Sorry I am late blogging, my phone signed me out and I need to find the password to get back on. Today was work was really quiet but the day seemed to go fast. We just vegged tonight and bought a couple new movies on vudoo. Robin that fire pit is amazing. it just looks perfect back there. You are going to love it. What a fun time. Rachel, I love that new bike for Isaac. That is fun. You are busy. Karen, I am glad you had a quiet night. You deserve that. Everyone drive safe. I am excited for the shower. LOVE MOM
Friday, April 23, 2021
Today was good. It was warm on my walk this morning. Ruth said she was too tired to go to exercise class so we stayed home and she watched frozen 2. I wrapped presents. We met Casey and signed the papers to close on our refinancing. Then we went to lunch and they were slow. I wanted to get a new dress and shirt so me and Ruth went to the mall but I didn't look good in anything. Then we went and picked up Isaac's new bike. Isaac loves his bike and thinks it is awesome. Ruth had her friend Emily come over and play after school and they had a fun time. Oliver got to go on a field trip to the ice skating rink and watch ice skaters practice. He also got to bring home the class pet which is a stuffed animal. It is Humphrey from the book the school read. Oliver has to take him places and write about what they do. We took him to his soccer game. After dinner we went on a bike ride and took Humphrey. I walked Tony but we kept up. We went to the new park. It was getting dark so Casey rode home and got the van. Two of Oliver's friends from his class were there and they had fun playing. They liked that Oliver had Humphrey. We are leaving around 9 tomorrow and will go to Mom and Dad's house. Thanks.
My day was good. I did have a headache most of the day but I made it through. Work is just the usual. They are making progress with the remodel and they said they are going to hook up the pop machine soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, April 22, 2021
I went into work today and that was nice. I got some stuff done and organized. Robin, I am glad you are working from home. You know you have vacation. You can use that if you need to. I am excited for Saturday also. They do have a reservation so I think we are all set. Not much else to report on my end. We did get our robo vacuum and it works really good. I love it. Dad couldn't get his phone set up so he said maybe Karen could help us with that. Just tell me I can make it one more day. I can do it. LOVE MOM
I am excited to see everyone Saturday also. It will be fun. Today was busy. I walked this morning and then had to run to the store because we were out of milk. I helped in Isaac's class. I found out the date of the teacher appreciation party on May 7. Oliver's is the same time but Mom is going to help. Thanks Mom. I texted Isaac's class and I got a ton of help so I feel good about it all. We worked at preschool and that was fun. One Mom complained that we were wearing masks so we are going to when her son is there. We don't have too because the mask mandate is over. I picked up the boys and we meet Casey at the bike shop. We have been wanting to get Isaac a new bike and Casey saw one there the other day when he was getting a bike tube. We bought it and got the boys new helmets. We came home and had a snack and then headed to soccer games. Oliver wanted to ride his new bike/Isaac's old one. He crashed so ended up riding his old bike. We are working on getting primary staffed and a member of the bishopric called and updated me on the new callings. Then during Isaac's soccer game I called all the old teachers and let them know when we were meeting. I feel better having gotten that out of the way. Ruth had soccer also. I braided her hair in french braid pigtails it looked cute. Everyone had fun at their soccer games. I cut Oliver's hair and it turned out so good. I was so glad it turned out. Sorry I probably am rambling. Love you guys and I hope you have a good night.
My day was good. We had a company meeting today to go over the first quarter results. We are doing good. They are hiring 26 more people for assembly and machine shop area to keep up with demand. I only have one final left but I can't take it until Sunday so I am almost done, but can't finish yet. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Today was good. I walked and went to exercise class. I had to get snacks for Oliver's and Isaac's soccer game so I went to Sam's. The tooth fairy forgot to come but came while Ruth was at school so it was ok. We walked to get the boys and that was nice. It is nice to talk on the way home. Oliver had a soccer game and he did better. He played goalie at first and stopped the ball. He did really good. We did homework when we got home and I walked Tony again. It is nice to take evening walks.
Hump day
Well we made it half way. I went into work early. It was administration admin day. I got a amazon gift card. I love those. My head really hurt early afternoon noon but I drank some hot tea and that helped. I came home and we just vegged. Karen congrats two down one more to go. Robin I am glad you got to gab. Hope you got some good gossip. Rachel hope soccer went well it was cold and windy. Love mom
My day was good. Work is staying busy so it goes by pretty fast. It is jus the usual at work nothing too wild and crazy. Then after work I cam home and took my lean final. They didn't give an instant grade so I don't know what I got on it yet. I think I did good though. My last final isn't available to take until Sunday so I am free of school work until then, I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Congratulations Karen, you are amazing. I am so glad you bought fun things Mom. I am excited that you got a vacuum. I love Karen's. We had a good day. It was cold on our walk this morning. I watched a hair tutorial and tried it on Ruth. It was fun. I worked at preschool this morning and that was fun. We went and got Tony a new bone and got pretzels for lunch. We walked to pick up the boys. Ruth went with her friend Emily and played at her house. Isaac had soccer practice and I think he had fun. Oliver did the diamond beads with us and that was fun. Oliver wanted airplanes so I got out the big bucket of cars and planes. They played with that for a while. I took Tony on a evening walk, I like doing that. Ruth just lost another tooth. It has been almost out for a couple days so it is good it came out. Love you guys.
I had a bad headache last night and it stayed. I think it was the carpet cleaning. I worked for a little bit and then clocked out and took a long nap. I went back to work for a little bit. Dad got paid so he went and picked up the check. He ordered all his wish list on amazon. It was fun. I got a vacuum like karen has. it will be fun. Congratulations karen. That is good. Robin maybe call in suck tomorrow and just rest. Rachel hope soccer is going good. Love mom
My day was good. I had a diabetes doctor appointment today. It went good. My a1c was 7.1 so I am doing good. Then I came home and took my physics final. I got 100 on it so yeah for me. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, April 19, 2021
I am glad that your reservation was good. We are excited. I hope that they finish your windows soon. I like your fire pit Robin. That is fun. It was really warm on my walk this morning. I told the kids it was going to be a good day but Isaac said it wasn't. He was right it horrible weather all day. We did High at exercise class which is so fun and hard. I love it. I took Ruth to red balloon toys after her school and she picked out a horse. Oliver also wanted to go so I took him after school and he got a sword. Ruth had dance class and they aren't wearing masks anymore there. Oliver had a rough day at school and got two frowny faces so he wrote a apology note when we got home. Oliver's soccer practice was cancelled because of bad weather. We picked up Casey from work and went rock climbing. It was fun to go. We did homework when we got home and I took Tony on a quick walk. Love you guys.
So we got our carpets cleaned today. They look ok. It was nice to get them done. I did find my watch. That made me feel good. Work was busy. I ran all day. Dad did get McDonald's for.lunch. it tasted good. We went to spaghetti factory for dinner and confirmed times for saturday. It was so windy here. Karen I wish they would have finished those windows. Robin I really love that fire pit love mom
Well there is still one window they haven't replaced by the ones they have replaced look good. Little annoyed they still haven't finished but what can you do. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, April 18, 2021
I had a hard time going to sleep last night so I read Rachel's book for a while and slept in this morning. We went and flew dad's drone and it was fun. I brought duck food and I even flew the drone. We went to Winco afterwards and was going to get an Arby's and they totally ignore us. This guy stood there for like 5 minutes and never one talked to us and then left. It was weird so we walked over to R & R barbeque. It was really good. We came home and just vegged afterwards. I did do payroll for a little bit but I didn't have a lot to do so that was nice. We moved the couch etc into the kitchen so they clean my carpets tomorrow. They are so dirty in the living room. I am so glad Ruth lost her tooth. Now she can go to Red Balloon. It was so pretty outside. I am with Rachel's bunch. I am dreading going back to the real world. Ruth does better with the beads than I do. They are a lot of fun to do. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I was tired so I didn't get up and walk this morning. We went to church and it was ward conference. We went back to the new park afterwards. We brought Tony and there is big piles a dirt at the back. We climbed around on those and it was fun. We stopped and got lunch at Sonic on the way home. Ruth was eating and lost her tooth. She has another one hanging by a thread. I had a primary meeting with the stake. Afterwards went up to Randy's for dinner. It was fun and the kids have fun playing with Ivy. We are all dreading Monday. It comes too fast. Oh we have been doing the diamond beads and Ruth finished her mask last night. It took her a while but it looks great.
My day has been good. I replaced the daytime running light in my jeep. Then I got some groceries. I also got my economics paper done so that is nice to have over. The window people are coming over at 11 tomorrow to finish my windows. So cross your fingers that they finish. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...