I had a really nice day. We got up early and went to Kamas. We did stock Karen's house. They had taken out the white fence and put up a higher red fence. We helped set up the kingdom ball and then met dad in park city and got him some new shoes. He went home and me and Karen dro e to Evanston and got lottery ticket. You might know a multi millionaire. 🤔 we went back to Kamas and did the kingdom ball. There weren't as many kids but it was fun. Rachel we need pictures of the cabinets. Robin, I hope you had a good day. Love mom
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Friday, September 15, 2023
Work was still tense but I am not involved so it went pretty fast. Isaac had his first teen advisor board meeting today. We dropped him off and then we went to the mall to get a pretzel and look at the light up keyboards. They were expensive so Oliver ended buying one online. We picked Isaac up and went to the church. They had a fall carnival for the primary kids. The young men made hotdogs and Isaac helped with that. Me and Casey went to the sewing retreat concert. It was a lot of fun and I really love the concert. It isn't Casey's kind of music but he was sweet to go and we had a fun time. They sang beautifully and I love it.
Love Rachel
Well I made it to work today. Just as I was getting started the magnet team called they have been trying 3 years for this certification. They are going to announce it on Wednesday. So I spent all day getting a hoodoo ready. It made the day go fast. We drove out to dinner and see Kay's condo. It is really a nice place. We went to the Crack shack for dinner. It was ok. There are a ton of stores right by her house. We are going to Kamas tomorrow. Dad is staying home. He is feeling the allergies. We are worried they are worst up there. He might meet us for lunch and get new Merrill we will see how it goes. Rachel good luck with the cabinets. If you need help let us know. Robin have a nice weekend. We are around on Sunday if Rachel doesn't need us. Love you all mom
Thursday, September 14, 2023
My day was good. Work went good. I made some instructions for how to mass change things in our erp system. I got a good job from the boss for that so I was excited about that. I did finish my first panel. I am going to work on the second one tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye
What a fun time we have had. Thank you so much. We went to the zoo today and walked around. Luna was cute. We always knew when she was ready to move on because she would say goodbye. Robin I can't believe how many people were at the convention. That is huge. They better give you a raise. I hope they tell you tomorrow. Rachel that is so sad about your boss. I can't figure that one out. She is.so nice. I am not looking forward to work tomorrow. Oh well it is just one day. We are going to go look at Kay's condo tomorrow and go to dinner. Karen finished her panel and started.the second one. Those quilts are so beautiful. What a fun time that was. Love mom
Today was not great. The head of my department was layoff this morning. She is my friend and it was a tense day. I hate it. After work was busy. Isaac wanted to do the chamber music project so he signed up but we talked to his violin teacher and she said to wait a year. But they texted and said he could audition after I explained everything. So I picked up Oliver and we ran over and he tried out. I was proud of him and he did really well so not preparing anything. Ruth and Oliver had piano lessons. Ruth passed her test and she gets a trophy like Oliver. Oliver got a pizza certificate from school so we used that for dinner. I went to exercise class and Casey went climbing. Casey is going caving tomorrow. He is nervous and excited. Thanks for the fun class yesterday. I loved it and it was so fun to spend time together.
Love Rachel
Monday, September 11, 2023
My day was good. Work was just the usual. After work me and mom went to Walmart and got some food. I took tomorrow off because it's my birthday, so I am going to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and good luck with the cabinets Rachel. Bye
It was calmer.today so that was.nice. I even got a.little bit done. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner and they tasted good. We went to Walmart to get a.few things for tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. We can wait for dinner. Karen can have a snack. I.am excited to play. Love mom
I think making files and designs are the way to go. Then you don't have to have any inventory either. Good job Robin. The cabinet delivery place called this morning and they didn't have a lift truck available so they are coming tomorrow instead which is fine. Work went well. A lady is cutting the kits for us so we got everything organized for her. Oliver forgot he had the after school program and started to walk home till he remembered and went back to school. Isaac had violin lessons so we dropped him off and picked up Oliver. Then we ran over and picked up my contacts before we got Isaac. We did homework and made dinner. I went to exercise class and I was the only one there. We still did the class and it was a lot of fun and felt good. We will try to leave tomorrow at 4.
Love Rachel
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Oh that is sad about Dorothy. She was a really nice lady. She was kind of a horder. Cleaning her house will be tough. I am glad you had a nice Sunday. That bread looks amazing. We had a lazy day. I slept in and then we went to church. Dad's neck really started hurting so we only made half of sacrament meeting. But it was nice to go. We came hone and took naps. It felt so nice. I was tired. Not much else going on with us. I am excited for you cabinets tomorrow. Getting so close to being done. Robin Luna is so cute. That is fun she is picking out her own clothes. They end up with interesting outfits. Have a nice.monday. I am taking Wednesday and Thursday off. That will be nice. Love mom
I made the sourdough bread this morning and it turned out really good. I loved it and it wasn't hard to make. We went to church and Nina Bill was looking for her Mom, Dorothy because she was supposed to lead the music. Cheri was walking in with us and she said she would go check on her. She had passed away. She was at the bottom of the stairs and they aren't sure if she fell or had a heat attack. Anyway it was really sad and I will miss her. It made me sad all day. Then the dog at the rest of the sourdough bread off the table. We can't leave anything on the table anymore because he is eating it. We went on a walk around the block to get out of the house and that was nice. We went to Randy's for dinner. Then we went to the park with Ivy and Lily and the kids had so much fun playing together. Oliver said it was one of the best days of his life. Casey has been having a good time going to caves. I haven't heard from him today so he must have gone somewhere cool. I am excited for the quilt class on Wednesday. We will be down for Karen's birthday dinner on Tuesday.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...