Saturday, July 17, 2021

Happy birthday

 Rachel happy birthday. We had a fun day. We went shopping for treat s for bear lake and then went to bernias for Rachel's birthday present from Karen. We went up to bear lake and had pizza at firehouse pizza. I like their pizza. Bear lake was a lot of fun. Isaacs kayaki was a hit and the jet ski was a lot of fun. It wasn't too hot and the time went by too fast. We came back to salt lake city. Karen is going to spend the night

Friday, July 16, 2021

Safe and sound

 We made it safe and sound to Logan. We went to ice cream and black light night at the jump zone. There are a ton of kids. They get free pizza at 1030. I am so glad you got your phone fixed robin. Luna is such a good baby. She is looking more and more red hair. It will be interesting to see what color her hairs is. Love mom


I got a new phone. It's nice to not feel disconnected. I had to go into Verizon and luna was a champ. She was so good the whole time. Then we came home and I set up my phone. She destroyed a onesie but I figured she just held everything in at Verizon and then exploded when we got home. So luckily she waited or it would have been a more wild trip. We took jenkins on a walk and then watched TV to relax. Have fun at bear lake


Thursday, July 15, 2021


 That is a long night Karen.  I am so glad you have a pump.  I am sorry about your phone Robin. That sucks you were locked out.  I am excited for bear lake.  Thanks guys for coming up.  We had a good day.  We just played at home this morning.  We went to a concert at the Tabernacle.  A guy wrote opera songs based on poems that his grandma wrote and they told her life story.  It wasn't great.  We went to bluebird candy after for a treat and got ice cream.  Ruth went over to her friends house and had a fun time.  We made cupcakes while she was gone.  After dinner we walked to the park.  It was really windy and felt cooler.  Drive safe tomorrow.




 I was driving to work and a check light came on. I about lost it. I called dad and one if my tires was low in air. We did go get air in it tonight. Work was quiet and I got a lot done. Tomorrow I might be there all by myself. Karen I am so glad you got a nap. Your allergies have been so bad and no sleep don't make for a good day. Robin you are rich. I hope you get a new phone tomorrow. That suck. I am missing pictures if Luna. I can't believe she will be 3 weeks tomorrow. I did get a ski jet for bear lake. We are going to go to the jump zone tomorrow for black light night and then go to beat lake on Saturday. I hope I get my return soon. Love mom


My phone decided to update and then break. so now it will turn on but all the apps wont open and I am not getting texts or calls. I went to costco to get a new phone but I locked my self out of the verizon website because I forgot my log in. and they couldn't text me a new code to fix the log in so they couldn't help me. So I am going to have to chat through the website tomorrow when they are open. so that was annoying. on the bright side we got our fedral tax returns and I also got my 401K check in the mail. so that was nice. hopefully tomorrow I can figure out my phone situation. Since I have to blog through my computer I don't have any pictures to attach.


 Well last night my pump woke me up at 1230, 130, and 240 with a low blood sugar. Finally got up out the low range and then at 430 it wanted me to calibrate it. So needless to say I was tired this morning. I decided to take a half day off work and take a nap. It was a wonderful nap. Then I got up and worked on school stuff and did laundry. Then I packed up for Rachel's birthday weekend. I am glad that tomorrow it Friday and I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Today at work was good. Not much going on so that was good. I came home and feel asleep. I was tired. It was fun to drive the jeep to work. Love mom


 That is fun you are moving to a new office Karen.  It sounds exciting to me.  We had a busy day but it was fun.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We did High which I love.  Isaac came with and it was fun.  Ruth had her last day of princess camp. She was so excited to do a mini recital.  She was so beautiful and danced so well.  It was fun.  Oliver loved having friends at art class and wants to do it next year.  The had a bird show at the library.  It wasn't very good.  The birds must have been hot and didn't want to perform.  The primary music leaders came and visited Isaac.  They are so nice to do that.  After dinner Casey cut the tree house so it isn't as tall and we were able to move it.  I think it looks so much better.  We went to Karie Ann's for a bed time snack.  Love you guys.




 Things are good here. We moved down stairs into the new office today. I moved and then had to track down a longer network cable. Once I did that I got plugged in and had no network connection. So I had to track down the it guy to get the port hooked up. It took a while to find him but I did it and I am all set now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was chill I slept in. It's me and Jeramy's 2nd anniversary on the 19th so I am putting together a pirate ship puzzle he wanted. Then we made hamburgers for dinner with corn on the cob. I gave Luna a bath and she was so good. She didn't cry at all. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 I am glad you guys had a fun day and that you teeth are doing so well.  That is exciting.  Oliver's feet hurt last night so we didn't sleep well.  Ruth has been getting up every night and sleeping in the basement.  She is funny.  I walked this morning and we went a new way which was fun.  We did exercises for Isaac's feet and read this morning.  Ruth had princess camp and loved wearing a dress.  Oliver had a hard time drawing a hedgehog.  He had some tears but was able to finish and his teacher was proud of him.  Me and Isaac went and dropped off my Bernina to get fixed.  We stopped and got a crepe to try them.  It was fun to have some time with just Isaac.  After lunch we went swimming.  The lap pool was closed so all the big kids were in the little pool.  It was crazy.  The kids wanted to leave so we got a snow cone but they ended up swimming afterwards.  The boys had activity days this evening.  They had a really fun time.  Me and Ruth walked Tony to the park and threw the ball until we got hot.  We ended up eating a late dinner at pizza pie cafe.  Love you guys.




 We got up this morning and went and got dad some probiotics and I had to sign some stuff for the car.  Then we drove out to Lehi.  The jeep was a nice ride and we had a lot of fun.  We went to to dad's favorite sandwich place for lunch and it was good.  We walked around the taggart outlet mall and it was so nice to do some retail therapy and walk around.  We came back to Robins house and then I went and got my studs checked.  He said they are looking really good and he made the holes a little bigger and said I could eat and bit anything I wanted.  On September 15th I got back in and they start the process on making my final dentures.  It takes about 6 weeks for them to do it.  That will be so nice.  We went to dinner at a new chicken place and it was good.  We were going to Best Buy but dad just wanted to go home so we went home.  It was a really nice day.  LOVE MOM 


Today was fun mom and dad came over and we went to the mall. Their car is really nice. Then we went out for dinner. Jeramy s throat was sore so we went to Costco to pick up some medicine. Robin


 Things are going good here. It even rained for like 5 minutes this morning. It cleared out the smoke for a little but. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took up most of the morning. Then after work I came home and wrote my three page paper on affirmative action. Tomorrow I am going to read chapter 10 in my HR book on employee evaluations. I hope that you had a good day off mom and that your studs checked out good. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 12, 2021


Today was a rough start Luna didn't want to sleep last night. So I mostly slept all day with her. Hopefully she sleeps tonight and she didn't sleep all day. Lol Jeramy's friends came over today and said hi. Then we went and got pizza. We also took Jenkins and Luna on a walk. It's so hot outside even the nights are warm


 Sorry I didn't blog yesterday.  I forgot I guess.  We had a fun day with Mom and Dad.  We blew up mentos in the backyard.  The kids were all grumpy and tired this morning for some reason.  I walked and went to exercise class.  Ruth had her first day of princess camp.  Ivy is going also and we had them in the same class.  Terri got them matching princess dresses for tomorrow.  Oliver had art class and he had three friends there which made him happy.  He had fun.  We went to the jump zone this afternoon.  We ended up at chick fil afterwards for a snack.  Isaac and Casey made dinner and me and Ruth did puzzles.  We are trying to get to bed on time tonight so everyone isn't as tied tomorrow.  Good luck with school Karen.  Luna is beautiful Robin.  I am excited for your new jeep Mom.  Good job.



New car

 Dad went and picked up the car today. It is bigger than I remembered. It is nice. work was good and I went and had my first covid shot. I just kept feeling I needed to have one. So far is am doing good. We just had a quiet evening. We are going to lehi tomorrow. I have a recheck on my studs and we are going down early to play with Luna. Give the care it's first trip. Love mom


 My day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast for a Monday. After work I came home and did assignment 5 and the mid-term for project management. Now all that is left in the class is the final in that class. Tomorrow I am going to write my affirmative action paper for HR tomorrow. There is just two weeks of class and a week of finals left in the summer semester. I hope that your new car is doing good mom and dad. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 11, 2021


 So we got up and got insurance for our new car and then started heading to lehi but our car doesn't have any lehi trips left in her. So we came home and I worked and dad napped. Dad went to get the u-haul and Rachel and family came down and we got the jeep loaded and then drove it to Logan. Dad felt so much better with the jeep not parked in front of someone's home. It was so nice to visit. Robin those pictures of Luna our so cute. She is so alert. Karen I am glad you got homework done. Not too many more weeks left. I am going to trax to work tomorrow and then after work we are going to go pick up the jeep. Love mom


 My day was good. I slept in again which was nice and then after lunch I finished watching my HR lecture. That took to about dinner time. I went to Park City to deposit a check that I got for ordering flowers for the kingdom ball. While I was there I was going to get McDonalds for dinner but the drive thru lane was slow. So I was going to go in and order but the lobby wasn't open so I just went to Taco Bell instead. They were a ton faster. Then I came home and worked on an extra credit assignment for HR. I still need to write a paper for HR on whether I am for or against Affirmative action and why. It has to be 850-1000 words so about 3 pages. It is due the 25th so I due have a little time but I am going to try and get it done this week. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


This weekend was chill. We just laid low and rested. Jeramy's sister from Idaho came by tonight and visited. It was nice of her to stop by. Then I gave Luna a bath and she didn't cry. It was nice that she is warming up to bath time. Every time I wash her hair it looks more ginger. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...