Thursday, November 30, 2017


My day was good, busy but good. I am ready for it to be the weekend.  After work I came home and started laundry. Then I made spaghetti for dinner. It tasted really good. The I was a responsible adult and got my dishes done.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Black Friday

Well tomorrow the big changes are suppose to come at work.  I figure they are so disorganized and no one knows whats going on that nothing will happen.  I was so tired also today.  I even felt my body starting to fall asleep when I was doing data.  I got up and went to the bathroom.  I really needed a nap today.  I don't have a voice today so everyone didn't come too close so that was nice.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Rachel we are very flexible.  We can be any where you need us to be.  Drive safe.  LOVE MOM

One more day

Ruthie was so cute on the trampoline she is getting so big. Today was ok I'm really glad tomorrow is Friday. I am tired today, I worked a bit on towels and then I am going to bed early. It's the simple joys :) I am so glad it's the last day of November. It was a busy month.



Today was a good day.  We just played at home this morning and that was nice.  Oliver read some books to Ruth which was awesome to see them playing together.  Oliver had school and Ruth didn't nap but I had her in her crib for a bit so I did sew a little bit.  Oliver hit his head at school and was sad.  He said a cinnamon roll would make him feel better so we went and got him one and then it was a couple minutes before we had to pick up Isaac so we drove around a bit.  We went out for dinner and then went to bridgerland to fix more bikes.  We stopped at the DI on the way and goy some bikes out of the dumpster for parts.  We ended up not really doing much with the bikes but running around the dirt piles the backhoes made, it was still fun.  I tried pigtails on Ruth today and they looked cute but they look messy after a while.  Her hair has been growing.  We are leaving tomorrow around 3.  I will text you Mom when we leave and where we are eating.  I bet we end up leaving a half hour late.  Thanks again and love you guys.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I did laundry tonight and that really needed to be done.  I ended up with one of Ruth's socks.  Go figure that one out.  Today was same old same old.  I hope they make changes soon or everyone will burst.  My voice left me so I sound bad but don't feel too bad so that is good.  I am so glad that Oliver and Isaac helped with the bikes.  That is good for them to help others.  Robin, I hope that work starts becoming better soon.  I am glad you got a least one new person.  Karen, I am glad you have drugs.  Everyone have a great last day in November.  LOVE MOM

Over the bump

Today was busy but I didn't care. I was tired and I figured I can only do what I can do. I worked late I ran out of cough medicine last night and I thought I would be fine but I coughed all night so I went to the store and picked up some more. Have a good one



Today I didn't need to volunteer at Isaac school so I took the little kids to the fun park for story time.  We haven't been in a while and it was fun to go.  They had a fun time and ran all over the place.  After we picked Isaac up from school we made the chocolate pudding with gummy worms.  They just eat the gummy worms and then are done but it was fun to do.  We went on a walk and Isaac and Ruthie held hands for a long time, it was really cute.  Tonight Casey was fixing bikes for sub for Santa with the scouts.  He went there straight after work.  They didn't have any bikes for him so him and Ron ran to the DI and picked three bikes up to fix.  He called me and needed the bike pump so after dinner we went down.  We ended up staying for an hour.  Oliver loves to fix things and when he saw what they were doing he wasn't leaving.  Isaac cleaned the bikes and did a really good job.  The boys were cute with them and one was rolling Oliver all over on a chair.  It was a fun night.  We came home and it was bed time.  Love you guys.



My day has been good. Work is still trucking along. I am glad that the week is half over. After work I went to Walmart and picked up my prescription. Exciting times I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


It was a usual day at work.  Everyone stressed.  Friday hopefully some news will be given.  We met up with the Gumm Gang and Robin tonight for dinner.  We went to all a dollar afterwards and got bingo prizes and Robin got towels for Karen's work presents.  Rachel, I am so glad you got to use your Kohls cash.  I just love that.  It really is fun to spend their money.  The Shopko cash is burning a whole in my pocket.  I am excited when December 1 comes.  I am getting stocking stuffers with that money.  Karen that is sweet about your car insurance.  I think we might need to do that. Robin, I am glad the new girl is working out.  That will help you out a lot.  Well everyone have a good hump day.  LOVE MOM


I have Karen's blue bowl and Robin's clean one with the green lids that had the corn dip in it.  They are both clean and waiting to come back to you this weekend.  We switch car insurances like every other year.  They raise them and we switch to cheaper ones, it is the only way to do it.  Good job.  I had a change of plans for Friday.  The young women and men are going to see temple square lights on Friday and I have to drive.  I am going to bring the kids with me and they are going to spend the night with Mom and Dad.  I have to drive the girls back and me and Casey will come down Saturday morning.  If any one would like to see the light with us you can meet up with us and walk around.  It should be fun.  Today was good.  I babysat this morning and they were good.  We went on a walk and Oliver can run really fast compared to everyone else.  We had a quick lunch after they left and then Oliver had school.  I decided to finish up my long time gone quilt and then the quilt we sewed on Friday.  I have three sections together and I attached a picture.  After dinner we went and spent the Khols cash on Christmas presents for Casey's family.  Thanks for all of that.  I had young women's tonight and we delivered bags for a food drive.  Casey's interview was postponed till Monday and it is going to be four hours long, pretty intense.  Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.



That is a good idea Karen to change insurances. I need to do that. I feel like geico is charging me alot. I met up with mom and dad it was fun thanks for dinner. Work was busy but what is new. Have a good one



Well I got my car insurance bill in my email. It looked like a lot so I got quotes online and I found the same coverage for less than half of what nationwide was charging me. So I have switched to liberty mutual. So that is my exciting news for today. Work was good. It went by pretty quick. Rachel I left my blue bowl at your house. It had the chex mix in it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, November 27, 2017

I did it

I made it to work as well.  It was tough but I did it.  The big change it suppose to start on Friday so this week is going to be a long one.  There is an article in KSL today.  It has everyone so upset.  My stomach felt a lot better today so it is just a 24 hour thing.  I hope Ruth gets feeling better soon.  My nose would not stop running today.  Tomorrow night we are hooking up with the Gumm Gang at 6 at Italian Place.  I am going to all a dollar afterwards and pick up a few bingo prizes.  Robin, I am glad you are coming.  Not much else to report from my end.  LOVE YA MOM

Busy bee

Today was good for a Monday. The day went by so fast. I was going to sew tonight to finish my quilt but I still feel under the weather. I didn't get home till 7 from work so I just relaxed.



My Monday has been good. It is always rough going back to work after a long holiday. I was tough and even got up on time. Work was good though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I like you quilt Robin and I am impressed that you are done.  It doesn't look like the picture, you are right but I still really like it.  Today was pretty good.  I ended up not needing to babysit so we just played at home and then went to Lee's.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time there and was happy.  Isaac had a good day at school too but was starving when he got home.  Casey didn't sleep very good last night so I took the kids to the hobby lobby to run around and he took a nap.  It was fun to run around and look at everything.  Ruthie threw up when we got home so it must be that stomach bug, I am sorry you got it Mom.  It rained for most of the day and Oliver didn't think we could leave the house because it was dangerous, it was funny.  We wrapped presents last night and they look good until the tree.  It is a long time till Christmas.  I was just excited to get everything done.


Sunday, November 26, 2017


Things are good here. I ran to the store and got food also. I also got pizza hut for lunch. It tasted good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


We had a quiet day as well.  Grandma didn't want us to come down so we just vegged and then went to Walmart because I didn't have much food in the house.  They had a ton of cheap movies left so we bought some for bingo.  They had some cute Christmas kids movies.  I was surprised to see how much black friday was left.  My stomach was off all day.  If Oliver had what I have he might be justified in not feeling 100 percent over the weekend.  I sure had a nice time this weekend.  Thanks for everything.  Robin, I am glad your vacuum worked good.  I was hoping it would be OK.  My toaster seems to be good also. The pillows are pretty awesome.   I am not looking forward to work either.  I can't believe it is the last week in November. Time is going so fast.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM

Lay low

Thanks for the fun weekend. I vacuumed my place. It looks so nice now. I filled the whole canister full of dust. I might have to vacuum a few times to catch up for months of not vacuuming. I also finished piecing my quilt. It doesn't look like the picture at all. I might retry it with different colors since it didn't turn out like I imagined. I also got my comforter today. I just slept all day and relaxed. I don't want to work tomorrow.


Back to it

Thanks guys again for the fun time and spending so much time up here, love you.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night.  At 6:30 pm she said night night and go to sleep.  So we put her in her bed and she went right to sleep.  Yesterday and today Casey and Oliver have been fixing things and they hung up the Christmas lights outside.  Me and Isaac sewed a bear, we started last night and finished this afternoon.  We went to church today and it was good.  Oliver was upset so he spent the whole time in the hall, poor guy.  He also fell off a ball in his class and hurt his mouth.  I forgot Isaac had to give a talk today but they forgot who was supposed to so he ended up giving the prayer.  I taught today and that went well.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, it is so hard to get back to real life after having time off. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...