Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today was pretty good.  I did laundry this morning.  Isaac said he was tired so he watched a show and I played with Oliver.  Isaac had school and he had a good time.  He wanted a new train and he said he had enough dollars so we pulled out his piggy bank and when Casey got home we went to the toy store.  The Thomas trains were 50% off so he was able to get two of them.  They aren't going to carry them any more the lady said.  We went out to dinner since Casey has been working overtime at the the Indian Oven, it tasted good.  I made everyone walk though the fabric store to get their and they had pretty quilts.  Casey is going to work overtime tomorrow.  He had been really working hard.  Karen, are you coming to Logan this weekend?  It would be fun to have ou come up if you wanted. :)


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...