Saturday, April 11, 2015


Sorry I forgot to blog last night. Walter came over and I made steaks then I decided to make burp cloths so I spent all night making a pattern I liked. Walter is starting a to feel a bit better. It was funny though I was telling him a story and at the end I was being funny and I said. "Idk" and Walter asked what that ment. So I said" I don't know. " then he just rolled his eyes and said well if you don't know then why do you say it?? HA ha. I said it stands for "I don't know" it was a whole who's on first situation. Anyway. Today I meet up with walter and his family to move some furniture for his sister. Then we went to Johnny rockets and got some bacon fries. I had to works scheels tonight so nothing to exciting. Hope you had fun in logan.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Safe and Sound

Karen made it down safe and sound and we went and saw Home.  It was a cute show.  Sheldon from Big Bang was the voice.  We are off to Logan in the morning.  I am excited to play and see the swing set.  Robin, I hope you had a nice evening with Walter.  I hope he is feeling better.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pretty Day

Today was pretty good.  We played at home a lot and that was fun.  I wanted to go to the hobby lobby so we walked around their also, I needed some interfacing.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon.  It was harder with Casey working.  Oliver didn't sleep a long time but it was still fun.  Thanks for coming up this weekend.  It will be fun.  Everyone have a good Friday and don't work too hard.



I had a crink in my neck also.  Have you tried getting a new pillow.  That might help.  Robin, I am glad that you are helping Walter's sister get ready for the baby.  That is fun.  I had a nice time tonight with Kay and Julie.  It was so pretty outside.  It was nice to get some fresh air.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen.  I am excited to play.  Tell Isaac and Oliver we will be up there on Saturday to see their swing set and you new hair cut Rachel.  I called the bishop tonight and left a message on his answering machine.  That made it easy.  Have a good Friday.  LOVE MOM


I woke up again with a sore neck again. Other then that my day was good. It.went by fast i,am really exited that it's friday tomorrow. I think Saturday we are helping Walters sister move some stuff around for the new baby then I work at scheels at night. Not much else have a good night


One day more

Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day has been good. Work was good. I went to Walmart and got some groceries. I was out of granola bars for breakfast so it was a necessity. I am also packed up so I can spend the night at mom's and Dad's tomorrow night. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today was good nothing to exciting. Work went by fast so that was nice. I met up with Walter for dinner we went to village inn for dinner. He was still under the weather but he said his fever was breaking. I work tomorrow at scheels so that will be good. Mom I'm not sure about Friday yet. If Walter feels better we might go out but we will see how he feels. Stay warm In this weather



I think it is weird because we had snow all morning and then in the late afternoon at my work.  For a while there the lawn was all white.  I love watching the storms come in and leave.  It is fun to watch.  Work was good.  I am doing good and on April 12th is my 15 year anniversary.  It doesn't seem like I joined Intermountain that long ago.  I am excited for the weekend also.  I am going to meet up with Kay and Julie tomorrow night for dinner.  I am playing a lot.  We did boy scouts tonight and that was good.  I did find out the bishop name so I am going to call him.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  I did laundry this morning.  Isaac said he was tired so he watched a show and I played with Oliver.  Isaac had school and he had a good time.  He wanted a new train and he said he had enough dollars so we pulled out his piggy bank and when Casey got home we went to the toy store.  The Thomas trains were 50% off so he was able to get two of them.  They aren't going to carry them any more the lady said.  We went out to dinner since Casey has been working overtime at the the Indian Oven, it tasted good.  I made everyone walk though the fabric store to get their and they had pretty quilts.  Casey is going to work overtime tomorrow.  He had been really working hard.  Karen, are you coming to Logan this weekend?  It would be fun to have ou come up if you wanted. :)



Well the week is half over. It didn't snow here until about one. We got about an inch that stuck on the ground. Work went by fast. I am excited to play this weekend mom. Well I really don't have much exciting to report so I will sign off. Have a great one. Bye

Image result for funny warning signs thought this was funny

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Casey didn't work today and it was nice to have him home.  We went to story time this morning and that was fun.  We haven't been in a month and it was nice to go.  Oliver loves walking around, he is pretty cute.  Jenn couldn't sew today so we are going to do that Thursday.  Isaac really wanted to make sugar cookies today so me and him made the dough this morning before Oliver woke up and then we made them after lunch.  They are so good.  I mentioned to Casey that I wanted to get my hair cut and he said today was a good day to do it so I got it cut.  It is shoulder length and I really like it.  Casey had scouts today and it was a eagle court of honor so he took Isaac with him.  Me and Oliver went grocery shopping when they were gone.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.


No snow

I just can't imagine you getting snow Karen.  I hope it is a false alarm.  Today was good.  Nothing to exciting.  Just work and then we went grocery shopping.  Tomorrow is scouts.  I haven't quit yet so I guess I am going.  I don't know our bishops name.  I know that is bad but I am going to have to research that one so I can call and quit.  I am sorry that Walter is sick.  I hope he gets better soon.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today went by fast so that was nice, today was payday for me so we went out for lunch at Maggie. We went to Apple spice. It was good. I didn't have to work at scheels so it was nice to have a night off. I was going to meet up with Walter but he has a fever so I just relaxed. It's suppose to be rainy tomorrow, April showers bring May flowers



Well my day has been good. Work was busy so it went by fast. It is suppose to snow some time tonight. Hopefully it won't be enough to shovel. Well I hope that everyone had a great day.

Image result for funny work jokes

Monday, April 6, 2015

Low Tire

Casey worked overtime today, he is a trooper.  The kids were in pretty good moods today and we had a good time.  We just stayed at home this morning and then Isaac had school.  I noticed the back tire was really low again so we took it to Jacks and it had a screw in it.  They fixed it for free which was nice.  They have the best memories their, he said that Isaac looked like Casey and Casey wasn't even their.  A friend I used to work with wants me to help her make a tee shirt quilt for her son so she came over for a bit to talk about it.  It was good to see her.  We went to the black pearl for dinner and it tasted really good.  Then we dyed Easter eggs again just for fun.  I put a border on the star quilt and attached a picture.  It is a lot bigger than I thought it would be.  I really like the colors.  Everyone have a good night.


For the last time

We went to the Doctor today and he is retiring.  He only has 10 days left we were one of his last patients.  No more doctor's in Ogden.  He gave us the name of someone in Salt Lake.  It seems kind of weird to have all our doctors close again.  Work was good, I have to make up 2 hours for today but I will get it done.  Kay and Julie want to go out for dinner at Gardner Village on Thursday.  I didn't know if you wanted to go Robin.  Karen wants to go see a movie on Friday night and then I think we are going to Logan on Saturday to see the swing set.  We got our taxes mailed so we are all done with that for another year  YEAH.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


My day has been good. Work was pretty busy so it went by fast for a Monday. It is cloudy and windy here today. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

And we are back

It's hard to go back to work after a 3 day weekend. And I had to work at scheels so it was a double whammy. But not much else on my plate. Hope everyone had a good monday.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

quiet day

We had a really quiet day also.  Grandma went to Annette's house so we just vegged all day.  I did take another long nap and we watched conference for awhile.  I so glad the boys had a good Easter.  I love the swing set.  That is cool.  They will enjoy that.  That will be fun to have overtime money.  That makes for a long week.  Dad has a check up tomorrow in Ogden at 3:00 for his heart.  I am going to call the stomach doctor and tell them his stomach is really bad again.  It was really windy here also.  Not much else going on.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM

Easter Miracle

The boys really liked their Easter baskets, Isaac said it was an Easter miracle.  Anytime anything went good for him he said it was an Easter miracle.  Oliver slept all night which was really nice and took a good nap.  When he woke up we went over to Randy's.  They made dinner for us and we went to the park.  Casey is working overtime tomorrow and Wednesday.  Everyone have a good Monday.




Today was chill. I went over to Walters family for brunch. Then Walter had to go bacjpkmto the va. So I came home a took a nap and relaxed, nothing to crazy have a good Monday



Well my day has been pretty relaxing. I did get my laundry and dishes done though. It has been super windy here all day today. Mom I am sorry that I didn't text you back. I didn't see the message it until later in the day. The new heap filter is doing good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...