Saturday, June 3, 2023


 Karen and I went to the bank to set up a savings account for my rent. Who knew you had to have an appointment.  We came home and jeramy and Robin dropped off Luna and took the couch. I was shocked but it did in their car. We were going to wheeler farm but it was crazy weather so we went to the mall. We were leaving and Robin called and said they were done so Luna had just fallen asleep so we drove down to Lehi to give her a rest. I like the green couches in their living room. Karen wanted lugi for her race set so we went to best buy and target but amazon was cheaper so she ordered it. It is a fun game. We did go to a Chinese place for dinner and it tasted good. I think all the dvds are unpacked. I put them in the black hutch and we have way to many. I need to weed some more. I have 4 boxes of duplicate movies. That tree house is awesome. Casey did an amazing job on it. Good luck staining it. I plan on unboxing maybe even hang a picture or two. Make up the bunk beds and mow the lawn. Or maybe just 😴. Love mom


 Today was good and it was nice to spend the day together.  I got up early and went to exercise class.  Casey went to breakfast with Ron and Douglas.  He had a fun time. Casey worked all day and finished the roof of the tree house.  Yea!!!  Tomorrow we are going to stain it and then it should be done.  Me and Ruth sewed the snake stuffies together.  She was excited and we had a fun time.  Oliver went to a birthday party for Ewan and he had a really good time and was so happy afterwards.  He was worried he wouldn't like the present we bought but he loved it.  I took Isaac to the store to get some things for him to make dinner.  We didn't get a cart because we needed two things and he said we should get one because we always end up getting more.  He was right and we were carrying all this stuff and laughing.  It was funny.  We helped clean up the tool in the tree house then we went hiking to show Casey the river.  It was a pretty evening.  Casey made everyone popcorn when we got home.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

Friday, June 2, 2023


 We had a fun day today.  Work went good and what I was working on turned out nice.  Isaac went to a birthday party at the ice skating rink.  He had a lot of fun but was sore afterwards.  Ruth's friend Emily picked Ruth and Oliver up and took them to story time and the park.  They had a fun time.  After work Ruth picked out a recipe to make.  Then we went on a hike on the river walk.  We had a lot of fun.  The river was really high and fast.  It was neat to watch.  We stopped at the store on the way home to get things for Ruth.  They didn't have what we wanted so we went to WinCo.  Ruth made clams for dinner and they were so good.  The little kids didn't love them so I ate all of them.  I said sorry I ate all the clams.  Isaac said you didn't eat them all and then looked at my plate full of shells and said you really did eat them all.  It was funny.  Randy called and they were watching Ivy and Lily and they wanted to play with the kids.  So we went up and mad s'mores.  Casey worked late and met us up there.  

Love Rachel


 My first week driving a new way to work. I really like my route. Work was quiet and I was ready to be done for the week. I came home and made tacos for dinner they tasted good. We went to Walmart and got a mattress top for the bunk bed. I also got some balls for luna when she comes tomorrow and also a graduation card for Jordan. We went to Jordan's graduation. It was fun to see everyone. They live close to us. Love mom


 I am glad that the weekend is here. Work was good and it only dragged a bit near the end. I was tired tonight so I was just lazy after work. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, June 1, 2023


 This week is going so fast.  Work was good. We are tracking our time on each project so they can get a cost of how much it takes to produce a product.  So we talked about that this morning.  I had my one on one also.  They did another quilting training so we hand sewed the backs of stuffies closed and talked quietly which was fun.  Oliver made dinner tonight.  He wanted to make stuffed peppers so we found a vegan recipe.  Isaac and Ruth helped and we had fun time cooking.  We put everything together and then I took the kids to piano lessons.  They got a certificate and bracelet for going for three months.  Ruth plays really fast and doesn't count and her teacher was making her count and Ruth said it was torture.  We put the stuffed peppers in the oven when we got home and that worked out great.  I didn't go to exercise class and instead me and Ruth went shopping at the hobby lobby.  She is fun to look at everything.  Then the little kids went next door to play until it got dark.  

Love Rachel


Today was good. I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday though. I signed up for a trial study at work. It's a sleep study you have to sleep using a diffuser and use their new products and they track your patterns for 3 weeks. They are giving 250 for those whole complete it all. I thought it would be good Christmas money. I go in on Monday to get my fitness tracker and diffuser. The missionarys came over tonight. They want us to go to the Saratoga springs temple open house. So we are going next Saturday at 1. If anyone wants to go they said everyone can come. 



 One of the admin was sick and another one on vacation so I sat in the front. It is hard not to be at your desk but I did get a lot done. I am so glad it is Friday tomorrow. My first week of my new commute. It isn't bad. I like leaving earlier. We are going to take Luna on Saturday so Robin and jeramy can go to the memorial service for jeramys friend. Dad hung a pole in the laundry room so we can hang clothes for laundry. It is nice. I haven't heard when my couch is coming. I am going to have to call and see what is going on. I am excited to get it. We'll enjoy Friday. Remember how much we love you all mom


 My day was good. I went to work and it went by pretty quick so that was nice. My new sofa chair came. It is nice. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day bye

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 Today was good.  I think things are going well with the kids staying home.  They seem happy.  Ruth did her laundry today and Casey helped her.  I took an hour off of work and took the kids to the dentist.  Isaac got some sealant on his new molars and Oliver had a cavity.  Work went well.  I made a folded star hot pad and it took me most of the day. A girl on my team last day was today.  She is really good at sewing and is moving to Arkansas so her husband can go to medical school.  When I got home we went to the toy store to get presents for birthday parties this week.  Isaac and Oliver both have one to go to.  We play plaghdough and went through and cleaned it up a bit.  Isaac had young men's and they went hiking and got ice cream.  He had a fun time.  I went to exercise class and they did high with black lights and that was fun.  Casey went on a run when I got back.  

Love Rachel 


 I made it to work early again and that is working out good. Work was good just busy. I went home a different way and it went well. There was road construction so it took longer to get home. I made tacos for dinner. We went to Costco and got a few things. Karen bought this Mario cart game and it is a real race car. It is ran by the switch it is pretty cool. It drives all over the house. Luna looked so cute eating ice cream. I am sorry some one bit her. Rachel I hope day two went well. I am glad tomorrow is Thursday.  Karen gets her fancy chair tomorrow. We took the couch out of her room. Dad worked on his printer today and we ordered a part that will come tomorrow. He is excited to start printing again. Love mom


Jeramys phone went off at 6 I am not sure if he set his alarm wrong or if his work chimes started early. But it woke me up, then Jenkins had to pee which woke up Luna. So we were up for the morning. A kid bit Luna really hard and she has a bite mark on her arm. They said at day care she was showing it off like her battle scar all day. At home. She would show us every 30 minutes. When I said where is your owie she would hold up her arm 😂. We went out for ice cream and Luna had a blast. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 I got up a little early and went to work. It worked out really well. Work was ok. Just same old same old. I did drop off my keys to the apartment so that felt nice. I came home and we worked on the printer room so dad can do printing. He set up my computer tonight so that was nice. He even made it run faster. I was in heaven. We did go to winco.for popsicle. It is so close to us. I am with Luna I would rather play as well. I am glad the first day of no school went well. I can't believe it is the last day of May tomorrow. I love this time of year. Have a nice Wednesday. Love mom


 The kids made it alright today.  They did everything on their list and they were happy when I got home.  Casey worked at home this morning until lunch.  Work was good.  I had meetings this morning.  They presented a new 18" pillow that is Thanksgiving themed.  The rest of the afternoon we cut kits for the date pillows.  We went to the library after I got home so they would have some new books to read.  Isaac made dinner and I helped him.  It was a involved dish that turns out really good.  Oliver is going to cook tomorrow.  I went to exercise class and their is a new schedule for the summer.  This class the teacher is legit and it was so hard.  The boys mowed the lawn while I was gone and it looks really nice.  

Love Rachel 


Thanks for the nice weekend. Last night we set up our pool and Luna swam. Then Grovers came over and their kids played in the pool too. It was fun. Luna had a fit going into daycare today. She didn't want to go. I felt the same. After work Jeramy put in mom and dad's washer and dryers. Then we just played outside. 


 Well I made it through work. Love weekends make the short week of work seem longer than usual. My day was good though. I stayed busy so it went by fast. Then I got home. Mom made dinner so that was nice. Then we got some boxes unpacked. It is starting to get organized a bit here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 29, 2023


 Wow we got a new couch. That is going to be so nice. We needed one of those. I feel asleep after dinner. Karen ordered geub hub and we tried Freddy's. It wasn't very good. Have a nice short week. Can't believe the kids do t have school. Love mom


 I am glad you got a new couch Mom.  That is exciting.  We had a really good day and it was fun to have a day off.  I walked this morning and since I didn't have to rush I went four miles.  It was nice.  We went over the chore charts and the kids were really excited and really helpful.  It went really well.  We worked out in the yard this morning.  Casey worked on the tree house all day and got half of it shingled.  It looks nice.  After lunch I took the kids swimming.  We had a lot of fun and it felt so nice after working outside all morning.  We were not great with the sunscreen and are all burned unfortunately.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel


 Things are good here. I slept in a bit. Then we met Robin and Luna at RC Willey's. I got a new couch thing for my room and mom and dad got a new couch. We were just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone has a good work week, at least it is a short one. Bye

Sunday, May 28, 2023


 It was so good to see everyone yesterday and we are amazing movers.  Love you guys.  Today was good.  We went to church and I played in primary.  Casey worked all day.  I sewed and the kids played.  I finished a little basket.  Andy is going through his stuff and he gave us two loungers for outside and a bunch of pots.  We went to Randy's for dinner and the kids had fun playing with Ivy and Lily.  I am glad we have tomorrow off.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I slept in and that felt really nice. We went to lowes and got some things we needed and then we went to the apartment and finished up. We came home and all took a nap and then just unpacked boxes. Karen did her extra room and we just unpacked boxes. It is nice to get some stuff out. It always feel more like our place. Love you all hope you got some rest love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...