Saturday, August 26, 2023


 That is fun that you got a new mattress Karen, good job.  I got up at 6 to go to exercise class and some lights and I went to turn them off and Oliver was up playing the computer.  He had stayed up all night, crazy boy.  Isaac I guess stayed up till 3 and Ruth fell asleep on the couch downstairs.  They kill me.  We did weights at exercise class and that felt good and I thought I kept up with everyone.  I made a test block for my new quilt and the templates you made work perfect Robin, thank you again.  We got the kids all up late in the morning.  Ivy and Lily came over with Randy and Teri.  Kimi and Max were doing a Pokemon date.  Teri went and played the ukulele with her friends.  So we took the kids to del taco and let them play on the playground.  Then we went to Lowe's and got everything.  We got paint, a new fan and led light and the flooring.  The kids had a fun time and were really good.  Kimi, Max and Teri all came back when we got back and took the kids to the park to find more Pokemon.  Randy and Isaac stayed and helped us paint.  Everyone went home and the little kids came back and helped us.  Casey installed the fan and it looks really good.  Isaac picked it out.  We have some touch up work to do and two more lights to install.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 We got a lot done today. We shopped and I mowed and trimmed the bushes. It was nice. We did go to Walmart also and got Karen some sheets and they had such cute Halloween shirts I couldn't resist. Rachel that is neat you are making progress on your kitchen. Bet that feels nice. Robin I hope you had a nice visit with Teri. Love you all mom


 My day was good. Me, mom, and dad got up and went to look at mattresses. I found one I liked so I got it. It will be delivered Monday. Then I got some new jeans at old navy, then we went grocery shopping. After dinner mom mowed the lawn and it looks really nice. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, August 25, 2023


 Work was dead but I was stressed all day. I brought some work home because I couldn't focus. I was just overwhelmed. We did go to the doctor. My stomach has been sore. She thinks it is a virus. Give it a couple of weeks. She did give me an antibiotic for my sinus. We went to the mall after work. It was nice to walk around. Good luck painting tomorrow Rachel. Let us know if you need help. Have fun with Teri visiting. Love mom


Work was busy but made it out alive. After work I picked up groceries. Jeramy's sister came over and is spending the night. 



 Today was good.  Work is going good this week and it hasn't been too stressful.  The kids all had a good day at school.  Isaac said he was able to open his locker better.  He said finding classes and opening his locker are the hardest parts.  They get off of school early on Friday.  Casey picked them up.  Oliver went to the library with Walter and then over to his house.  Ruth and Isaac were doing things so I ironed my fabric for my new and that was really fun.  Casey had his work party tonight and elk ridge park.  They brought in food trucks and.they had bounce houses.  They gave everyone a ticket for food so it was free for us.  It was fun.  The kids loved the bounce houses and some of their friends were there so they had fun.  Then the had fireworks and they were the best ones o have seen in a while.  It was pretty amazing and they were right over us.  We had a good night.  Everyone have a good Saturday.  We are going to fix holes in the kitchen and paint it.

Love Rachel

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Luna woke up early so we watched paw patrol for a while to wake up. She found a Nutella snack thing in the cupboard. I knew it would be messy so I told her no. She would not let it go. We had to trick her at day care and she finally gave it up. I let her eat it on the way home. And as expected it was messy. Then we had dinner and rode bikes. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy's sister wants to come down and stay this weekend so we are going to just take it easy. 



 I am so glad the kids first day went so well. Yeah. They are so cute. Work was busy but trying to do two jobs has been crazy the last couple of weeks. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We met the gumm gang for dinner and kay moves on the 1st. She was so excited. Sean sold his house and bought a new house. They are moving the same time. Jeff is going to Pocatello to help. We came home and they had dumpster all over the neighborhood. We took all the trash out of the garage. We parked both cars in the garage. Kind of a tight fit but it will be so nice for winter. I don't have any plans for the weekend. I thought maybe a weekend off but if you guys want to do something I  am always game. Give the kids a weekend to rest up for a full week of school. Love you all mom

First day of school

 The first day of school went pretty good for everyone.  Isaac said it was crazy and hard to figure everything out but he did it.  He got on the bus ok and it takes him 20 minutes to get to school and 45 to get home since he is one of the last stops.  He couldn't open his locker and a teacher helped him.  He was able to eat lunch with his friends and he had a couple friends in his classes.  It was a lot to figure out and he did really well.  Oliver had a good day but was really tired after school.  He laid in his bed for a while.  Then I took every one out for some pretzels and he acted a lot better after that.  Ruth had a good day also.  She made her name in fruit loops.  She is sitting in the back by Cora.  Work is going good.  We are making poinsettia jar toppers and they are so cute.  We need twelve of them by Monday and we are almost done which is good.  The little kids had piano lessons today.  We also went to Staples to get a new lunch box for Isaac, his was too small.  Oliver loves the gaming chairs and while I was at exercise class Casey took him back and they got one.  He is really excited.

Love Rachel

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Last day of summer

 The kids start school tomorrow.  I am sad to have them go.  We went through their school supplies and got everyone organized.  I had forgotten two notebooks so we went and picked those up.  We also got some stuff for lunches tomorrow.  I got their hair cut and they all look really cute.  We walked to the park and the boys rode their bikes.  Isaac got a flat and Casey came after he was done with work to pick the bike up.  Casey and Isaac mowed the lawn and it looks nice.  Work went well today and I felt like I knew what I was doing.  

Love Rachel


 Well I made it back to work and it was a crazy day. I think the rest of the week is going to be crazy. It wore me out. The storm was amazing. It was big. Good luck with the first day of school Rachel. Robin I love your door. Wow you are amazing. The boss over the administrations assistants is in Ireland for two weeks. It is going to be a wild couple of weeks. Love mom


 It was just the same old for me as well. There was a huge thunder storm this evening. It rained like crazy. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Nothing wild today. Just same ole same ole. Last night while everyone was sleeping I put resin in my wood cut out thing. I just need hinges and then it's all done. 


Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 It was a lot of fun to meet you with Mom and Dad tonight.  We had a good time.  They loved the aquarium today, they talked a lot about it.  Surfing was a lot of fun.  It is good to have the kids home also.  Work was ok today.  I had meetings this morning.  Love you guys. 

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day. I slept in and then we went to seaquest and then we went to ogden to surf. The kids did a really good job. I was proud of them. Rachel really wiped out. She will be sore tomorrow. I am back to the real world tomorrow. I would rather play with the kids for sure. Luna was really attached to you. She is so cute. Who is taking Josh while he is home? Everyone have a nice hump day. Love mom


 My day was good. Sorry I didn't blog last night. I was hiding from a nerf attack. My day was good. Nothing too exciting here. I hope everyone is having a great week. Bye 


Today was good. Nothing wild. Jeramy made chicken fajitas because he gets home early. They found out they can let his nephew out of jail while they wait on his court date. Luna has been really attached to me lately. She's my little shadow. Drop offs at daycare have been rough. But they say after a few minutes she's over it.  A vendor had to come down to pick up samples so they took us out for lunch. It was good. I've eaten very well today lol. 

Monday, August 21, 2023


 That is beautiful Robin.  That is so fun you have a glow forge.  Thanks for giving the kids a fun day Mom.  Casey had a training this morning and left even before I went.  He said it went well.  Work was good.  We did a lot of editing today.  It takes a long time to do.  I went to Lee's after work.  I bought a rope platter to embroider on but it was too big for my machine and kept shifting.  I will have to get a smaller one and try again.  Me and Casey went out to dinner and they had a live band which was fun.  He went to bed and I went to the late excited class which is high and I love it.  See you tomorrow at 5 Mom.

Love Rachel 


 I had to do payroll this morning so the kids slept in and did printing stuff with grandpa. We went to target to get pills and then went to jimmy John's for lunch. Oliver bumped his head on the corner of a table. He had a big goose egg. We were going to the planetarium but he wanted to go home. We watched Madagascar movie and I took a nap. Grandpa bought all the movies. We watched the other two tonight. They are good. We did go to Walmart and get nerf guns. Oliver was going to get a huge one but we talked about it and said it would be fun to have more than one so we could have nerf fights. He thought that would be fun. We did have a fight tonight. He is a good aim. Karen even fought us.  We are going to play tomorrow and then head up to ogden. The kid are going surfing at 5. They like that. Luna is so cute. Those peaches looked nice. Robin u worry about Luna not eating. Isaac hardly ate anything today. I was worried about that. Well have a nice Tuesday. Love mom Robin I love your 🚪 


We ended up not going down to Provo yesterday. Everyone was beat so we just took it slow. Jeramy's boss asked if he could do the early shifts again this week. So he left early. Me and Luna were late because she has to sit for 10 hours on the potty. Work was slow but I made it out alive. Jeramy got home earlier because of the early hours. So he smoked some steaks and made dinner. It tasted good.. then we went on a walk and relaxed. I need a holder for my oils at work. So I bought this small shelf thing at the di for 2 dollars. I am making a door to go on it. I finished cutting it out. I just need to stain it. And I'm thinking of putting colored resin in the wood cut outs


Sunday, August 20, 2023


 I had such a fun time at the zoo yesterday. Thank you everyone for giving dad a nice birthday activity. The kids we so cute. We got up and went to Costco. We got them new pj's and some snacks. We went and got dry ice and are trying to freeze dry skittles. I will keep you up dated it takes 24 to 48 hours. I took the kids to the jump zone and dad and Karen took a nap. We came home and made Ramon noodle casserole. It was a hit. We went on a walk and went to the second park and it is a lot nicer. I think we will try going there more often. Rachel your kitchen is down to nothing. That wood looks so nice. Good job. Robin I hope provo was nice. Have a nice Monday. I am working from home for a few hours to do payroll and then off to play. Love mom


 It was good to spend this weekend together.  You guys are awesome.  Thanks for keeping the kids for so long.  I played the piano in primary and that went well.  Casey, Randy and Teri yesterday put down a new sub floor and it looks really good.  The microwave fell so after Casey was done working we went and got a cheap one.  We went to Randy's for dinner and it was good to visit.  Then me and Casey took Tony on a hike up green canyon.  It felt good to get out and we had fun.  Everyone have a good Monday.  It is hard to go back to work.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...