Saturday, June 24, 2017


My day was good as well. I got some stuff done around my house. Other than that it was a quiet day. Have a good one. Bye


Mom and Dad made it safe and we had a fun day.  We went to the Black Pearl for lunch which was good.  Casey and Dad worked on the Jeep for most of the day and they were able to start the engine which is awesome.  Everyone have a great Sunday.


Zzzzz... choo choo

Today was slow. I just worked at scheels. I came home and just relaxed. It was an uneventful day. Hope everyone has a good sunday. Stay cool


Friday, June 23, 2017


My day was good as well. Work went by quick and then I went grocery shopping after work. Traffic was crazy. I think everyone is going camping for the weekend. Have a great Saturday everyone. Bye

And I am off

So we don't have to take Grandma to lunch tomorrow so we are going to be lazy and then go to logan.  I am excited to play.  Work was good.  It was quiet and I got a lot done.  I am looking forward to a three day weekend.  Dad is coming home on Sunday.  I am excited we got everything worked out for food.  That was fun.  Have a wonderful weekend.  LOVE MOM


Casey wanted to work on the Jeep so he called in sick today and worked on that.  We didn't have swimming lessons today and it was a good break.  It was story time today.  Casey took Ruth to Lowes to get a multimeter and I got the boys ready for story time and he had taken the van.  So we just walked and got new books and turned in our summer reading and Casey picked us up.  It was fun and worked out.  We went grocery shopping this afternoon which is always good.  This evening we walked to the park and played and then Casey picked us up again.  Stanley was a lot happier today and more comfortable with us.  I have been having Isaac feed him carrots and apples so he will like him but he wont eat them.  So tonight I had him feed him the hay he likes and Stanley ate it from his hand and then we started to feed him the guinea pig treats and they both loved it.  We fed him for an hour and Isaac was so happy, it was fun.  I think we will will start holding him and feeding him the treats and see how that goes.  Thanks for coming up Mom, it will be fun.


Thursday, June 22, 2017


Well it was cooler here today which was nice. I remembered to put my tortilla soup in the crockpot this morning so dinner was all done when I got off work. I have been meaning to do that for a couple of days now, but my memory in the mornings in nonexistent. Work was good Nothing too wild and crazy. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a  great Friday. Bye

Later and later

I am glad that you called in Robin, good job.  The food trucks sound like a fun party, that is a good idea.  We had a good day.  We played this morning and then went to swimming lessons.  Isaac loves it and Oliver cries and cries until 5 minutes in and then he has fun.  We got bread sticks for lunch and the kids liked that.  Oliver and Ruth took a nap and Isaac played outside so I sat out their and did some hand sewing, it was a nice break.  Casey didn't feel good when he came home, I think it was mild head stoke so he laid down and I took the kids to a store to walk around.  Casey felt better and we went on the hunt for newspapers for Stanley.  Then it felt so nice outside and the kids were playing we let the play and put them to bed late.  We are excited for Mom and Dad to come up Saturday, thanks.


Called out

Today was so busy at Maggie I had to work at scheels but it was stressing me out so I just called out. I just worked an hour longer at Maggie and I got alot done. It was nice to get caught up a bit. I really didn't feel bad I didn't go to scheels. I just relaxed the rest of the night. Have a good one


New Shoes

Dad needed a new pair of shoes so we went to the mall and got him a new pair.  We had Pizza Rev for dinner and it tasted really good.  Work was good.  They had the summer party today and they had all kinds of food trucks.  It was fun.  THe weather wasn't so hot today.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  That will be nice.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

No dice

Today was alright. Megan decided to not go to California after all that. Lol but other than that work was uneventful. I had to work at scheels so I was bored. I m tired it's so hot it's hard to get comfy at night. I am glad today was the summer solstice but I'm not ready for winter to come. Although it's hot it's sunny so I'll take it:)


No bunk bed

We drove out to Ikea after work and we took the long way.  It was a lot of fun.  For sure the bunk beds won't fit in our car.  We had dinner there and it was fun to double check that.  I was going to do laundry but never got that done.  I am glad that Stanley is doing good.  Tomorrow is our summer party for Primary's and they are having lunch trucks.  It should be a lot of fun.  Have a great day.  It is suppose to cool down a little bit.  LOVE MOM

Longest Day of the year

We had a busy day which was good.  We went to a magic show at the library this morning and it was fun.  Isaac really liked it and Oliver and Ruthie were grumpy.  We had swimming lessons and Isaac is loving them and learning a lot.  He was thinking of doing swimming as a club or something.  Oliver has a really good teacher.  He is upset and crying and she calms him down and he is having fun by the end.  Isaac had martial arts and is only doing one hour now which I think it is great.   After dinner we went to IFA and got a bale of hay for Stanley.  He is doing good and was eating and drinking with us in the room today.  He gets scarred easy but I think he will keep getting more comfortable.  You guys are the best, I hope that you have a good Thursday.



Well the week is halfway over. Yeah! My day was good. Work went by really quick, so that was nice. After work I got my laundry done. Nothing exciting, but it is good to have done. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Swimming lessons went good.  Oliver didn't want to go and was crying but his teacher is so good and ten minutes into it he was having fun.  Isaac is swimming so good and learning a lot.  We swan afterwards and that was fun.  Ruthie took a nap and we hung out in the basement since it was so hot.  Casey had scout and after he came home we told Isaac we could go to pet smart to look at pets.  his rollie pollies died and he was sad.  He was so good to feed and give them water everyday he seemed ready for a pet.  We got a Guinea Pig, they are awake in the day and are good with kids.  It takes a couple of days for him to get used to his new home and then we can start petting him.  Then after a week of that we can hold him and play more.  Isaac was super excited, it was cute.




Today was good. It was funny at the end of the day the lightbulb came on for megan and she is starting to see how California is a bad idea. She is suppose to leave tomorrow so I'm not sure if she will actually go through with it. I didn't have to work tonight so I took a mini nap, it was nice. Congrats Rachel on the new addition.

Quiet day

It was a quiet day at work and that was nice.  It is so much calmer now.  I am enjoying that.  WE stopped at the grocery store on our way home.  Today is the longest day of the year.  I just love all the light.  We did stop and get a jamba juice also.  It tasted good.  It got cloudy here to Karen but I never saw any rain.  Everyone have a great hump day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here. Work is just the usual. I did get a notice that my drivers license is expiring this year,  but I could renew it online so I did that. It is thundering and lighting here right now. Hopefully it we will get some rain to go with it. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, June 19, 2017


I am tired also. My day was good though. It was warm here today. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Have a good one. Bye


Cute pictures guys, thanks.  It was a fun time and I am tired and sore too.  We had a good day.  I baby sat this morning and that was fun.  She came early so we could go to swimming lessons.  Isaac had a blast and Oliver cried the whole time.  It reminded me a lot of Isaac when he was three so I kept thinking it will get better and didn't get as stressed about it.  I had him stay in the class and his teacher was really good with him and by the end he had calmed down a little bit.  We swam afterwards and all of the kids really liked that.  I guess you can only swim until 1 and then the swimming class kids have to leave.  It was fine today but I was thinking we could go before class and swim if we wanted to swim longer.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.  We can home and gave Ruth a nap and the boys played.  Isaac had martial arts and he only wanted to go to one class which was fine.  Oliver fell asleep on the way their so I wasn't sure what to do since we had to go back out so soon so I thought I would leave him in the car and get some nuggets for Ruthie and then park in the shade at the park.  We did that and then Casey called and said he could pick Isaac up since he wasn't working over time so we went home and Oliver woke up.  This evening we watch a movie me and Casey used to watch a lot when we were dating, it is animated and Isaac liked it.  I tried to put the little kids to sleep early since their were tired but they didn't want to.  Sorry this is long winded, thanks again for the fun time.


So cute

Those pictures are so dang cute.  Thanks for taking them.  I am with Robin I was really tired today but it was so worth it.  I had such a nice time at the lake.  I think we need to do that again before summer ends.  Work was good and then Dave came over and we went over his financial stuff for his hospital stay.  I hope that swim lessons went OK.  The kids had to be tired also.  Have a great Tuesday LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun day at bear lake. I'm tired today though. It was worth it. Today was good. It was slower so I feel like I have more of a grasp on work load. I am working scheels today so it's a burning night


Sunday, June 18, 2017


I didn't take many pictures but i got dad and ruth giggling playing peek-a-boo


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...