is a panada really close so we went their for lunch and the kids were starving and ate a ton.  Casey had scouts tonight but they canceled young women's.  Ron made some treats and Isaac wanted to take them somewhere to eat them so we went to green canyon and hiked around and ate them on the mountain.  It was a lot of fun and the kids love to be out and hiking, it was a really nice evening.  I was planing on hiking tomorrow also but I think we will go on a flatter trail for Ruthie.



Today was ok. I was so tired for some reason. Work was work nothing exciting. I had to work at scheels tonight. I didn't know but I guess there is a mandatory meeting so I have to stay late. Not super excited but what can you do. Well hope everyone had a good Tuesday.


Monday, April 3, 2017

I want spring break

I could use a spring break.  A whole week off.  I miss being in school.  Work was good and that is always nice.  We met Karen at Taco Bell and it took forever.  After dinner we went to Dr. Strong.  Gary for a physical and I went to see what he thought about my headaches.  I have decided they aren't sinus headaches.  He thinks it is my neck.  So I am going research that.  Not much else going on with us.  Tomorrow is our art class so that will be fun.  I am loving this weather.  LOVE MOM

Spring Break

Today was good.  I keep forgetting to say on Monday for two hours I am going to watch Henry's brother and sister and she is doing to pay me, which is fun.  Since it is spring break Henry came also, so I had 6 kids under the age of 6.  It went good and the kids had fun.  We got some pizza for lunch and then played outside for most of the day.  We skipped martial arts and made doughnuts instead.  Casey made mac and cheese and it was really good.  I am glad that everyone is getting a tax refund, that is fun.  I think I am going to take the kids to the air museum tomorrow, they have really wanted to go.


They were playing king of the mountain and worm city, they were funny

They were playing balls on the trampoline, Ruthie loves to be in the middle of it


My day was good as well. Work was kind of quiet. It is spring break for the schools here so a lot if people have taken time off. After work I met mom and dad for dinner. Then they went to their doctor appointment and I went grocery shopping and then came home. I got my state tax return also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. Work went by fast. I didn't have to work at scheels so I just relaxed. It was nice to just take it easy. Well I don't have alot to report. Thanks for the fun weekend.


Sunday, April 2, 2017


Thanks for meeting up with us today.  It was fun to see everyone, I wish we had more time to talk.  I forgot to take pictures but I have some from yesterday.  Have a good week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...